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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 6 minutes ago, sambum said:

    And although it is slightly off topic, these "holy days" are often poorly advertised, and Immigration Offices are closed! (OK if you are an ex pat you should know these things, but a normal tourist looking for an extension?) I was subject to a ridiculous scenario a few months ago when my 90 day report date was due on a Saturday - when AFAIK ALL Immigration Offices are closed!!! 

    What do you mean "advertised"? My home country doesn't "advertise" holidays either...


    Just buy a Thai calendar. Or the free extension for your calendar app. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    My only concern right now is Cornel West.  This dude is running as a 3rd party candidate.  If he gets any traction, he'll mostly siphon votes from Biden.  Too early to tell if this guy is serious, but surely he knows that the best he could do is help Trump.

    Not the right thread for this but... 


    Cornell will open the Overton window and move Biden more towards progressive ideals. Something like Bernie in 2020.


    It's not a bad thing. 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  3. On 6/4/2023 at 8:50 AM, stoner said:

    why don't we get major corporations to help fund awareness in countries where gay pride is more of an issue than in the west ? o wait they change their advertising to meet the needs of a country they are selling products too. so any of these so called sponsors of such events in the west are nothing but hypocrites. 

    Huh? Apparently you don't know much about the "rest of the world". ????????????

  4. On 6/1/2023 at 7:00 AM, ezzra said:

    I guess an awful day thermology is in the eye of the beholder, i can think of many, many others who would love to be in the op shores right now, I'm talking about the hungry, sick and destitute and the hapless souls on this earth, but again, it is all in the eye of the beholder.

    That was your takeaway from the op's story?


    We are all aware of the horrors of this world, but, sometimes, things that affect US have a slightly more direct impact. 


    That WAS an awful day for the op. 

  5. 42 minutes ago, Don Chance said:

    Not they don't. Marijuana a dissociative drug. It will cause problems in all aspects of your life after a time.




    Subjective stories are what they are. But the fact is most long term users suffer little to no ill effects. Personally (subjective story...) I started ciggies, booze and weed around 12-13. Quit ciggies a few years ago, drink moderately, but still puff weed dawn to dusk. Great life, great family. If it works for you use it. If it doesn't don't. Who needs the government in all of this? 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, lextsy said:

    It was a point to show the same system is in place all over the world and its become pretty obvious the hate is directed at trump only not really anything else.  Much like how people used to toot their horn about how elon musk was the bees knees and now hes a scumbag righty trump supporter..

    But the same system is NOT in place all over the world. It is an "americas" thing, anachronistic now, but needed at the time in immigration-based nascent nations. 

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