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Everything posted by pixelaoffy

  1. Exactly. amazing how the non Thais lecture folk to accept it as its "part of the culture". Especially if they dont even belong to that said culture.
  2. selfish is selfish dress it up anyway you want. add to irresponsible and stupid yeah a different cuture
  3. Superior to locals by pointing out illegal parking on a footpath, and called the perpetrators selfish and the police who are yards away useless , and you call me arrogant ? Many Thais I know think Thai drivers are 'selfish ' and police are 'useless' You're the one with a mental illness
  4. Difference is Thais have given up, or never even believe they can change anything
  5. Title of posting thread could have been made for you
  6. Sums up a farang beach *** ejected and now a tirade of BS.
  7. We know your reaction in these dangerous matters. You can exit if nothing constructive to say
  8. These 'BS rules" enforced in other countries are keeping accident and death rates down .. just remember Thailand has the 2nd worst death from troad accidents per 100,000 people in the world ..25-30,000 dead at scene of accident every year
  9. Some interesting comments .some I expected . The farang brigade who trot out the same ' go to Singapore or your own country' if you don't like "selfish and dangerous " behaviour and then those who understand that rules are generally there for a purpose. I dont expect anything to change in the mindset of the indigenous population . A country where me first is as prevalent as anywhere else and even more so because enforcement and punishment is practically zero .
  10. Haha. The Thai apologist . Imagine thinking Thai police are heavy handed dealing with dangerous illegal acts.. you fantasist
  11. How pathetic the police are dealing with boy racers. Take the ***** bikes from them
  12. Pathetic little response. Dangerous selfish acts and you write this.. get a life !
  13. The selfish Drivers on dongtan beach Jomtien all along the footpath . Close to the Police station nearby that has no Interest in traffic law breaking and no law enforcement ..useless
  14. Agree.. just need to say" masks don't stop Covid spread" and "you will never defeat a covid virus or any cold virus".
  15. Live with it like any other virus. Control freaks go and live in China where they think they can eliminate the virus.
  16. The city is a mess. Glad I don t go there very often. Of course it would be more efficient and cheaper if the city employed its own staff permanently to do repairs ..but hey guess what .no money to be made because no contracts ..broken city and country
  17. Reason can't complete a job is there's no incentive..nothing in a contract when given out .. or bought for the usual.Thai way
  18. So the most city hall officials can do is 'urge'. What a joke .2 years of road dug up .using excuse of covid. I guess contracts arent written with time penalties ...more like contracts with favours for some .. Miserable failed city governance
  19. Like everything now. Making up for more than 2 years of losses so its screwing folk in every possible business
  20. Well its Pattaya. of all the dishonesty in Thailand its the Hub on the eastern seaboard .. dont trust anyone
  21. Thais will pay more for Chicken wings. Drumsticks and feet than breast. ....and don't try and figure out why
  22. CP and the Thai junta gov don't care anything about thais unless have power and influence ..worst corporate monopolies in world be that with Food, telecommunications and other industries
  23. Never took your guns away in USA. Saturated with them. Morethanthe population
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