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Everything posted by emptypockets

  1. I guess you are like a stallion. Hand feeding it three times a day.
  2. But not a big smell
  3. What if it is proven that humans are the only life in the universe? Does that make us the first our kind....or the last?
  4. Only when you grace the place with your presence.
  5. I recall back in the good old days of ISIS that they called for (I think, could be wrong) Hajj which I understood to be an invasion into infidel territory. Seems to have worked.
  6. Regardless of personal opinion of Trump he is currently the most powerful man in the world. Not even President yet. Everyone, and I mean everyone including Xi, Putin the militant Islamists and the North Korean dictator have all pulled back on the rhetoric. They all realize he is possibly just crazy enough to sort sh!t out. Can only be a good thing in my opinion.
  7. Deleted my comment as off topic
  8. Other people's hard earned cash...not his. His lifestyle is funded but Aussie taxpayers, including his regular trips to Thailand. If he gets too much pension then let Centrelink know and perhaps they will reduce it and return the money to hardworking taxpayers.
  9. And not one of the Aussie commentators from the PM down dare metion the M word
  10. All politicians are fraudsters Vote for the one you believe is less of a fraud.
  11. I don't know any young people who use Meta/ Facebook. It's a forum for oldies. Most use insta( gram) and Tik Tok They wouldn't be seen dead on Facebook
  12. Can we get some clarity on this? Is your plan to do bike ride to Europe. One way.
  13. Not much money in rocket science then. I'll encourage my grandson to be a plumber.
  14. Maybe they don't like drink and drive people?
  15. This has been 17 years in the making. In the past Mr T tried to turn Thai against Thai for his own purposes. Didn't work out too good. Now turn Thai against another group...the foreigner. A common enemy. A vote getter. He's back guys. History tells us this works quite well. The army won't care this time.
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