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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. FIRST TIME I heard them say they need to fix the drainage.

    That should have been done before the first grain of sand was moved for the 400 M BHAT beach project and that is not the first time the beach has been worked on.

    They only mention drainage on Beach Road.

    The drains need to be cleaned from the Beach, all thru Sukhumvit, all the way thru the dark side and all the way back to Route 36.

    Anything less than that is only cutting the tail off the snake.


    I was in this type of business my whole 47 yr working career.

    • Like 1
  2. Everything the OP said is correct 100%.

    After 14 yrs I feel the same but dread the logistics of making the move.

    I worked Oil n Gas 47 yrs all over the workd plus I hold a 500 Ton Captain license.

    My original plan was toretire in the Caribbean and Captain a private yacht or take fishing charters out a few days a week but the last 15 yrs of my career kept me in Australia, China, and Africa and I endsd up here.


    I would drag my _____- thru a mile of broken glass to be all set up in the Caribbean simewhere.


    To the OP. My sincere Best Wishes on your new adventure, you are making the correct move.

    There IS LIFE after Thailand

    • Like 1
  3. The __________ that use those spray guns made from 1.5 inch PVC pipe should get a yr in jail.

    I love a good time just like many, but then can shoot a powerful stream of water a good 10 meters and capable of causing injury and the dumb _________ using them will shoot u inthe face with them even if you are riding motorbike.


    One yr in Pattaya I wanted to go back there beat the ________ that shot me in the face and chest with one loaded with ice water but I know I would have gotten the worst of it.


    Songkran is really meant to gently dump a small container if water over the shoulder ofa person, not the nitwit antics that go on.

    I lived here 14 yrs and inly gone to Songkran twice and no intention of attending another.

    We usually leave Thailand from 12-20

  4. On 3/29/2019 at 2:44 PM, thecyclist said:

    Don't go to Sihanoukville anymore, have never been to elite clubs. And you're absolutely right about the rudeness of land border immigration officers :a repulsive bunch, especially at Hat Lek,where I have never crossed without getting a visa beforehand. But at other crossings you don't bargain, you just give them 30$, if they demand 35$, show them your accumulated old visas and say this one 30$,and this one 30.....And if this doesn't work, and I had to make use of this method twive, get out your smartphone, and start recording the transaction :they're scared as hell of this. After issuing the visa, the old sob IO at the Pailin border does slam your passport on the counter and looks daggers at you.

    Looking at big wigs, or their lovely offsprings, the wrong way does not only get you beaten, it can get you killed in Thailand :if you have been in Thailand long enough, you might remember the case of Chalerm Yubamrung 's adorable offsprings beating people up for looking their way in several Thonglor nightclubs, and eventually when this was getting old (and remained unpunished), shooting an uncover police officer to death. 

    One time entering Cambodia I gave him 1000 BHAT, HE handed me back my passport and gave me the......you all done look.......I asked about change......he smiled and ......you want change or u want Visa

  5. If you are going to her village. BRING MONEY.

    You will be paying for a party for the whole village.

    be lucky if only 5 figures.


    But all else aside I can tell from your post, you are about to make the typical mistake so many guys make.

    you neglected to say your age.

    If you are twice her age or more...STOP NOW.

    Do you really think a 23 yo really loves old man more than twice her age.

    If that is the case..,,,,her and the family refer to you as BUFFARO......or ATM...,,,,  


    Best advice....If you want a nice Thai lady, date one your own age

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, teacherofwoe said:

    1. Anyone lighting a forest or field gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

    2. Anyone in possession of those grim black mushrooms gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

    3. Any burn forest or field must lie fallow for 10 years.

    4. Anyone found growing crops on burnt land within a 10 year period gets 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

    5. Any company, including all directors of the board, that utilize burnt land shall have their business assets seized to pay for harm caused, and all parties shall have their personal assets frozen for 10 years and 10 years mandatory without appeal or parole.

    6. Any politician found receiving donations or accepting a lobbying appeal from a company, or representative of a company, which has been prosecuted and found guilty of any of parts 1 to 5, shall have their personal assets seized to pay for harm caused, and gets 20 years mandatory without appeal or parole.


    Problem solved if someone up there only had the balls.

    I have always been a firm believer in:


    Without penalty......expect no change.

    • Like 2
  7. You will pay a high duty for anything you bring.

    Dont bring sand to the beach.

    What special tools are you referring to?

    They have excellent tool shops here and probably at a better price than you paid for it in USA, then you will pay to ship it and pay Duty on it...........makes no sense for probably 90% of what you plan on shipping.


    Cars are expensive here and there is no negotiating like in USA........HERE THEY THINK THEY ARE doing you a big favor if they give you a 5000 BHAT (150 dollar) discount.

    For example, I bought a brand new 2016 Honda HRV for the equivalent of 31,000 dollars..........the same vehicle in USA would have been 26,000

    Here in Thailand they give you a list of 10-15  29 cent options like floor mats, paint sealing, tint your windows and things like this rather than the larger discounts we are used to getting from dealers in USA

    • Thanks 1
  8. I lived in the Middle East for 7 years and 3 of those were when stationed in Kuwait which is the hottest country in the area.

    No matter the temp in Saudi, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain........Kuwait will always be a few degrees hotter.

    You will never hear me complain about heat but ya will hear a lot if I am subjected to snow and ice.


    To answer the original question, I spell relief P O O L


    • Like 1
  9. If a TM-30 broke the poor Camels back, you are extremely fragile.

    I got one in 2015 or 16 and used the same one every time I renewed or did a 90 day report........and right now its not even required anymore..........so come back to reality........or maybe after 16 yrs its time for a location change.


    My initial retirement plan was to be in the Carribean somewhere running a private yacht or fishing charters a few days a week.

    My career was Oil n Gas but have also carried a 500 Ton Captain License since 1996.

    My last 15 yrs working were all spent in Aystralia, Africa, and China and I landed in Thailand in 2006.

    Some days I fantasize about cutting ties here and head to Carribean for my remaining years but dread the logistics of actually doing it.

    When you are drawn to the ocean........the pull is strong.

    I may have been a fish in my previous life.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

    No , please keep them apart !


    20 hours ago, chrisc38 said:

    How did i lose? If I lost one time and won a dozen other times, is that really losing?

    Having lived in Jomtien for 9 yrs and now Chiang Mai for 5......I see no correlation .........even remotely.......to Chiang Mai being anything like Pattaya and at least for my lifetime, I hope it stays that way.

    We left down there for a number of reasons and really enjoy Chiang Mai.

  11. Long gone are the days ofthe 30’s and 40’s when you could rob a bank or murder someone and just go to another state or another country and be totally anonymous.

    With technology now a days..........like someone said above the world has become a much smaller place.

    One thing that will never change.........at some point they always return to the scene of the crime.

    They return or they call a friend or family member, they make a mistake, they get recognized in a place they think no one will ever see me here.

    Whitey Bulger, the Boston Irish mob kingpin, murderer, child molester.......managed for 16 yrs until his girlfriend was recognized living in Santa Monica CA.

    Its just a matter of time with todays technology and it will be a long time before any fugitive has a 16 yr life on the lam again.

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