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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. After living in Jomtien for 9 yrs..........I have many reasons to have left and moved north 4.5 yrs ago.

    T V rules don’t allow bashing places in Thailand and I was sanctioned for it before...........if. You have lived in Pattaya Jomtien area for any amount of time.......use your imagination.


    Pattaya is a sole.....one purpose destination.

    If you just spent 28 days offshore or 8-12 weeks in the Middle East or some other crap place and you want to go drink and play and get stress relieved Pattaya is for you.


    Beyond that........there is no attraction

  2. 6 hours ago, johng50 said:

    Not according to all the aussies who have been and had a ball, and have been back numerous times.

    Cambo is alright, been 6 times.

    If you havent been before......read about it, it can be a dangerous place.

    Never stand on the street looking at your phone, it will be snatched right out of your hand.

    There is a few streets of bars that you can have a great time at and there are a few streets ya can lose ya life on.

    Like anywhere else, keep ya wits about you and ya will be ok.

    Cambo is still the Wild West and at least 30 yrs behind Thailand in many ways.


    Phils......hmmmmm Angeles is a dump, Makati is better but I hate being in Manila.........also a dangerous place at night

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. Lolololol another Buffaro being led down the primrose path to ruin.


    FULL STOP.........don’t waster your time and money.


    She will hate it there, it’s too cold, she will be very sad without her friends and family, she will miss her food.......that faux Thai crap in U K will be a big nothing to her.


    Why do u want to take her there?

    Ohhhhh just to show off your new GF that’s less than 1/2 your age?


    Yup, that’s what I thought.


    If you are smart.......you will LISTEN......YOU are on the road to ruin.

    If you aren’t too smart, you will pursue getting her a Visa for U K and if u do that..........when your lights finally come on, remember the nice guy on T V that tried to warn you it would happen

    • Thanks 1
  4. I will never understand WHY people ask a question like this here?

    All you get is uninformed opinions and negative comments.


    Google Siam Legal..........you can ask them a question, and best of all.....it’s FREE.........it gives you a sound legal answer.

    • Like 1
  5. I have lived here for 14 yrs and I will never get it.......why guys are so stupid, they are between 50 and dead and they get a young girl 1/2 or less of their age and actually think that young girl loves them........SHE DONT.........she LOVES your money and can barely TOLERATE YOU.


    They should give out a list of Do’s n Dont’s and a few NEVERS on the plane  to any single guy headed here.


    Give her a bus ticket, just to get rid of her gold digging ass, while she is gone.........disappear, get your head outta your ass and either pay as you go or get a real lady YOUR AGE.


    Do the math........let’s see......20,000 BHAT a month = short time on Soi 6 500 plus 200-300 bar fine.......so at 800 BHAT a throw that’s 25 Good Times a month, now think how that compares to your lifestyle now.


    Turn the page and move on.

    • Like 1
  6. Anyone that’s a motorbike nowhere in the world without a helmet IS AN IDIOT.

    Especially here in Thailand, approximately 60 people a day die in accidents and over 80% of that number are on motorbikes.


    I rode for 47 years and had a few accidents but hadn’t had one in 35 yrs until Oct 26 2018 in Chiang Mai.

    My helmet sustained a crack.......instead of my head.

    Completely crushed my right shoulder, it will never be the same plus other less significant injuries.

    At age 66 I saw it as my omen to hang up my helmet, when the bike was repaired I gave it to a family friend.


    Did you ever see a Thai look to the right when entering a roadway from a Soi?


    Neither have I.

    • Like 1
  7. Do you have a signed set of Terms and Conditions?

    I worked all over the world for the number 1 largest construction company in the world.

    ALL conditions clearly in writing.

    Nothing in there about changing of title.

    It clearly spelled iut work hours and compensation.

    A company is free to change your classification or terminate you for cause or just say you are “assignment complete” and their only obligation is to return you to your point of origin where they hired you from.

  8. I got prescription at one of the major private hospitals.........next time I was in Pharma Choice I asked if they had it and how much for 30 pills.

    The hospital was 4 times the price of Pharma Choice


    The Dermatoligist charges 1150 BHAT for office visit but my excellent Cardiologist only charges me 150 BHAT.

    They are all over the board some 600 some 800 and the others as I quoted, but for these O V ....I am not complaining because in USA, it is75-150 or more and the ones that are under 100 USD you can count on one hand.


    Overall its still better across the board.


    Medical system is totally __________ in America.


    If I need a Ventolin 8nhaler in Thailand, its around 250 bhat over the counter, in USA, 100-150 for the office visit just to get the prescription, then go to pharmacy and pay your 15-35 dollar co-pay depending on your insurance and wait 1-4 hrs for it to be filled or ya just come back later.


    so compared to here.......I aint complaining

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