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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Money money money, the bridge is following the money.
  2. There were no lane markings and both times I was amongst several stopped.
  3. I didn’t see any justice the last 2 times I have been stopped in UT for being in the wrong lane at a junction other than 400 being reduced to 200, the same junction the same police and the same storey. Sure that if I am stupid enough to go the same route it will be same same.
  4. I would have acted in a simular fashion put him down, get the weapon away from him, tie him up to control him or he could have put the gun wielding robber in the pond and gone to bed.
  5. My mother told me to vote for the good of the country, my father said vote for what is good for you, after failed attempts and following there advice I vote for none of the thieving cretins.
  6. Ditto, when my Mrs launch’s into a complaint i cower in the corner as I know she is bound to win, comes with living in the UK for X years
  7. Good, now let the investigation continue and we’ll done the Bib double quick time.
  8. Not suggesting but waiting with interest the final report, the reporting has been somewhat poor to say the least.
  9. A lot of mixed stories, the maid left the tap on and flooded the shop, which then turned red, the owner happened to look on cctv and saw the only member of staff had been attacked, they broke into the shop, so was the maid in the shop at the same time so as to leave the water running at the same time as the alleged incident, now a 12 year old girl is involved and face book is saying the victim and alleged American were known to each other, more to come out from this i fear.
  10. I have accounts with KTB and Bkk and it was no more than a formality to get debit cards and internet banking, no work permit thank goodness
  11. Gosh he said where did all this water come from.
  12. Nemesis Thankyou, straight to the point no sarcasm.
  13. There is a good still picture on news today from the cctv which will have seen every twist and turn regarding time etc
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