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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. The main thing is you made it back to pay the bill.
  2. Probably arrested for working illegally. It would be an occupation reserved for Thai's.
  3. Money Number One in Thailand. They will take anyone's and everyone's money here, regardless of what the global community is doing.
  4. As they looked out of their windows, I am sure they were proud and patriotic of their country.
  5. A lot of guys here have burnt their bridges back home, including family.
  6. Even IF, and that's a big TAT IF, that percentage was accurate, how many were staying in Chinese AirBnB's, and doing their Thailand trip on the cheap, living out of 7/11's?
  7. The world is heading into a global recession. The free spending western 2 week millionaires will be thin on the ground for quite a while into the foreseeable future. Do business owners buy another lease term, or walk away?
  8. So, go on the record here on this forum. Does Pattaya have and oversupply of residential property? Yes, or no?
  9. Except when there is a lot of "nice and new" being built all around your own "nice and new" then the value of your own place declines. You said "thousands" did you not? There's an oversupply for Clients 1, 2 and 3. Hence, thousands of properties on the market here. If Pattaya has a healthy property market, why are there thousands of properties on the market here?
  10. What would be your advice to the restaurant owner in the OP? She's clearly stating to the media she need the Chinese to frequent her restaurant. Is she wrong? Does she need the Chinese, or not?
  11. It's my understanding that Win riders can also be on the Bolt app. If they accept a Bolt job, they lose their position in the Win queue at their rank, but they can still be on Bolt. Post covid, does anyone know what these Win riders are paying for your average location rank?
  12. Correct, but in the case of "too many of this" that leads to empty buildings and commercial premises, does it not? Such derelict properties does not give the appearance of a thriving Pattaya local economy, and confidence in the market. I am glad you finally have admitted there are thousands of condo's on the market here. So on that basis, with thousands of condo's for sale here, how can Pattaya have a healthy property market? Not to mention, they keep building more. The fact that there is such an oversupply here tends to skew the demand figures, that's how much of an oversupply there is here. As a renter, it's great. Why would anyone buy with such a huge oversupply, and they keep building more. Basically, you would be buying a depreciating asset, not an appreciating asset. Ahhhh, but location location I hear you say, well, they keep bulldozing old single story properties in prime locations and build 800 condo complexes. Eg. The Base. So, what does that do to "exclusive" location? Not to mention, one day you have water views, which you paid for, then at a future date you are looking at building.
  13. So, you wouldn't say it's thriving then.
  14. "Accepted rules" are not laws. The whole reason Bolt is successful here is because it does not follow "accepted rules."
  15. It's always interesting to see how basic market forces are applied in Pattaya / Thailand.
  16. You guys post in unison, so you can speak for him. There is an over supply here in housing, retail and hospitality. You say it has no effect on the markets here. Perhaps it's you who needs to study some basic economics.
  17. Why are they having trouble renting them out? During the great covid rent reshuffle, they should have found a tenant easily, if they were priced right.
  18. How long before a high profile Russian is killed in Thailand? https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1714581/russia-war-list-of-oligarchs-dead-vladimir-putin-critics-suspiscious
  19. You have learnt many things, Grasshopper. Continue on your journey.
  20. AN member newative has clearly stated on this forum that "basic market economics" (supply and demand) do not apply to Pattaya. You have also posted of your disbelief in the "Pattaya pie" theory that the wedges can be so thin and so small, yet, every business still makes money. It seems that you can build 10,000 more condo's, build 10 new shopping malls, and build 500 more bars and restaurants here, yet this would have absolutely ZERO impact on the housing, retail, and hospitality markets here.
  21. That would mean she's trying to survive without 40% of the Chinese market. The reality is, she needs the Chinese tour groups.
  22. 2nd Road currently has the best beach in Chonburi. The sand is so fine from being driven over so much that it's better than the sand on Pattaya Beach.
  23. I reported on this a few months ago. It looked like a war zone then. Bars like Koranos had no chance of any customers. Given Soi Pothole and Soi Honey are notorious for flooding. if they decide to do the same in these soi, then many businesses on these soi will be finished.
  24. So how are the businesses here that cater to the golden egg layers going to do here in the future if golden egg layers are in short supply?
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