Correct, but in the case of "too many of this" that leads to empty buildings and commercial premises, does it not?
Such derelict properties does not give the appearance of a thriving Pattaya local economy, and confidence in the market.
I am glad you finally have admitted there are thousands of condo's on the market here. So on that basis, with thousands of condo's for sale here, how can Pattaya have a healthy property market? Not to mention, they keep building more.
The fact that there is such an oversupply here tends to skew the demand figures, that's how much of an oversupply there is here. As a renter, it's great. Why would anyone buy with such a huge oversupply, and they keep building more. Basically, you would be buying a depreciating asset, not an appreciating asset.
Ahhhh, but location location I hear you say, well, they keep bulldozing old single story properties in prime locations and build 800 condo complexes. Eg. The Base. So, what does that do to "exclusive" location? Not to mention, one day you have water views, which you paid for, then at a future date you are looking at building.