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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. You missed the part where she said the restaurant was going broke without the Chinese tours. I am sure a Chinese tour operator will approach her soon and tell her what price he wants in order to bring his tours to her restaurant. If she can't meet the price, no problem, I'm sure he will tell her his company will wait for her to go broke and then they will buy her restaurant for peanuts. As I have said before, Thailand wanted the Chinese, Thailand got the Chinese.
  2. Probably had a heart attack after they gave him the bill.
  3. Why do you say that?
  4. Leaver

    Seahorse Ferry

    Be sure to book early. There are not many rooms onboard.
  5. I was asked what diseases can be caught from eating left overs from other others utensils. I supplied a link with various diseases that are transmitted through human saliva. Simple as that. I did not comment on the amount of risk.
  6. Read my post again. I am not victim blaming. I wasn't there, but then again, neither were you. I was replying to a post where I thought beeping the Scoopy horn would not have been the cause for the escalation of violence from the offender. There must have been more that took place to cause such a reaction.
  7. And LARGE gets passed onto the consumer, which is us. We all pay "tea money" one way, or another.
  8. And be sure to lock the Bolt when you are in the bog.
  9. Bolt and Boat - same same in Thailand.
  10. Isn't everyone using Bolt?
  11. I didn't quantify the amount of risk. Just said there was a disease "issue." No argument from me on this point, but that was not the point I was making. Sure, but once again, that's not what you called me out on. You asked what disease issues there could be, and I replied. Whether such disease issues are a concern for you, or not, is irrelevant as to whether a threat of disease exists, or not.
  12. You're the one that doesn't live here. You judge how busy the bars and gogo's here are by how much traffic is on Soi Baukhao, and then admit you haven't been to Walking Street and Soi 6 for years, and then you expect readers of this forum to believe you have caught a taxi home, Bolt or otherwise, after a night out. Just another troll post from you. As another member said in another thread, your whole usernamer is just a troll account.
  13. You have never caught a bolt, have you?
  14. Maybe because many here have some tattoos that have obviously been done whilst in jail, hence, they are criminals.
  15. I didn't know him, but as I have said in another post, I would think it was his words, and possibly his actions, rather than just beeping the Scoopy horn, that has led to this incident taking place. I am certainly not a Thai apologist, and this is well know through my posts. I am not victim blaming either, because the reaction by the other driver was of course excessive, with murderous intent. I just find it difficult to believe there would have ONLY been the beeping of the motorbike horn that offended / insulted the offender. I think Neil said and / or did, more than just beep the motorbike horn. Did he deserve to die for it, of course not. Did you witness the incident?
  16. I didn't know Neil. Merely pointing out that it may have been his words that drew trouble to him that night, not the Scoopy bike horn, as others have suggested. Were you with him when this incident occurred?
  17. See previous post, or maybe you, and most other folk, put a fork or spoon or chop sticks in your mouth but, leave NO saliva on them at all.
  18. No, but there's saliva left on their eating utensils.
  19. From the OP: "using same silverware that thais had just used." In any case, there's sure to be some saliva on the bite marks left on the left overs.
  20. Random from the first page of a Google search for you. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/does-saliva-have-health-risks-3-ways-germs-can-spread/ "Rhinovirus (colds). Flu virus. Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis, or mono). Type 1 herpes (cold sores). Strep bacteria. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Cytomegalovirus (a risk during fetal development)."
  21. This is what the member said: "Have you heard of taxi's - cars." Ever caught a taxi (car) home from a night out in Central Pattaya?
  22. What about a night out elsewhere in Pattaya?
  23. Obviously, you haven't, or never have, used a taxi in Pattaya, hence, my question about getting ripped off. Once again, you show your lack of knowledge about Pattaya.
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