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Everything posted by potless

  1. " A minimum of £100,000 (or currency equivalent) This can be in savings and/or investments across all your accounts with us. " Barclays International Bank Account. I assume any stock market type investments would have to be held through their stockbroking arm.
  2. The Thai revenue department has deployed teams of experts to scrutinise the Aseannow foreign income tax threads. Apparently hoping that a poster may be able to decipher their tax rules.
  3. Was the lady referring to Thai baht being remitted to Thailand or euros that are remitted to a foreign currency deposit account in Thailand. If the money is remitted in foreign currency, I believe that you need to make a note of the exchange rate ( TT rate ?)at the close of business on the day the funds are received. For example, 5,000 euros and a rate of 40 baht per euro would be 200,000 baht. that would be the relevant figure for tax calculations irrespective of the exchange rate when you actually convert the euros to baht, which may be at a later date.
  4. Several years ago, a sibling had cataract surgery and was given 2 different eye drops to use. The eye drops I was given are "2 in 1" possibly a fairly recent innovation. The anaesthetic was also administered via eye drops.
  5. I had cataract surgery on one eye in the UK last year. After the surgery I was directed to another room where I was asked a few questions. After about 10 minutes, I asked the lady how long it would be before I could leave. She replied I could leave right away if I felt okay and so I did. No tea and biscuits. I was on a bus 10 minutes later. I was told to get in touch if I had any major problems. There was no follow up test the next day. A watery eye for a few days and eye drops 4 times a day for 2 weeks, then 3 times a day for a week and then twice a week. An examination one month after surgery. However, is the doctor suggesting that you have both cataracts done at the same time? (which I would advise against) That may be a possible reason to stay overnight.
  6. I didnt find that bird annoying either. Try the video I suggested in my earlier post.
  7. On Youtube, I put "annoying bird Thailand" into the search box. Second video down, "Asian Koel-Noisiest Most Annoying Bird-Thailand".
  8. I feel that these two posts contradict each other so I would have to say I am not clear about this.
  9. The country of origin is, as you say, important. In the UK, you would not normally pay capital tax gains on the proceeds of the sale of a property if it is your main residence. Anyone in the UK planning to sell up and retire to Thailand may wish to reconsider.
  10. I havent read all the posts on various threads but the way I currently understand it is that a large amount of money remitted to Thailand will be assessable. Let us assume a person is tax resident here and has claimed all personal allowances regarding his income. He then wishes to import 4 million baht to purchase a property (not an unreasonable sum I think). I calculate roughly a tax liability of around 972,000 baht on the 4 million baht. In order to pay that tax, he would have to import another large sum( 1 million baht plus), because that extra money would also have a tax liability. Tax on tax? Or am I wrong?
  11. Mike Listers post on page 3 (6th post down) suggests that this may not be the case any longer.
  12. Yes. I have to pay capital gains because I bought the property whilst overseas and have rented it out ever since, I have never lived in it for more than six months. I calculate I will pay UK tax of under one thousand pounds and that I will pay no Thai tax on the sale. Still, I have a fair market value price in mind which I will hold out for. Perhaps I am wrong, but I think that Ben Zioner was referring to tax that you may have to pay when you import the proceeds of the sale into Thailand. Assessable income?
  13. It moved to Thappraya road. Now named Sun Sabella and seems to adjoin the Sugar Hut. Leaving Pattaya along no.2 road towards Jomtien, go up Thappraya road until you reach the traffic lights at the top of the hill. It is just past the lights on the left behind a high wall.
  14. It may be that the authorities are a bit nervous with the large influx of Russians so they are firing a warning shot across the bows? Whether or not tourists will be aware of this "policy" is another matter.
  15. "Biff". Very appropriate name. Brits may understand.????
  16. I cant believe that any police force anywhere in the world, would instigate a possible gunfight in a hospital.
  17. Get a lawyer who knows the process and will tell you what to do and when to do it.
  18. I just did a search "barclaycard closing accounts Thisismoney.co.uk" some reasons cited were "responsible lending concerns" and also people living abroad, likely due to Brexit. Sorry cant provide the link but the article is easily found. article dated 21st May 2021. I use my Bcard when in the UK from time to time just to show activity and pay the balance in full by direct debit. They may not receive interest from me but they charge the retailer a commission I believe. I dont think there is anything for you to worry about.
  19. Absolutely right, however they know that people have had a good drink by then and may be more loose with their cash.
  20. The sheer scale of their actions made me wonder why. the only thing I could think of was that they had a major security breach and had hit the panic button.
  21. Agreed. What you will also get is an automated voice telling you all the wonderful things you can do online and that is the ultimate goal.
  22. 100% true. Other banks guilty of the same thing, closing or freezing accounts without explanation. I have been reading these stories on Thisismoney.co.uk for a few years now. Guilty as charged but you are not privy to the charges. Lunacy. More lunacy from Barclaycard who were reducing credit limits or closing accounts last year. Spring last year I get a text from Bcard telling me to ignore the previous text message. I hadnt received one. I get back to the UK in summer and read a letter saying that the decision to close my account (news to me) had been reversed but my limit was to be reduced from 3k to 1k. If I wanted to reinstate my 3k limit I had to text them the special code that came with the letter but had to do it before a certain date. I was too late for that so I rang the call centre and a helpful lady said she would contact the relevant department on my behalf and I would receive a reply in a few days. Text message reply a few days later. Request denied, try again in 4 months time.
  23. Under 24 hour police protection I hope. To me, it seems odd to announce where the victim can be found.
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