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  1. For Thais, most beans are a desert food. It's only in the last few years that red kidney beans started showing up in salads, I think. I might be wrong but I have been here 25 years now and it seemed that one day red kidney beans made the jump from sweet to savory.
  2. Having lived in Texas for many years I am an avid eater of pinto beans. I tried this brand, linked below, yesterday and I am here to tell you they are both the best and the cheapest. I had been buying my pintos from Villa in Bangkok but they just keep raising the price and it is clear the beans are a bit old. I finally went looking on Lazada and this brand claims to be both organic and grown in Thailand, I don't know if that is true but they cooked up real nice at half the price of Villa! https://shorturl.at/9LgNs I have to say the many clearly bogus reviews of the beans on Lazada did give me pause, but the proof was in the beans.
  3. Microbreweries and good beer? Nope!
  4. I think there is only one L in fueled, but that may only be in good old American (MAGA!!!) English . Other than that, I am sure the story is an accurate depiction of what happened and was not written by a moron, an imbecile, or someone desperate for clicks.
  5. I consider myself smarter than everybody!
  6. Not to hijack your thread, but I had been sort of reading about Dubai Chocolate for a few months now and was in 7-11 buying a chocolate bar and noticed that along with the other candy bars they were selling something labeled as Dubai Chocolate that was about the same size as a normal candy bar for 95 baht. I had to wonder who their market was. Anyway, back to dark chocolate. I still buy the Lindt because it is readily available. Never paid that much attention to the price, but I will now.
  7. I did it recently. No documents were required. It was a few months wait for the phone interview appointment with Manilla. The interview was only a few minutes of confirmation of what I submitted and future work plans. A few weeks after the interview I got my first direct deposit to my USA bank for 5 months back benefits, as that is how long had passed since I submitted my start date in the online application.
  8. I I agree completely about the banner and the up arrow. Why? Are there people who like that floating distraction? Maybe it is just my problem and the developers know better than me. It is their investment and their money so....
  9. No, I just recalled reading lots of complaints about delayed transfers, followed by the service being unavailable so I assumed so.
  10. I am curious if anyone lost money with the closure of Dee Money?
  11. Personally, I prefer not have any fixed stuff on my screen, but maybe that is just me. So the up arrow on the left and the bar at the bottom (now) are just annoying distractions to me. However, what do I know?
  12. Please reconsider your decision to put a banner in the bottom third of the screen. Thanks.
  13. I suggested to the owner of my condo that they install a TCL 24,000 BTU inverter that was around 18,000 baht but they said that their AC technician found TCL unreliable and they installed a Central Air inverter that they said cost 25,000 baht. I assume that that the AC installer had a bigger profit on the Central Air unit, but I am curious if Central Air has a good reputation. It replaced an absurdly big and noisy floor unit mounted on the ceiling that was also a Central Air unit. (Looked like the front end of a 62 Chevy!)
  14. I replaced an old AC in a condo I rent and it left a few large marks on the ceiling and revealed about a meter of peeling paint that had been hidden by the old AC. Is there anywhere in Bangkok I can take a large piece of the peeled paint and have them match the color so the whole room and ceiling does not need to be repainted? I am assuming I need a serious paint store, not Homepro, although I have not checked. Thanks.
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