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  1. It always amuses me that my country, the self-proclaimed greatest country that god ever created in the history of the world, has not figured out the best way to clean their asses. I did read that the great Covid toilet paper shortage woke up a few to the beauty of the bidet. On a political toilet side note, I purchased this from Lazada last night to celebrate the inauguration of the president the USA deserves.
  2. No idea what that means but have great day. 🙂
  3. No JUSMAGers here?
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 96 seconds  
  5. I have been taking it for a few years. Is it good? Does it help? No idea. :). Can't hurt I figure. I buy it from IHerb.
  6. I recently turned 65 and enrolled in Medicare although although not in part B yet. I figure with part B it may be useful for catastrophic coverage, if I can get back there. I do have Thai insurance but it is only 5 million baht and not that great. I wonder if other people have researched the best/cheapest city to go to if need be? I no longer have family ties in the USA. Thanks.
  7. I am a USA citizen but not a veteran. About 10 years ago I would occasionally go to the cafe at JUSMAG on Sathorn and enjoy cheap USA beers and good food. It was possible then to show my USA passport to enter. Is that still true? Worth going? Thanks!
  8. One of the rare times a drug is much cheaper in the USA: https://www.costplusdrugs.com/medications/tadalafil-5mg-tablet/
  9. I get it. Trump is one lucky SOB! Even as it all implodes. and/or explodes, in the next couple years, he will still be loved and praised by his sycophants and they will surely believe it was not his fault at all. Cognitive dissonance in action. They are delusional. (No offense intended!) (I'm not saying... I'm just saying...!)
  10. More often, for me, the food comes and then we sit around waiting for the rice. Either way, doh!
  11. I did just order lunch from Grab and paid with my KBank Visa debit card with no problem. This was in Bangkok. Kanom jeen nam prik 🙂
  12. Must be a fairly high percentage of Foodpanda's customers paying with Bangkok Bank debit cards. You would think they would put some kind of notice up. Same for Grab.
  13. Interesting. Yes, both Foodpanda and Grab no longer accept my Bangkok Bank Mastercard debit card, but my Kasikorn Visa debit card has been working on Foodpanda (I order every day) and I was able to add it as a payment method to Grab. I wonder what that is all about...
  14. The owner of the condo I rent has agreed to install a new AC and is willing to spend up to 20,000 baht plus installation costs. It is understandable that she wants to go cheap as the 30 year building lease is up in about 32 months and the leasehold condo building on Crown Property land in Bangkok will be demolished. I saw some TCL, Haier and a couple of other brands of 24000 BTU invertors at around this price and as cheap as 17,000 baht. Any suggestions/recommendations for specific models? Thanks. https://www.thaiwatsadu.com/th/product/แอร์ติดผนัง-Inverter-24,200-BTU-TCL-รุ่น-T-MTX-25-60403906

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