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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. I've had quite a few Thai cashiers look at me blankly with rabbit-in-headlight eyes when I've repeatedly told them what I want in Thai, only for their colleague to shout at them exactly what I said after the second or third time. But with the 6th Thai tone. The you're a complete tool tone.
  2. That's a woman??? I've been wrong all this time, there are more than 2 genders.
  3. Never. I've ordered eight spicy ducks perfectly since the day I stepped off the plane here.
  4. You cannot compute why a gas pump reading in a country famous for not resetting the pumps would show a 9 liter reading for a scooter with a capacity of 5 liters?? ???? Wow. Just wow.
  5. Maybe the English speaking gas attendant can help out poor Highlandman with basic reading and comprehension. ????
  6. It's a joke. Around tourist areas they are known to balance the pump handle in such a way it doesn't reset to zero on the pumps used for scooters. Tourist comes in on a rented scooter, either tells them to fill it up or get 100 baht of gas, it starts at say 50thb instead of 0 baht, and the attendant then gets to skim the 50 baht. Have you just arrived in Thailand or what?
  7. Ladies and gentlemen we have found the man that arrived yesterday and learned all about Thailand while propping up Dave's Bar last night.
  8. None of them ever understand my English no matter how slowly and clearly say 'The scooter's tank is only 5 liters it's impossible that you put 9 liters into it'.
  9. The lovely peaceful, calm, respectful, moral culture of the welcoming Buddhist locals.
  10. Have the school already talked to the perp and offered to reserve a position on the teaching roster for when she's 18?
  11. I'm not usually one for corporal punishment, but ..... a bullet behind the ear wouldn't seem inappropriate.
  12. They have gone from centuries of buffalo and cart to modern vehicles in 1 to 2 generations. Maybe restrict all Thai drivers to vehicles that cannot go faster than 20 miles an hour for two decades. Then 30 miles an hour for two decades, etc.
  13. What drug charge? Importing a commercial quantity of smack, or got caught with a few pounds of weed?
  14. 1. Sell your house. 2. Sell a kidney. 3. Sell your other kidney. It's going to the moon!
  15. And I bet not one girl to be seen. They come to Thailand to hang out with their Kuwaiti lads and ride lawnmower powered scooters around together. Bunch of weirdos.
  16. The OP wants a professional to spend his own time and his own money (gas travelling expenses) to travel to his home, where depending on the person, might not even be bothered being home. Then spend his own time and expertise finding and diagnosing the OP's issues. For free. And the OP is upset because he won't. It's unbelievable how entitled some people can be.
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