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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. They'd all be crouched next to the open toilet, and pointing at him 'Mhen, Mhen!'.
  2. Crazy!! Hotel, R+R, then flight in the morning!!!! The driver is desperate because of not having customers come back, or desperate to buy the speed pills they use?
  3. Phew. I almost had to talk to my wife and children there.
  4. Forget it. The idea is ludicrous.
  5. It's bigger sister, to buy instead. A single cylinder 250cc engine is for 5 year old children to learn on.
  6. People actually do all that for only 100k baht a month???
  7. Yes, there needs to be more guns. Make it illegal not to carry. More good guys with guns. ????
  8. American gangs - Drive-By Shootings. Old white Americans - Drive-Way Shootings. Thankfully the schools are safe.
  9. That means they were living together????
  10. The guy on the left. Just how small was his penis. ????????????
  11. I'd give odds of 50/50 he was living with his grandparents.
  12. 14 years old and out racing motorbikes late at night. Have the grandparents even realized he's missing?
  13. Make it a fountain where she squirts water out of her nipples at set times each day. But not a vending machine where she pushes out chocolate bars.
  14. No, it is a choice for the person to make. As with many irreversible life-changing medical operations, they should be allowed to have it done at the age of 18, if they choose to. A simple right-of-choice, the same as gender reassignment etc.
  15. Mutilating a person forever with a life-changing operation, is not 'making a medical decision', unless there is an underlying medical issue that requires such a life-changing operation. Get real.
  16. Absolutely not. If there is not a severe medical condition at play, parents (and doctors) should absolutely not be given the right to remove parts of a child that cannot consent to it. Infants don't have a religion. It is irreversible mutilation of a non-consenting human, plain and simple.
  17. Infants are non-religious. They shouldn't be tolerated, just as they are?
  18. They'd hopefully have disowned and sued you for massively diminishing their (and their partner's) sexlife, until the day that they die, because you believed in some fairy-nonsense and felt you could mutilate them forever, without their consent, because of it.
  19. There can be 'religious' without mutilating the genitals and removing the most sexually sensitive part of a male without their permission, right?? Why be tolerant of people that fiddle with little boys penises??
  20. Actually, the bands at the back of a retracted foreskin are the most sexually sensitive part of a male's anatomy. If yours was removed before you became sexually active, you've never experienced full and proper sexual sensations, and will never be able to. You also have my deepest, deepest sympathies. ????
  21. These people are sick in the head. I'll go with the number of Jingthing's postcount. If the lottery numbers go that high.
  22. So the music teacher pulls out onto the road without looking or caring in his BMW.

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