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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. Just take it to Kawasaki and get them to check it!! The cost of them doing it seems to be an issue so ask them first how much it costs to check everything. It really isn't difficult.
  2. Just saw this on the bottom of the chanote map, regarding the entrance laneway. แบ่งหักเป็นทางสาธารณะประโยชน์ Which roughly translates as separated for public use. The issue of 3 properties being shown on one chanote and whether the entrance lane is public or private have now been resolved and they're all above board. Thanks for the informative answers and information.
  3. I think it's a fantastic song. Simple, yet emotionally complex.
  4. There are 7 chanotes with property in the parcel. The front two are next to the main road (Soi 3/1). Between these two front properties there is an unpaved, unnamed lane way (no sign with a soi number on it) that enters the parcel, that is maybe 50 meters long. It then opens up and the 5 other properties are around that area. One of the front properties has a wall along the side of the lane way, the other front property has it at the front of their yard at the front of their house. This 50 meter laneway is the only access the other 5 properties have to a road. The chanote map just has a block of the 7 chanote properties, the laneway and the open area at the end of it don't exist on the chanote map.
  5. In a worst case scenario of say the owners of the front chanotes walling up the access lane. ???? Is there a right of passage law or similar in Thailand where access to a person's property cannot be blocked etc?
  6. Yes, the access lane from the main road. On the government land website checker, it doesn't have a break in the red boxes for this. It has the eight plots that form this area connected as 8 boxes, with the access lane between them, but no break in the red boxes to show the lane is separate from the chanote plots.
  7. That is excellent. It immediately shows all the land plots held by chanotes, and the 3 properties separated by red boxes as three different properties. Thanks. Just the question, do the owners of the other 2 plots also have chanotes in their possession, or this is the only official copy and they only have copies?
  8. So when a buyer has their name added to that middle plot on this chanote, they own that plot 100% without any possible ownership issues later on? And the new owner keeps this chanote, and the 2 neighbors don't hold any chanote, only copies of it? TIA.
  9. Thanks, a Thai I spoke to quickly about it said that their family has similar. Their grandmother left land to the adult children that was divided between them. That's as far as the conversation went. If the owner of the middle plot has the chanote, it means that the 2 owners either side only have copies of the chanote and not the genuine one? All three plots are legally owned by the different people? The all important question is: Does buying the middle house and having the Thai's name on this Chanote mean that they own that middle plot of land 100% and there can be no ownership issues down the line about it?
  10. The 3 plots have houses on them. The house on the middle plot is for sale. The Chanote has 3 plots, the house for sale and the 2 neighboring plots with houses on them. Why? Was it one larger plot that was divided into three? Wouldn't they each be given a new chanote for the those new plots of land, and a new chanote be given for the middle property? This shows the owners of the three plots? Or the previous owners of the middle plot? If it is for the three plots, why are they on one chanote and not separate chanotes? If a new person buys the middle plot and they are added to this chanote, they own the land of this middle plot? I've never seen a chanote with three plots shown together. TIA.
  11. We'll be having a Christmas day dinner with around 30 people, if anybody wants to come. Just leave your car keys in the bowl by the door.
  12. Why continue sleeping with men when young prostitutes can snitch out their madam for way more.
  13. Nope, getting opinions on the approximate cost first.
  14. Red brick (showing, not covered with cement or tiles) Concrete top topped with slate style tiles. The sink we like is 10k. The wooden cabinet doors are 2k each. The tiles for the counter top are 40 x 40cm. 20 tiles for the 400cm x 80 cm build are 8k. How much would materials and labor usually be for a build like this: 400cm x 80 cm straight unit. TIA.
  15. The law is there in Thai. Print it out. Put it on the desk along with the phone number of the ombudsman and a phone, then call the ombudsman and explain that you don't understand why you are being refused the yellow house book, and could they ask the officer for the explanation.
  16. Yes, that is what I mean. I prefer to buy such items at a store, so can look and feel the quality of things like hinges, seals etc. Are there any main retailers in Thailand that sell them at a reasonable price?
  17. Looking on Google shopping, the Beko looks nice, and only 7,500 THB. https://www.tradeinn.com/techinn/en/beko-csg-42010-dwn-natural-gas-cooker-4-zones---oven/137756946/p?utm_source=google_products&utm_medium=merchant&id_producte=11655532&country=th Unfortunately it needs to be shipped to Thailand, so dampens that flame. Can anybody recommend a standalone gas oven that doesn't cost the Earth, and which retailer sells them. I already have an airfryer, thank you. ????
  18. When we went to get the yellow tabien baan on a previous property I owned, the blue book was empty and they they said they needed a Thai listed on that, and listed as a house master. The legal guardian for the property owned by the minor, I believe needs to be listed as the 'manager' or 'master' of the property on the chanote. Is that correct? If the officer at the land office says it cannot be done and only a Thai can be listed as property guardian/master/manager, is there any Thai legal code that shows what can and cannot be done, that you know of?
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