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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. The last time I saw that I thought he was eyeing me. Then I realized that he had a full face tattoo, tattooed onto the back of his bald head.
  2. Lock up both sides and start afresh, with that young Bangkok guy that was was banned/arrested because people were voting for him.
  3. What's the reason for this in Thai society? Is it just a pure psychotic ego of being requested to yield for somebody doing something good, or the power of slowing down someone in need of medical assistance, or what is it?
  4. 18 M5 students? Wow. Meanwhile the school across the road has 180 M5 students being taught how to dance in bikini's in the director's sideline business.
  5. Ancient? 2000 year old art from Europe, for comparison.
  6. No change of speed, no change of direction, guess the driver was sending a message on their phone and was oblivious to everything else. Surely the police could follow the CCTV trail to see where they came from and where they went to, and get better shots of their license plate. If they cared, which they obviously don't.
  7. I think this was the driving crew the last time I took an overnight bus to Roi-Et.
  8. Any Thai national can legally own land in Thailand. However, the Department of Land can refuse to transfer land to them is they believe they are being used by a foreigner to circumnavigate Thai land laws. What is odd is that the department have said they will issue a usufruct for me on my Thai spouses land on the day of the transfer. So the land is transferred to my Thai spouses name, then I am immediately given full usufruct rights over it until the day I die, and this transfer isn't seen as being used by the foreigner to get around land laws, but transferring it into one of our son's name without any usufruct, is.
  9. Looking for information of copies of a contract, or if Land Departments usually have a form for Right of Habitation under civil code section 1412. Also, has anyone ever heard of Land Departments refusing to give a RoH to a foreigner on a property their Thai spouse just bought?
  10. After seeking legal counsel, I believe that a property transfer to one's Thai spouse with oneself being granted Right of Habitation on the same day (listed on the back of the chanote), is a system that suits. Similar to a Usufruct, except that the right of habitation cannot be transferred to a third party. With no times limit set, is lasts until death. If the property is sold (I believe it cannot be sold without your consent), you still have the legal right to live there until death, as listed on the chanote (any new owners can't really miss it). This is the civil code: https://www.samuiforsale.com/real-rights/habitation-property-rights.html This is a sample Right of Habitation contract. https://www.samuiforsale.com/other-miscellaneous/habitation-contract.html Is there any Thai version of the contract online? Does anyone have experience of doing this at the local land department? TIA.
  11. The land department has the legal right to refuse the transfer if they believe it is being done to circumnavigate the laws of Thailand. In this instance they believe the half-western child is being used by the western parent to own the land/property on their behalf. Transfer to the Thai child with foreign parent, denied.
  12. To update. All the law firms that have replied say the same thing, that the office is refusing to do it because the office view it as a foreigner getting around Thai land law to own the land/property. There isn't a law that states the land department cannot refuse to transfer to a person even if they are Thai born, to a Thai parent, with Thai ID and passport, so they can refuse if they see fit. Some of the law firms can contact the office before the transfer and request a usufruct if it is bought in the Thai parent's name, then get a usufruct immediately after. The office can also reject this if they see it as a foreigner trying to get around Thai land law.
  13. A Thai can legally leave land to a foreigner in their will. Under law the foreigner then has 12 months to sell it/transfer it to a Thai. Others report that there was no issue in being the property guardian, there isn't any law that states the guardian cannot be a foreigner.
  14. Have spoken to a lawyer, and will have a second meeting with them tomorrow. They said that the office views it the foreigner owning land/property through their child, which they refuse to do, so refuse the transfer to a half-Thai child. They said that if they do get it transferred to the child's name, that the legal guardian of the property will not be allowed to be the foreign parent by the land department. It isn't the law, but it is the 'law' of the office. I pointed out that it is refusing to transfer Thai land to a Thai born Thai national with Thai ID and passport, but apparently it seems that that is legal for them to do. Unlike other instances, it's not like going to another office is an option when the land is in that district. ???? Tomorrow's meeting will also discuss usufruct and superficies, etc.
  15. Child, born in Thailand, with one Thai parent, with Thai ID card and Thai passport. The officer at the information desk at the land office said a property purchase cannot be bought in the child's name because they have a foreign parent. Obviously this is incorrect, and when the transfer officer deals with the case at the point of transfer they will likely know that it is in fact completely legal. But to insure this I would like a copy of the Thai Land Act printed in both English and Thai. Does anybody have a source for the Thai Land act, and the section number referencing Thai minors owning land. TIA.
  16. Nooooooooooo. ???? This is the Power Ranger news that I was dreading, for a long long time. Thank you to this News Forum for keeping us people up to date with news of the 1993 Power Rangers cast.
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