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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. My grandmother is 93, has her own apartment, and drives her own car. All her sisters died around 95-96 and they were healthy up to the last few weeks/months and then went fast. I think budgeting to a certain year might lead to problems. But I agree with your points, and if I ever found myself as a quadriplegic, I would want to be able to choose death.

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  2. Beau and Darkside: They are meant as consumption devices. They are especially handy for people who are constantly traveling and have no true need for the powerful creation capabilities of your home PC or even laptop. The majority of my foreign friends do admit to using their tablets a lot when traveling and then not touching it when home.

    For the average Thai they do not need a laptop, so the cheaper tablet route is a nicer option.

    As for Apple, my 4th gen iPod was the first and last apple product I will get. Their OS updates are bloatware and slow the crap out of their devices. Almost to the point where i believe they want this to happen so you will buy a new device, and since you already bought into their walled garden of an app store, you are more likely to buy another idevice.

  3. Been there twice since I noticed this sign. The last time being last Friday. I was not stopped, both times I was with a group of Thai girls rather than alone or with other foreigners, so this might be the reason.

  4. I am quite good with conversational Thai, my tones are not the best and I make grammatical mistakes. But I know I can speak it well enough. I am a bit embarrassed about my lack of reading and writing after 7 years (only 5 in country). But then I realize that I can read a menu, and a map and have yet to really find something to truly motivate me to want to read. The only thing I feel I am missing out is on some of the Thai motorcycle forums etc.. In the 7 years here I took an initial course as part of my study abroad program and had a tutor for about 6-7 months. I find myself busy enough with work, going to the gym, and spending freetime with my friends that I keep putting further study off for later. Excuses excuses, I know.

  5. I know of a Thai situation similar like this, but without the grandparents.

    Friend of mine was married and had a kid, divorced. Then started to date another guy.

    The exhusband started to try to get back into their child's life, buying her things etc. But this died down over time and eventually he just stopped coming around.

    She married the new guy, they have been happy for years and the ex is out of the picture.

    It seemed like he had to let his presence be known, or tried to show how good he was, but he really wasn't so it didn't take too long for him to revert back.

  6. The best thing I heard last week was this:

    At school/work and a Monk was visiting and after the students bowed to him he asked. Do you know why people bow to a monk and not the Buddha statue outside of a temple? And one boys said "because the Buddha isn't real and your are" The monk responded "That's a very interesting philosophical discussion, but it's because as a monk we expose our shoulder when we bow to a Buddha statue but when we leave the temple grounds we have to cover our shoulder.

    Had a chuckle and learned something new. :)

    • Like 1
  7. While I agree that 99.99% of the forum should not be needing to be worried about the 16-18 age group, I do disagree about all this "child" crap.

    While certainly the majority of 16-18 girls are kids, typically any of those girls willing to go with an older guy know exactly what it's about. If you listen to some of their conversations or pay attention to the fashion choices of this subset, you will notice a stark difference.

    Further more, I have been in clubs plenty of times only to find out some of the girls there are underage. Plenty of them drinking, and dancing like their 20-25yr old counterparts when in reality they are 14-18.

    So calling them a child just because their age is too black and white, the reality is much more gray. And if you are closer to you young 20's be mindful of these fake ID's as I doubt your excuse will hold up in court...

    see SBK above

    As I said, subset, or a portion of the greater population (though I used poor wording with "know exactly"). As for SBK's comment it does swing both ways with, again some, of the population being more mature. My opinions, which are opinions, are formed from experience and 2 degrees in human development and family science and biology. Adolescent sexuality is an interesting, touchy, and often eye opening subject...

    I would also like to make it clear that I agree that picking up under 18 year olds or even trying to find the youngest girls possible to fulfill some fantasy is just skeevy and just because some of these girls are willing, doesn't make it any better.

  8. It seems it did only apply to cheaper bike alarms. Though I found a few thread about Xena alarms just being snapped in my search for the whole superglue thing. However, my guess is that while you could snap the alarm, your set up would still mean they would have to go through the rest while the alarm is going off, making it a bigger nuisance than it's worth. Hope you have way better luck this time!

  9. Not sure the CPU power of a 20k PC could compare to the Xbox One. How does a PC graphic display on a 60" TV, the same ? I was already pretty impressed with the old xbox.

    A decent PC rig would look better as the xbox one is only going to be pushing out 720p on many of it's games, which would be noticeable on a 60" TV.

    But a decent PC rig is going to cost you more than 20,000B.

    As for the PC debate, sure I love PC gaming more as the graphics are better and the modification scene is great. But sometimes you just want to play some exclusives.

    I'll be getting a console eventually, but only after they have established a nice list of exclusives and the bugs have been worked out of them. I don't want to deal with a DOA xbox or PS4 in Thailand....

  10. While I agree that 99.99% of the forum should not be needing to be worried about the 16-18 age group, I do disagree about all this "child" crap.

    While certainly the majority of 16-18 girls are kids, typically any of those girls willing to go with an older guy know exactly what it's about. If you listen to some of their conversations or pay attention to the fashion choices of this subset, you will notice a stark difference.

    Further more, I have been in clubs plenty of times only to find out some of the girls there are underage. Plenty of them drinking, and dancing like their 20-25yr old counterparts when in reality they are 14-18.

    So calling them a child just because their age is too black and white, the reality is much more gray. And if you are closer to you young 20's be mindful of these fake ID's as I doubt your excuse will hold up in court...

    • Like 1
  11. I thought I read that with alarms like the Xena you could just drop some superglue through the holes and freeze up the speaker, thus eliminating it. Is this true, or just for older models or.. ?

    You're having a laugh right?

    Why would some one pay extra money for an alarm lock, only to disable it?

    But if I were to disable the alarm, I would simply remove the battery.

    But gee, what if its solar powered? whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

    No, I was talking about potential thieves disabling the alarm themselves.

  12. Some import tuner mag ripped wout it's hybrid engine, dropped in a KA20 and not only had a massive increase in power, but also MPG...

    To me it just misses the mark on so many levels, especially since it was developed due to the love of the CRX, which is now loved as a tuner's car more than it's high mpg rating...

  13. So it's like Cosplay + LARP + Fight Club?

    For those who have no idea what I said

    Cosplay is dressing up as a character from a movie, cartoon, comic, etc. Often times it revolves around Japanese anime, but not always.

    LARP stands for live action role play, this can be large scale latex weapon battles to acting out an pen and paper roleplaying game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzYDt_wq7kY#t=110

    FIght Club, just the movie.

    BTW, they removed their video

  14. At least, Russia acts.

    Have you ever seen a Western government doing anything of importance to protect their citizens in Thailand?

    My country, like many others, issue travel warnings and give information about this and let us make up our own minds if we want to come or not.

    I don't feel that I need my government to step in and whine about conditions over here. If I felt in danger, scammed, or unhappy I would simply move away.

    (Insert shrugging smiley that TV needs)

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