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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. My goal? No, but my life has become very easy because I have integrate. 95% of my friends are Thai and outside of work I find myself speaking Thai exponentially more than English.

    There are many things that I have learned to love about this culture and have adopted them as my own, even if I am outside of Thailand. And then there are some parts of this culture that I do not wish to become a part of, so I don't.

    I have a feeling my answer would be the same no matter the country I chose to live in.

    Edit: And I know, I will always be Farang. I am not trying to be Thai, just trying to adapt my life to living in Thailand.

  2. At the most you might need to check off kids to make sure they have arrived and state what time.

    When I am approached by parents about their specific child I just tell them that I can't talk right now (more than a simple hello etc) because I have to make sure students are marked as arrived or gone and if they want to talk in depth I can set up a meeting time for them that week. I have never had a parent ask for that yet, they really just want to talk about their kid.

  3. Yes , BlackArtemis that is what I though after seeing some pricing over here.

    Even with bodybuilding.com store shipping it might be cheaper but my c/c card does not do international from here.Might just get the cellmass again as I know it works.

    Cellmass $35 Us web price...in Thailand $ 69 !

    I think if you had the bad luck of getting your shipment taxed by customs, it wouldn't be much different in price from the stores here...

    My Thai friend says with the GNC membership card and sales, he can get whey for much cheaper than the advertised price. Probably still expensive.

    We did have a TV sponsor, believe in Phuket, some time ago (was it Naiharn Gym ?) that sold supplements and gear for weight-training. Are they still here ?

    PM me for a link if you need to.

    best, ~o:37;

    mentioned them in my first post, www.PhuketHealthShop.com I can see their ad now as I type this. Looks like their prices run from 500B upwards to 3,000B per tub depending on brand and size.

  4. Haven't checked the quality, but Central department stores have gloves, Fitness Thailand does as well.

    As for creatine (might not find your preferred brand), I believe you can find it in GNC and at most gyms. There is also Phukethealthshop.com

    Stuff is expensive here, I ended up bringing 10lbs of Whey, 4lbs of creatine and 2 tubs of Jack3d over

    myself because it's almost 2-4x the price as back home.

  5. You can always prepare an "exit pass" Keep a few questions ready in you planning book or on a scrap of paper on your desk etc etc. Write down questions that would help you gauge their comprehension of the material. On those days you end up a few minutes short, pull out the questions. You can have them answer verbally or in their notebooks. You don't have to grade the answers either, but just check the percentage of students who grasped what they learn and use that info to plan your next lesson(s).

  6. Sadly, it houses some of the worst each race has to offer, but some really cool people as well. I usually end up having trouble with farangs there. Have had plenty ask me to help them score drugs after they hear me speak Thai, had a few drunken idiots want to start a fight. And while there are some attractive Thai girls there, not the norm, I wouldn't feel safe with any of them... Condoms don't prevent everything...

    Though, I know so Farang female expats here to like it because they have a better chance of being noticed by the opposite sex there.

    The worst part, is despite how much I dislike it and like other places better, I end up there quite a bit due to having some friends who frequent it and it being a central location to meet up...

  7. I made one of my own up although I'm sure someone else has thought of it.

    Nak Toora Id (instead of Nak Toora Kit).

    The idea being its more of an unsuccessful business person who runs around getting exhausted instead of doing any succesful business.

    Nak Toora Id is something I do hear Thais using when joking around about being tired about work. So your own meaning is 100% spot on.

    T-Dog: Yeah, I should have mentioned the impoliteness factor. But on another note, I always thought "Dae Dae" instead of "Jing Jing" was used for "really". I though Gah/gaw was more of a questioned word, like "mai"

    So "Poot dai mai?" would be "Ooo gaw?"

    I learned Thai properly for 4-5 months and then learned the other 90% through interaction, so I tend to mess a few things up.

  8. Some of my favorites are

    Dammit = Ha-nee ba-hoy

    You can use ba-hoy as very, as in "Ron Mak" becomes "Hon Ba-hoy" (with the R's becoming H)

    Very full = Gat tong

    Tired = Id

    Very much = Ba-lump-ah loo-ah <- gets a huge amount of laughs when a farang uses it

    And please, if I have interpreted any of these wrongs, fix my mistakes!

    • Like 2
  9. My northern Dialect is not that advanced, just a bunch of vocab words and knowledge of a few switches, like "Ror" to "Hor" etc

    But I do recall some of the language places like AUA trying to teach it and preserve it.

    Hope others can give you info on that.

    Sad to see so much of the younger generation who can't speak it...

  10. Not a dad myself, but I teach many half kids who speak Thai/English and many a third language.

    Speak whatever your native tongue is, my Thai is quite good, but if I end up having half Thai kids I won't be speaking to them in Thai until they are able to comprehend that dad doesn't pronounce everything correct and isn't the person to be learning from,

    • Like 2
  11. Oh wow, didn't realize a K20 cost so much here. Might as well stick with a DZ16, B16, B18, H22a, or B20(? from the CRV)

    I really would like to build a Celica like mentioned in this thread or a Datsun 620 pickup with a SR20DET. But I'm not in a situation to buy and build a car right now and I might be picking up a CB550 or CB750 this week...



  12. The 2x the cost would be what puts me off of a mac. Their build quality is great, their style is nice, I really hate their OS, but it's due to years of being a PC guy, not because it isn't good. But I paid $1250 for a Sandybridge core i7, 8gb of ram, 15.6" 1920x1080 screen, a 1.5gb 570 GTX and a 500gb 7200rpm hdd. With space to expand to 16gb and add in a second drive, solid state if I so wished. And now with the Ivybridges out and the 670 GTX there is even more bang for the buck as they are around $1300.

    Also, if you want to research it, many desktop builders chose the i5 over the i7 because there wasn't enough of a difference to justify the cost, especially since they overclocked to roughly the same speeds.

  13. as I am starting to get close to moving to live in Thailand full time again, my thoughts have also been thinking of a smallish fast and fun ride on a budget.

    This looks an fairly straight forward way to get a bit more power from a new Honda jazz or city for realistic money, 2500 auz$ = about 80k baht plus shipping and tax


    For me the base car would have to be manual, would do a brake, suspension and wheel and tyre upgrade to handle the extra power safely but nothing to over the top as I prefer the idea of a Q car.

    More expensive but more power would be dropping a k20 into it - done here in LoS already.

    Check out the taxes first before bringing in products. A customised turbo kit here would be 100K with good quality parts. Check out "VSR tuning" on facebook - they can give you an idea on costs.

    I like that idea, but lets cut some weight!



    Shit video, but they have managed to shove a K20A into a Brio and make 213whp (75 who coming fom all the extra gauges) wish they had some highway pulls.

  14. So, I went and I found a few changes since last year (recently moved back to Thailand).

    It is now 199Baht and not the closer to 300B price.

    I believe sodas are 10b a bottle now and not free, but we didn't get charged for them anyways?

    I didn't see any beef and they were much slower to replenish things than before. THis slowness might have been a result of it being so packed. It was a Saturday on a holiday weekend and everyone just got paid.

    The only thing I really dislike about moo gata is that it seems to rudest most unintelligent savages frequent it.

    People have no perception of others when they talk and will physically push each other out of the way. The worst actions seem to be centered around shrimp, Thai's seem to get very aggressive and greedy when it comes to hording prawns at a moo gata. Not enough of a problem for me not to return though

  15. You are all referring to Sukontha (spelling).

    I also like the offerings at Na maw, the front of CMU.

    Choom-pa has gone down hill, on the corner of the moat the way to Fabrique.

    Chang Puak is OK

    and there is a Nua gata near Montfort, it's run by an islamic family so no pork.

    and funny enough, as I was typing this my Thai friends said, Lets go to Sukontha!

    Soooo, I'm off!

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