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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. I couldn't find any either, so I am going with a homemade alternative. You CAN get latex here for cheap, it's just not safe for skin and eye contact, I will use it for making intestines.

    You can use PVA glue such as TOA brand, but the layers and thin and it takes a long time to dry. I tried making wounds with the glue and tissue, but wasn't patient enough and when I went to begin to rip the wound open it got all mushy.

    The other alternative I will be attempting tomorrow is equal parts flavorless gelatin, water and glycerine. There are youtube tutorials on how to do this.

    As for fake blood, corn syrup and food dye, add corn starch for scabbing and clotting effects. Also mix it in with Vaseline for a wet sticky looking wound.

    The pic is me at halloween last year in the US, used liquid latex, needed to make the raw flesh more stick and less flat looking. We'll see how it goes this year.


  2. Used to feel the same as OP, but then i just stopped giving a shit. I'm at a hotel near Suk 4 before I am off to Burma and there are tons of "couples" as the Op described. Do I want that for myself? No, not at all. But if they're two consenting adults, so be it. And if the guy gets taken advantage, well that's his own dam_n fault. In this day and age of the internet stories of disgenuine bar girls swindling farang for money are only a mouse click away. They either know what they are getting themselves into or deserve it for going in blind.

    All in all, other than having to deal with it as I walk past, it is of no consequence to me. I have a far bigger problem with the young idiots in wife beaters and boarding shorts who act like Thailand has no rules, as I am closer to age with them, I get labeled with that BS.

    • Like 1
  3. Graduated Uni in the US and promptly became a low paid ESL teacher after a semester abroad here.

    Loved teaching after 2.5 years of it so I went back to the US

    Worked crap jobs due to being slammed with credits.

    Graduated Dec 2011 certified in 7-12 Biology and after teaching in the US for a semester I was back in Thailand in April.

    I'm 30 and my only real jobs have been in Thailand. It's been a weird road, but I've enjoyed it.

  4. Lived in both of them. I lived in the square one in 2006 and I faced the mountain, I was either on the 3rd or fourth level. I never felt that the room got too warm. The rooms are a decent size, but the stairwells are dark and dank. There can be a smell to them too. You will get roaches there. I didn't have a problem with noise or anyone there. It wasn't a bad experience renting there, but I don't think I would buy there.

  5. I have seen 2 plated Honda Chaly's in 5 years. 1 when I was moving back to the US and one that wasn't for sale. 30-40k for a plated one I hear. For insurance reasons I may get a Chinese copy for 30k and swap over all my parts to the plated frame and see if that would work. I could then assemble the chinese parts on the original frame and sell that for 80% of what I bought the chinese bike for...But right now I am looking at CB400SS, Cb450, 550, 650, 750's, SR400/500's and other bikes. I WILL be waiting for on with a plate to come my way.

  6. Good


    The whole registration situation is horrible. There are tons of people willing to pay a realistic fine or tax to make their bike legal. But a 70,000B emissions test is one of the stupidest hoops to jump through. In stead of a crack down, come up with a ladder system based on engine size and have a leniency period first. IE 50-100cc bikes pay 5-10,000 Baht to be legalized, 400cc bikes pay 30,000 etc etc.

    Lots of classic bikes 20-40 years old that people would love to make legal but realistically cannot.

    • Like 1
  7. What has always worked well for me was to, do as you said, make a militarized zone. But I would only keep this up for the first few weeks and gradually release the reigns. Once students tested the boundaries, I would come back down hard. I would always make realistic consequences and always follow through. Students quickly learn that they can push to a certain extent. Now, I am also very friendly and flexible with the students and they quickly realized we could all have a lot of fun and maintain order. Did this work for everyone? No, and it never will. But what I did make it enjoyable for the majority of the class to the point that they would keep the joksters in line. I had no qualms about coming down on those kids either, whether that simply meant ignoring their cries for attention through negative means or loading them up with extra work or responsibilities. It's not always a sure thing as to what is going to work with what student.

    Now I have the majority of my experience teaching in the Prathom age group and have only briefly taught highschool students in the US, not Thailand.

    It's a live and learn profession, I would say that if you are excited to go back to 60 Matayom kids next semester, then you are enjoying the profession. Add that to the fact that you are actively looking to be a better teacher and I think you have nothing but improvement in your future.

    • Like 2
  8. Love them, have none.

    Parents provided very ell for me growing up, I was quite spoiled. One thing I was asked was to "please never get a tattoo" it's a small way I can repay them for all the great things they did for me. If it means that much to them, then I can live without them.

    But all that said, some tats are just awful. Why not pay a pro top dollar for something you will have for life.

    • Like 1
  9. Jesus, I speed around on 100cc and I outpace most people. 170's and low 70s Kg

    That's on the Dream. My old Chaly had a dream and a piston from a Cheer and it did fairly well against most other bikes.

    Curious to see what my new Chaly will do with 110cc from a Nice.

    Weightloss is just as good as HP gains :)

    • Like 2
  10. 10 years ago Vang Vieng was a must see if you like out of the way places with character,culture and an unspoiled environment.

    Things have changed dramatically for the worse. The local market,close to the river, was replaced by bars,there has been easy access to drugs and it is mostly frequented by the younger brigade to get off their faces.I haven't been back but my daughter has after our original visit 10 years ago and was shocked by the degredation of the area.I think Black Artemis comments, from her accounts, were pretty spot on. 3 young people have drowned in the last 2 years coming down the river on car tubes or diving . All,according to reports were either under the influence of alcohol and /or drugs.How it got so far out of control in a country that has a Government which is pretty unforgiving is anyones guess. Give it a miss, plenty of alteranatives.

    Try 6 deaths since January.

    And I'm young and love to have a good time. My problem is these schmucks come in for a few weeks and add to the negative farang stereotype, then up and leave. And i am left having to deal with it, cause I'm young and white, so I must be the same! That's where my negative attitude comes from.

  11. i see vang vieng direct advertised all over the tourist areas in the little roadside travelagencies-

    they looked like minivans on the pics-

    i would go through the effort and actually look at the vehicle with my own two eyes-

    it is well worth the trouble-

    please satisfy my curiosity-why vang vieng

    what is it people do there?

    They get shitfaced drunk and high on shroom shakes and weed and then go rafting and ziplining into the water.

    Honestly, I have never been there, but I have heard countless stories of how "awesome" it is.

    You can get high and drunk and float down the river, hang out with a bunch of other 20 somethings who are exploring the world by staying in a tightknit area, going on some treks and pissing off the locals by showing little to no respect to customs and culture.

    It's a shame, cause it looks amazing in the many pictures I have seen, after the recent deaths (drunks who can't swim or dive into shallow areas) there is an attempt to shut things down and curtail it. We'll see if it sticks or not.

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