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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. You could end up spending as little as 5000B for something like an automatic Honda Dio

    10-20k on a Honda Dream, Wave, or Yamaha Mio

    Most newer scooters are 30-60k brand new.




    Both the Dio and the Mio are fully automatic, the Dream/Wave can be had in a semi auto, meaning you just need to click your foot up or down to change gears, no squeezing a clutch.

    The Dio is going to be the slowest by far with only a 50cc engine

  2. Was it a pain in the ass organising the visa from Laos? You should be okay organising it from the states. I've heard if you have an employer who can organise your Non Imm B visa before you arrive in Thailand then it is easier than trying to get it when you're here.

    Good luck anyway!

    Yeah, I umm had to take some measures into my own hands...

    Immediately, the schmuck who was there was making life hell for any Farang, didn't matter the nationality. He would nitpick over documents while letting any other race go easy. When ever a school needed to talk to this guy he wouldn't accept other people's phones, the schools had to give HIM a call. Except he kept giving out fake numbers that never worked.

    When it came to my coworker and I, she got passed, I didn't. She was Filapina. But what did it was the fact that she was hired in the English Program (EP) and I wasn't so I didn't have one document that she did. He kept telling me to get it, I kept telling him I was hired to a different position and that document was not part of my packet of info...

    Long story short, I took her's photocopied it, cut it up typed it up using my info and recopied it. I get my stuff back and he doesn't even take more than a glance at it, he just wanted to give me shit. To this day I still want to knock him senseless. Well, it seems keeping cool paid of Karma wise, because when I returned back to Chiang Mai, I was told they wanted me to teach the EP program and then gave me a real copy of the document I made.

    The bus ride wasn't fun, and if you fly, don't book a return. It seemed that this guy working there LOVED to make farang miss their flights.

    low powered people in high power positions, tons of fun...

    The new school wants me to try and be there by the 22nd, but since my documents are somewhere between here and there I doubt I will get the letter in time to send to the consulate which can take 14 working days.

    Oh well, nothing to really stress over, the above story was a great introduction to me learning to just deal with things like that.

    But I am sure you will have an easier time, this was back in 2006. Just make sure you have every single piece of paper with you.

    • Like 1
  3. I just got hired and I am doing the Non Imm B now, but they also want to hire me to do a summer camp as well. I don't know if I can make that yet.

    My first job back in 2006 hired me in late March and I went off to Laos around that time. I had a pain in the ass of a time in Laos, hoping that doing it from the states will be much easier.

  4. Right now I am putting the emissions hardware back on my 2002 Mustang GT so I can sell her before returning to Thailand next month. Is she the best pony car around? No, The Fastest? No But I will miss her. She's been sitting for too long, gotta bring her back to life and make her shine.

    Maybe if the move is permanent a 1st get celica liftback with a 1uzfe will take away the pain.

    And if I move back to the US, I will pick up a 2013 Mustang GT. So it's not ALL bad.

  5. I don't think that 70k is "Thai Style" But I want to be able to save a minimal of 30k a month and still be able to afford most of the things I want.

    Ex and I were making a combined 90k in Chiang Mai and it was a very easy life. The more money I can make, the more I can save. Just wanted to know if 40k to live on is a comfortable life or not and if the chance of getting a 90-100k teaching job with, by the time I apply, 4 years of experience and being certified in the US to teach biology and soon Earth sciences.

    Just not sure if I want to leave Chiang Mai.

  6. There are much better clubs to stay out at til 5-6am.

    This is normally the time when I wake up. Am I missing something of importance? If so, I could adjust my clocks forward 5 or 6 hours (I'm allowed to stay up as long as I want) smile.png

    If dancing and drinking with 20-30something Thais is of importance to you, then yes. If it isn't, then no it's nothing to change your clocks over :P

  7. Wait..

    Are you saying I can't both complain about the US becoming a nanny state AND about Thailand not enforcing any laws when it comes to traffic, burning leaves, safety regulations or anything else?

    I hope that's not what you implied, or it would kill this forum. sad.png

    I might have, but I did such a piss poor job editing my post (didn't fully delete the first thought) that it makes little sense. I would love to say I shouldn't post until my brain has turned on fully, but then I would never post. Maybe just limit it to not posting after a long night.

    I meant to say that I hope no one here complaining about the invasive US laws ever has to deal with the police here, it will leave you missing home...

    But to state that no one should complain, well that's just insane, as you said, this forum would be dead! Myself included.

  8. Funny enough, I miss some of the "nanny state" ideals.

    Imagine if the cops gave a dam_n and motorists actually had to follow the law. Things like hit and runs, vehicle maintenance etc

    The cops here are a joke, just look at the resort towns.

    There are a few other things, but again I take the bad with the good and I am happy in Chiang Mai.

    I just think that complaining if you complain about oppressive laws etc, I hope you never really need the police in this country.

    • Like 1
  9. Been to spicy twice, once as a "I've heard waaaay too many crazy stories to not go". I promised I never would return. A few years later I did, and while they cleaned it up a bit, I quickly remembered why I promised I would never return. There are much better clubs to stay out at til 5-6am.

    Where? And not Lucky please. wink.png

    "The Wiz" under Kad Suen Kaew, Old Fashion House. I am friends with a few of the DJs and staff. 99% of the time I am the only Farang though, it picks up around midnight and gets really full around 1-2am as Monkey, Warm Up, and the rest of Nimm close shop.

    • Like 1
  10. Been to spicy twice, once as a "I've heard waaaay too many crazy stories to not go". I promised I never would return. A few years later I did, and while they cleaned it up a bit, I quickly remembered why I promised I would never return. There are much better clubs to stay out at til 5-6am.

  11. While she probably could turn a profit, she probably doesn't want to deal with the BS.

    Though, if she opened at lunch or dinner and closed at 5am she could make a good bit of profit selling drunk food.

  12. When I taught 3rd grade I didn't think of it as a 50 minute period, but rather something like 2 25 minute periods or 3 15 minute periods with some leeway.

    Kids at this age have a harder time staying on task with just one idea. They get a bit bored.

    Prepositions can be a great lesson and since you can do board work, seat work, and having the kids being active you shouldn't have too much trouble.

    Maybe pick 5 prepositions, in, on, next to, under, above, or some variation.

    You can do an intro on the board and draw examples and write it in English. Then demonstrate each one with objects.

    Move on to a game, simon says is a great game for preps at that age.

    Then finish with a brief work sheet.

    They are going to be more impressed with an ability to control the class and shift from one task to the next rather than if your prep is amazing.

    Also, don't reinvent the wheel. There are TONS of lessons online just waiting to be used and then tweaked a bit to fit your needs.

    Good luck, you'll do fine.

  13. So, I took a job up in Chiang Mai for 38500Baht a month, as I know I can make that into a minimum of 50k. I plan on saving 20-30k a month. Now I am qualified enough to teach at an international school, 3 years experience, certified in the US in biology etc etc. But I was was wondering if it was really worth it to try to start off at 70-75k in Bangkok and still try to save 30k. Is 40k enough to live on comfortably? I might eat western food 5 meals in a month, if that, and Go out on the weekends 2-3x a month dropping 500-1000B (on booze not girls :P ). After working for a few years at 70k, is it impossible to think that I could land a job making 90-100k?

    I love Chiang Mai too much though, it's hard to leave. The school I got a job with seems really interesting despite the low pay and lack of perks, but I really wanted to work there for at least a year... I may try my hand at the International schools in CM as they pay 55-65k but the positions are rare.

  14. I think that you are making a serious mistake. Your Thai university degree will not have much value in the West. One day you will realize that you need to make a living. In Thailand you will not make much of a living. In the future you may have to support a wife, and children. You are unlikely to do this well with a Thai University degree. Even with a Thai University Degree you will likely find that you have little, and likely no employment options in Thailand, or else where. You will then need to get a Western University Degree. This will double your effort, and costs. I have a great fondness for Thailand. But I have made my money, and would be considered wealthy, by American standards. You sonny are on the make. Meaning you have not made it yet. Take a course of action that will maximize your chances in what is now a highly competitive world. Don't get caught up with some romantic adventourous notion about Thailand. Look at things from an objective realistic perpective!

    This man is smart. Listen to him. I have a Bachelors in business from a good university.here in the states. If i started my own.business, i would hire someone with a degree from.a local community.college here before I would hire anyone with some Thai degree. I dont care if it is an MBA. "But, but...Mr. employer, its the.best University in Thailand! .." LOL

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Sadly this attitude is prevalent. I know for a fact that many science programs at Mahidol are rated much higher than some known schools in the states. There are reasons why some big name schools partner with these schools in fields like ecology and microbiology. But you are going to run into people who believe otherwise.

    I came here with a degree in psych and bit the bullet and moved back to the US to get my teaching degree. I even thought about doing my MSc at Mahidol, but people are right and it's looked down upon even if it doesn't deserve to be.

    But it is your life and most places don't care about your degree once you have adequate experience under your belt.

  15. Back in 2005 I was doing a semester abroad here and did a bus ride from Bangkok to Krabi. I was with a bunch of girls who never traveled outside of the US, I had cargo pants on and kept everything in one pocket against the side of the bus, the girls didn't do this and left their purses out. We all got our free snack from the bus attendant and w/i 10 minutes we were out. They didn't realize until after they got off the bus that over 6,000 baht was stolen, cash only. Luckily I had made my things too annoying to access. I am pretty sure we were drugged as I rarely sleep when I travel and I never drop off that fast. I have heard of this happening elsewhere too.

  16. In Chiang Mai we have two local bookstores that stock the books. DK and Suriwong, I don't know about other areas of Thailand.

    The only problem is the number one thing you will hear is "I want to learn to speak, I don't care about reading and writing". It's hard to explain the importance since they see many Farang speaking Thai but not reading it. I simple tell them that immersion helps and if they want their child to excel, they need to do it all.

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