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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Because there are plenty of schools/centers in and around Chiang Mai.

    I didn't do my TEFL with them, I did TEFL international and I did deal with all the whoring and boozing students while only teaching 15yr old+ students who WANTED to be there.

    I have dealt with John and Ying when they visited my school and had them take over some of my classes.

  2. Yes, but teaching Thai students is completely different than teaching a bunch of western kids or adults. One of the many reasons people fail at teaching in Thailand is because they had no preparation about how to handle Thai classrooms, teachers, and admins. People coming to Thailand with preconceived notions from the west on how things are done end up getting a rude awaking.

    Furthermore, not every person taking a Tefl is going to go out to the bars each night, avoid the islands if you want to reduce the number of people in your class who do so.

    Honestly, I recommend Seetefl, the link at the top of the page. John and Ying are professional and unlike most places where you will be giving your practice lessons to older students and adults, were as at SEE TEFl you will actually go to surrounding schools and take over a class.

    Lastly, teaching in Thailand might turn people off to teaching altogether, but it also drives others to pursue further degrees in teaching.

  3. Take a Toefl or equivalent class here, they teach you the strategies and realities of teaching in Thailand.

    If you are teaching to pay for bar tabs and extended vacation, kindly stay home, we have enough of those types of teachers pulling down the image of foreign teachers as well as the salary expectations.

  4. I have spent most of my time here since 1995 when the baht was pinned at 38 to pound..

    Petrol was 11baht a liter, hotels were inexpensive [bungalow on Koh samuii by the beach for 100 b a night and travel around the island 10 baht any distance].Food was inexpensive...

    excellent hotel room in Pattaya for 400 baht a night.Buffet breakfast 70 baht

    It is almost as expensive now to live here as it is to live in london.

    Really? Because the shittiest chain motels in the US still cost $50-60, or 1500+ Baht.

    My 4 story town house in the old city of Chiang Mai cost me $300 USD a month with utilities. In my area a one bedroom apartment is $800/month

    A plate of Thai food averages $11-14 here in the US, a 20oz bottle of coke costs $1.59

    Medical insurance is $400 a month for the two of us and cars are $2000 a year.

    But good Lord! $2.50 for a buffet breakfast and $15 to stay at a beach resort is something I'm glad I don't have to pay!

  5. There's good and bad in both, the bad outweighs the good for me. Whether it's being treated like a wallet rather than a human, huge amounts of dumbass drunken tourists, or the sex industry spilling out into the street. But that doesn't mean that everyone is scum who lives there, no matter their nationality. I decide with my wallet and my feet, but that doesn't mean I need to get on the internet and sway people to join me, I'm a big boy I can make my own decisions.

  6. The ONLY people I know who are " obsessed with Chinese Thai against Thai Thai " Are the many people that post on TV asking Why are people obsessed by Chinese Thai ? :)

    I have found they are NOT!!!! :D

    I agree with this, no idea why so many people care about other people's dating habits. As I said before Date what and who you like and tell others to shove it. You are in the relationship for you and your partner, not some person behind a computer screen.

  7. Oh I completely agree about what it takes to make a relationship last etc. I am just commenting on what trends I have seen and have experienced when dealing with the views of Thai women about bald heads (in a physical sense only) It seems to be the the OP's friend's haircut has put off many girls and their not willing to talk, thus there is no chance of either a fling or real relationship to even begin!

    My wife likes the goatee, but Jesus, all my female coworkers would just joke about cutting it off.

  8. Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

    It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

    I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

    In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

    As human beings we go by looks first.

  9. I hate beer :/ But I don't mind knocking back a few "bitch beers" (Mike's Hard, Bacardi, Smirnoff's, other malts, etc) Never really complained though. I could drop 1500B for some sort of whiskey or blend and mixers and it would last the night with a few friends. I actually really like sangsom, but none of my Thai friends have the balls to drink it in the clubs (I mean think of the loss of face!!!). 100 pipers 8 year, Shark cool bite, and coke lead to an interesting night, and it tastes pretty dam_n good too.

  10. I don't know if "normal" is a word I would use to describe myself. But while I have preferences but will toss them aside if I make a real connection. I won't take anyone who is willing and have turned down many Thai girls who have thrown them selves at me. I know I wasn't the first and I wasn't going to be the last and all those clinical pictures I had to do while writing my thesis/lesson plan on adolescent sexuality have burned into my retina! I like not waking up with new burning or itching sensations! :)

  11. I used to shave my head with a safety razor and many of my female Thai friends would ask why I did it, because it looked "mai law". My wife forbids me to do it. I Buzz cut my hair and she is fine with that, but she told me that unless I start going bald, don't shave it.

  12. Who's obsessed with whom? Thai guys are the ones obsessed with Tha-Chinese girls. Foreigners are obsessed with the dark ones. I'm even shocked when I see a foreigner with a girl deemed even slightly attractive, classy or educated by local standards. Which is a shame actually, cos it proves we're an easy bunch and they all know it :-)

    I get GRILLED by every Thai about why am I with a light skinned girl, because Farang ONLY like dark skin. It is so hard for many to comprehend. But I have noticed one thing about my Thai guy friends, and this is the idea of "spec" Thai's even use the English word "spec". The vast majority of guys I know have a type of girl who they find attractive and won't go after a girl even if she's a hair outside their "spec". Hair too short? A little bit curly? *buzzer noise* next!

    I have female Thai friends asking about what my specs are since I "went against the grain". Even for them it's hard to understand that I would date a dark skin or light skin Thai girl, That while I really dislike blond hair, I wouldn't say no to A Farang girl with blond hair. I don't want to generalize but in my experience Thai's like a nice well formed checklist to determine if a person is a match, while many Farang have the open door policy.

    Neither is right or wrong, just two different cultures.

  13. 2011-ford-mustang-GT-front-view-burnout.jpg

    400+hp/390fttq from the factory, Runs 12's in stock form and bolt on mods and tires make's it a high 11second car.

    Makes me want to trade in my 2002 GT, but I don't think I'll be able to do that for another 2-3 years. This might be my last hurrah American pony car before fully moving to Thailand.

  14. I like ivory skinned Asian girls, I don't like the darker Island girl skin tone. Would I refuse to date a girl who I clicked with but had darker skin? No. For me it is nothing more than I like Red Heads better than blonds.

    So guess what? my wife is 25% Chinese, the vast majority of girls I went after had some Chinese blood in them.

    TV posters love to get all pissy about this shit. The ones who marry dark girls love to tear down the guys who marry girls with Chinese blood as much as some guys like to use that statement in lieu of "My wife was never a bar girl".

    The truth is there are many well educated girls from well to do families with dark skin, and if you see high end karaoke bars catering to Thai men, they are full of pale skinned Thai girls...

    Date what you like, who you like and tell others to shove it.

  15. hey digibum.. i agree with you.. its " best " to meet Thai women face to face if you are in LOS..in a shopping mall, for example.. just approaching them and saying HI if they smile at you or make eye contact.. HOWEVER.. ( as Bonobo stated) if you are overseas like I was sometimes internet is the only way..if you insist on having a Thai women "waiting" for you when you get there..

    .. but face to face, at least if you are a bum man (I love Thai women's rear ends.. in fact lets expand that.. i love ASIAN women's bums )you can see their bum, which you usually can't do online. I dig a nice bum.. and I like your avatar as a result ( digibum)

    signed: internet pics sometimes gives them a bum rap

    This is the truth. hel_l even Thai guys don't do this enough. When I go out with my Thai friends the guys will just sit back and drink and talk about some of the girls but never do anything. Is the word "no" or "mai-ow" really that scary?

  16. Haha Luukchin is my Dog :)

    It's on Ratanakosin road, along with CMIS, close to Dara and Prince.

    I haven't been in Thailand for 1.5 years so the bridge names and directions aren't coming to me so quickly.

    Enter these numbers into google maps, it should highlight the building, or the row of buildings it is in.

    18.800923, 99.009067


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