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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. JFChandler: icefilms.info is both direct download (no torrents) and streaming. THough to stream you have to set up a few scripts (they tell you how).

    They have backlogs of shows too.

    You just started to watch X show, but it's 3 years old and you want to see it from the start? Just download all the episodes.

  2. Love Thai food, I love rinky dink little shops, holes in the walls, and street vendors.

    I begin to miss something carby/bready after a week or two of no farang food and a huge greasy slab of meat is great once in awhile.

    I usually end up eating 1 farang meal a week and it has nothing to do with money.

  3. Is Pet Mart that pet store a little way along from Impress Dental clinic?

    Do you need to make an appointment?

    Do you have a telephone number?

    Cheers :D

    Not sure about Impress, but they are at the last row of "new" shophouses on the canal row heading south just before you turn right to the Night Safari.

    They have remodeled and the grooming area is now smaller and feels cramped.

    Try iGroom, we just discovered them and they have a nice place.


    Where's iGroom? :D

    I posted this a few posts above...

    iGroom, it used to be called Starwood. It's across from Payap Divinity. They do a fantastic job and are cleaner and nicer than some of the salons in Chiang Mai. Tell em "Luukchin" sent you :)

  4. Great, clocked up two pages of the usual crap, with a few exceptions.

    * Why would you want to ignore her family?? Would you appreciate it if she did the same to your family?

    When you get married, you gain a family. IF your fiance has less upstanding family members AND IF she can't handle those, then don't marry her. Only marry someone with some backbone, and for whom you and your kids come first.

    EXACTLY, I love my in laws. hel_l they came and visited us during Christmas and New Years on their own dime. We'll be back in July and staying at their house and we are excited to do so.

    One of the biggest reasons I left my last Farang GF was due to the fact that her family disliked me and mine disliked hers and it was just horrible strain (both of us are happily married to different people now)

  5. TROLL, secondly, your first stated reason of why 'all' men come to Thailand, wrong. :)

    Yeah, I came over on a study abroad program... Furthermore after semesters of Sexual health classes I have so many nasty nasty images and statistics stuck in my head, walking past a girly bar makes my skin crawl, thinking of what might be crawling in them :D

  6. In the west if your sister married a rich guy, he wouldn't hand it out to the village......

    bilbobaht, I agree with a lot with what you are saying. But there are plenty of educated and well to do families that have no interest in sin sot.

    @bonobo I believe that the rates are closer to 60% now, and Christian marriages have always been statistically on par with everyone else. My cousin (Thai Christian) is in a horrible marriage (to the pastor's son none the less)and thought about getting divorced in the first few months. He cheats on her etc etc. The only reason revolving around Christianity that is influencing her stay with him is loss of face in the church community... So she pulled the typical dumbass move of getting pregnant to keep the guy at home...

  7. Not a career dead end in Thailand.... You just need the right qualifications.

    After I am done my BSED Biology and teach in the US for awhile I am more than qualified to teach at an international school. Furthermore, many of these schools offer free to discounted tuition for children of teachers. My wife starts her MS ED Early Childhood soon and will be able to make decent money as a Thai when she returns with me.

    Furthermore I plan on going further in my studies and will most likely focus on Ecology, industrial ecology, or environmental sciences which will open more doors to even higher salaries.

    I can agree that it is suicide to come with no higher degree and plan on living in Thailand for the long haul, but if you plan right things can work out very nicely.

  8. Thai Christian wife

    She owned a home and a car

    she made over 25k/monthly

    hel_l I have a degree in Human Development and Family Sciences, a big fancy word for relationships and marriage

    Educated family, majority of family have MA's etc etc

    and we still have a prenup.

    I in no way look at it as a get out free card, I didn't marry her with plans on divorcing, but I have many reasons for getting a prenup, furthermore a prenup doesn't indicate whether you love somebody less or more.

    I would have gotten one no matter who or where I married.

    Funny story, I broke up a girl before/during my study abroad program here in Thailand. She refused to ever sign a prenup if we were to get married. So since she was upset that I called it off (not over the prenup issue) she slept around with mutual acquaintances, sold off some of my things, and had my car been in her/our name she claimed she would have gotten rid of it just to piss me off. So here is a girl while in "love" saying she would never take me for all I'm worth etc etc so we don't need a prenup, but the second things went south she did as much as she could to strike back.

    This is a reoccurring story all over the world, cross cultural and economical boundaries.

  9. Multiple black and yellow banded snakes in Thailand. Some non-venomous snakes mimic the venomous ones and some venomous ones decide that the more things that think yellow and black is bad the better, so they mimic as well...

    If you are unsure, avoid it, walk backwards and call someone to deal with it if need be. Better to be out a few baht and a bit of pride than to find out necrotic or neurotoxic venom feels like flowing through your veins!

    P.S. Venomouse refers to injection, poison you ingest. Thus we are afraid of snakes and arthropods that are venomous, and don't eat poison dart frogs because they're poisonous.

  10. This kind of shit is horrible for the rest of us.

    We all have been or know people who have been taken advantage of by Thai people to varying degrees. We all know about the double standards and corruption but we ignore it for the most part and get on with our lives. Most Thais refuse to believe that this happens to Farang, even if they're the ones doing it.

    But if just one Farang smuggles drugs, kills a person, scams a Thai then it spreads like wild fire and soon we are all Drug smuggling, scamming murderers....

  11. If it's a temporary stay for a few years to have fun and make memories, sure. If the plan is to have a family, raise kids, and retire here. I would be wary. I won't say it can't be done.

    Remember, everyone here has a different standard of living. 200k/month might be extravagant for some and barely making it for others. Location also comes into play, much cheaper in Chiang Mai than Bangkok.

    200.000 Baht a month? What palace you live in ? !

    I made 70-80k/month with my wife via teaching and tutoring and sorry but it wasn't enough.

    We returned to the US to get further degrees and will return to Thailand later.

    If I return I won't have social security, a roth IRA, etc etc.

    So if I plan monthly:

    20-25K for a mortgage

    10K for Cars

    5k for internet/phones

    We plan on having children, nothing but an international school will suffice. That's 200-400k/semester. That's unless the school I work for gives free or discount tuition for children of teachers.

    30k/month in savings. That would give me roughly a few 100K USD to retire on.

    Then you have misc bills.

    I want to be able to afford trips around the world and back home for vacation etc.

    200k/month would be what I and my wife would need to be even reasonably close to the lives we are used to.

    Just because I am used to more extravagant living doesn't mean anothers life style is worse or beneath us, but I don't plan on settling :shrug:

  12. At least we've been spared the '.if you marry girls from a bar what do you esxpect. my wife, who has a doctorate from Chulalakorn' tells me that ....." responses. BUT - sure, tarts will take your money. That's how it works. If they love you lots - they won't take so much of it. And if you prove true - they might not take any at all. All of this is meticulously documented....this thread is hamster and wheel stuff.

    That's because we realize that it doesn't matter the family background when it comes to the amount of money going in and out of relationships. The bar girl factor may influence other things, but not the fact that guys seem to throw $ out.

    I think it's the fact that it feels like monopoly money. All those bright and colorful notes and their biggest note a big 1000 doesn't mean much to a foreigner. it's easy to get caught up in the "it would cost x times more in my country, I'll take it" and then buy a ton of cheaper things that add up quickly.

  13. Your English is fine. And I agree, the fees accrued in a western wedding in the west are far more than any reasonable dowry in Thailand.

    But don't forget, not all Thai families ask for Dowry.

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