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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 14 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Some doctors and nurses expressed frustration at the surge among unvaccinated patients, saying they could not understand why someone would ignore a doctor's advice to get vaccinated but then seek a medical professional's help once sick with COVID-19.

    So what? Other doctors and nurses demonstrate since months in France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere against a mandatory vaccination.

    Wonder how you manage it again and again to reply to posts without a connection to what you've quoted.

    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    1. I have no idea how you arrive at that conclusion. Vaccinations prevent illness, not cause it.

    This was not my conclusion, it might be your misunderstanding.

    You said, unvaccinated are a thread to others. OK, true. But as everybody should know now, vaccinated can get infections (and they do by very high numbers). Who's infected can spread the virus, vaxxed or not.

    to 2:

    Why should overweight people, if not genetecly caused, be treated differently to smokers and others, that you want to exclude from "free" medical care? They too produce huge costs to insurances/societies.

    And no matter if a country has a mandatory health insurance or a tax financed free health care: The unvaxxed, the smoker, the drinker and the fat fast food junkie, they all pay for the insurance or they pay tax to finance healthcare.

  3. 6 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

    Personally, I think that any unvaccinated people that find themselves in an emergency ward should pay for their own healthcare, AND be sued by any vaccinated people that can't get a bed in an emergency ward. 

    Personally I think no one should have to work to make his living, anybody should have a Tesla S and pigs should be able to fly.

    • Confused 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

     I'm also okay with denying those who choose not to be vaccinated and therefore put themselves and others at risk to be refused any treatment if they contract Covid and then want to take up valuable medical resources

    1. Vaccinated put themselves and others at risk too. 

    2. So you'd be fine if smokers were excluded from any treatment if the health problem is related to smoking. And people who drink alcohol have to be refused for a liver treatment?  Don't forget the fat ones. Why should they have the right to be treated. Everybody knows about the dangers of Adipositas.

    And before I forget: In countries with mandatory health insurance (most of Europe), all those antivaxxers, smokers, drinkers pay for themselves and others.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, champers said:

    Bad luck. You will have to do your own cooking, cleaning and laundry. Have you considered getting a maid in? Some have their own uniforms.

    Even when my GF's not imprisoned, I prefere to eat outside instead of enjoying her very limited cooking skills and luckily my condo provides a laundry service. Room maids come twice a week.

    But uniformed ones would be a temptation :-).

    As long as my favorite restaurants are not closed, I will survive ????


    I miss my son But ok I can stand a couple of days without "papa, what is this, do that, let's go there, I want to have..."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, fjb 24 said:

    The Australian response to covid was highly effective up to recently when the wheels fell off and now few countries can infect the population with corona virus better than Australia now. They have gone from virtually no COVID cases to a meltdown of cases.


    I didn't doubt that. So what has your reply todo with my post, you've quoted?

  7. It happened today:

    My GF and my son were positive on an ATK test yesterday (contact persons), today they had to show up for a PCR. No symptoms at all.

    Positive again and immedeately they were transfered to such a hospitel. They were told they'd have to stay there for at least 5 days.

    After that another "medical examination" would be done and after that, they might be sent home to quarantaine for antoher five (or 10, I don't remember) days.

    GF = Thai, son is Thai and German citizen)

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