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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. A TM 30 is required to notify immigration where a foreigner is staying. The owners or the foreigner themselves are required to do this. That is the law. Unfortunately some owners can’t be bothered. The TM 47 is used for the 90 day reporting requirement. Which is different. TM47 (Form for Alien to Notify of Staying Longer than 90 days) Foreigners who are on an extension-of-stay such as working visa, marriage visa or retirement visa are required to notify the Immigration Office regarding their current residential address every 90 days. The notification of residence of foreign nationals is made by the manager of licensed hotels according to the hotel act, owners of guesthouses, mansions, apartments and rented houses using the form TM. 30.Jul 10, 2563 BE
  2. Somehow your account got compromised . Somehow someone got the account number. All you can basically do is change the account number. From the call you received . If it was related somehow someone got access to your personal information also. You will probably never know how it happened or who was responsible. About five years ago both my credit and debit cards from the same bank in the states had false charges. Both my cards were in my possession. Never knew what happened.
  3. I don’t see the issue. Just your mainstream visitors to Thailand.
  4. This is a common issue with these cameras not just Thailand . People think they are being spied on because the cameras are pointing in a certain direction. I’m sure your neighbors are not filming your daily activities and watching it like a television show. And it might come in handy if an issue did actually happen. As for your neighbors response to you. It could have been better. Unless you have been having issues with them. Then their response and pointing of the cameras could be a different story.
  5. Yes you do have the freedom to make your own health choices. But there also has to be common sense. Health care workers need to be vaccinated to protect others because they are at much higher risk. And the people that don’t take precautions against Covid. What it comes down to, they don’t care about other people.
  6. I’m sure some come for what is mentioned in the survey. But I have visited many other countries in the past. And here it seems like most of the tourists come here for booze and partying.
  7. I don’t believe in illegal immigration. But the people that do border crossings to stay in Thailand. That’s not legit either.
  8. Funny how in the forums its more important being able to drink booze. Or the price of booze. . Bars opening until 4am. Seem to be more serious than Covid and create more serious discussions. Sad to see what some people’s priorities are.
  9. Trump believes that he did more for everyone than anyone in history
  10. I’m only going to tell you what a doctor told me at Bumrungard Hospital. I suggest you confirm with the place you got yours in your country . According to my understanding of flu vaccines and what the doctor told me. Flu vaccines are created individually according to different regions. So a vaccine given in Thailand for example, might not be suitable for America. So best to check with the doctor or clinic you received it from.
  11. Someone will be ignorant enough to adopt it. I can’t wait for part two of this story
  12. My experience with DHL and Fed Ex. Average 3 days. But could be up to 7 days.
  13. I would use Fed Ex. Seems to be more popular here. Tracking things sent by USPS overseas sometimes gets sketchy. I have used Fed Ex Bangkok to USA without any issues. I wouldn’t expect it in the opposite direction
  14. I would get more specific information from the owner or property agency if you used an agency. Because it sounds like you were in a way taken advantage of. I’m just speculating of course. But was this a last minute decision of the owner? Because you only have been living there for two months. Now all of a sudden this person decides to sell. Possibly just wanting to make some extra money until they actually find a buyer. And if there is no clause in your contract about this. It might be an issue for you. What ever is in that contract is supposed to be legally binding. But of course the legal system is different here. So if they try to remove you , it might cost you money to fight it with legal counsel.
  15. The Bank can set its own rules about mask wearing just like any private business. Of course if the business was just telling foreigners to wear masks, that would bother me. So if a person doesn’t like the rules of a business they have the option of not going there. You take it or leave it. I don’t see the big deal of having to wear a mask for a few minutes. If everyone else is required to.
  16. I’m not a big fan of Chris Christie. But the actions of his niece have nothing to do with him personally. She is an adult, not a child. And she is responsible for her own actions.
  17. The previous members that have responded have given information based on what the Medicare website says and their general knowledge. If you want definitive official answers and questions about US Law then call Medicare and ask them.
  18. I have visited Japan twice. I would think that travel to Japan would be too costly for most Thais. As the rest of the countries mentioned in the article.
  19. The anti vaccine people that makes jokes and comments. If they get a severe case of covid. They would probably cry. I don’t know what all the issue is about getting a vaccine anyway. The chances are there is a possibility to get it at no cost again like last time. I mean isn’t that why a lot of people move to Thailand. To try to get something for nothing.
  20. It also depends on the rules if you wish to renew it. For example. The state where I’m from. If your license is expired after a certain amount of time. If you want to renew it you need to take the written and road test again . Different motor vehicle rules for different places
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