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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. The consumption of alcohol always seems to be a hot topic in the forums. From such high importance, It gives the impression not much else to do in Thailand.
  2. You can paint as many lines and have as many traffic lights as necessary. Most of the issues deal with mentality. If you have a large population that don’t give a <deleted> about others. You are going to have ongoing issues. These types of people know the traffic laws and see the pedestrians. But they just don’t care.
  3. The owner of my condo rental in Bangkok contacted me yesterday . She said the manager called her and asked for a copy of my passport and TM30. Owner asked if I can give it to the manager. I have been living in this building for about a year and a half. I told the owner I submitted copies of my passport and visa to her upon moving in. I have a retirement visa. Owner said the manager told her she has no information about me. Owner then asked me to submit TM 30 to manager. I told owner she was responsible to submit the TM30 since she rented to a foreigner. I also reminded her of this just before I moved in. She said she took care of it. I then went to office to speak to manager. I asked why this all came up after a long period of time. Manager said something about immigration police last week came to the condo. Supposedly looking for a specific foreigner in the area who is not using proper documents. Manager also confirmed there is no information about me. They just know I have been living here for a while There are now notices in all the elevators regarding TM30 regulations. So maybe this is all part of crack down on foreigners. Possibly doing random checks.
  4. Up to 20 years in jail? It should be a minimum of 20 years in Jail.
  5. Before thinking about moving I would take a step back. You have very little income and not financially stable. Plus you have a family. And you seem to have other types of issues you don’t want to get into. I’m not trying to belittle you. I’m just looking at the facts. Think of what steps to take to better yourself right now. You need a plan. Not just moving to another country hoping things will work. Maybe you can get some type of counseling at no or very little cost to help you in your country. Just moving to another country in your situation is not the answer. Things might stay the same or get worse But I need to mention just out of curiosity. Is it true you are from Sweden. Because Sweden is one of the most expensive countries in the world. With all this financial hardship and little income . How have you managed to live in Sweden?
  6. Thai people don’t like confrontation. But they sure seem to react to minor issues with violence quite a bit. If you have a verbal disagreement with someone , you don’t settle it with violence. Obviously a frail mentality
  7. Yes just forget about Covid and all other things. As long as you can go to the bar, isn’t that most important? Because opening the country normally seems to focus on the nightlife. . That seems to be the main concern of a lot expats and tourists. I happen to notice. A lot of people moved here because they had issues with the western countries they lived. And they bash other western countries and the people from them. But you seem to have a lot of issues living here also. i can see if you moved here and are not happy. But not happy here and other countries ? Maybe part of the problem is with you. Ever consider that?
  8. Many of these incidents I read about are of reactions that children would have. Is this the land of smiles? Or the land of immaturity? And very common also. Such as a person having a dispute with another person. But gets four or five others to back them up . So it’s five against one. Such cowards.
  9. . This type of crime seems to happen quite a bit here according to what I see on the news. Against both children and adult females. Not only in so called bad areas. Many against family members. And rape doesn’t occur just because the guy is horny. It’s all about being in control that satisfies them.
  10. Convenient location . The only thing I would consider is that iits one of the areas that are popular for mass demonstrations.
  11. The same issue is happening in different parts of the world. But shipping issues cannot be compared with a serious medical crisis.
  12. When I lived in the states I visited Florida a few times. Only for a week at a time. I always rented a car. Never really South Florida. Last time was a week in Orlando around four years ago. It wasn’t too bad. One issue driving in Florida is. You have residents and visitors from all over the United States and abroad. So you are dealing with a wide range of driving styles and behavior. I have rarely met anyone living in Florida that was originally from Florida. And it’s not worse that Thailand.
  13. Could be real. In this day and age anything is possible. But sounds too crazy.
  14. Yes there is always that possibility. But not just in Thailand but all over. Unfortunately some people just don’t care about others.
  15. First let me congratulate you on your successful marriage. The OP has been married 12+ years. When I first visited Bangkok in 2017 I stayed in an apartment in a large hotel in Onut for three months. One of the Thai employees was especially helpful and friendly to me. He spoke perfect English so we were able to communicate well. He was probably around mid thirties. He was married, had children, and lived in the countryside. Can’t recall where, but not close to Bangkok I recall. He was working at the hotel for six months to make money, then return home to his family. He told me at that time, the attitude of Thai people changed in the last 15 years. He said back then people were friendlier. It was a nicer atmosphere. Even in a large city such as Bangkok. They did not focus too much on material things as they do now. He said now a days the focus is too much on cash, and material things. And people don’t care as much about each other compared to back then. So maybe that is one reason why people post how happy they are in marriage to a Thai woman. I noticed that quite a few have been married for a very long time. Most of the posts I see regarding marriage issues are of fairly recent marriages.
  16. I don’t think there is much difference between the banks. In general I find that banks here are behind the times compared to the west. For example I have Bangkok Bank. They still use passbooks here. With my bank in the states I can change and update passwords online. I can also sign up for other services. Here I have to go to the bank and sign ten different forms.
  17. First of all I hope the deceased RIP. Unfortunately I see people doing unsafe acts here everyday. Riding in back of trucks, especially pickups. People riding motorbikes not wearing helmets. You are even allowed to ride a motor taxi and not wear a helmet. I even see contractors doing unsafe acts. The police should enforce things more when it comes to safety. But the blame falls mainly on the individual doing the unsafe act.
  18. It’s having this effect on people all over the world. Not just Thailand
  19. Thailand does not specifically target retirees. From what I saw before Covid. It attracts a very large number of tourists. A large number of these tourists don’t come here for a cultural adventure. They come here to get drunk, party, freelancers, and act stupid. A lot of them are cheap Charlie’s, looking for that discount vacation. And single men that for the most part women wouldn’t bother with in their own country.. This is not cultural. To me culture is a countries history, food, religion, music, arts. Some people have said that the negative behavior of some Thais is cultural. Rudeness, trust, aggression, immaturity , is a mindset of an individual. Not an entire race of people.
  20. From the description of the working conditions alone. Cramped office with 10 people and only two vaccinated. Sounds not like a major corporation. But a small business that just doesn’t care. Unfortunately it sounds like everyman for themselves there. Your friend probably should isolate. But the other main issue is the office itself. The employees should report the situation through the proper channels. But they would probably have to face the consequences. They are in a tough situation.
  21. Maybe Thailand would be more attractive if they had a welfare system for expats. This way expats with barebones income and no health insurance can be eligible for welfare benefits.
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