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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I believe this has to do with Thai citizens. Not expats. But I’m still skeptical about those improvements.
  2. I notice many drivers and passengers here do not wear seat belts. And that's what happens.
  3. This has nothing to do with the OP personally. Just some of the posts I read in general. Gee I didnt think the income of some expats was that low. Where a very small increase in a price of a product can effect them . I guess Im fortunate not to be in that position with my retirement income.
  4. You have made the most logical statement regarding what might have happened compared to the investigation.
  5. It’s all speculation unfortunately. Yesterday I spoke with my ENT doctor at Bumrungard. She said this Covid peak here should drop in a few weeks. Like it did in the USA recently. I hope it’s true. But unfortunately it’s speculation also.
  6. I live in Bangkok and shop in the major supermarkets. I really haven’t noticed a dramatic increase in prices. But to be honest I don’t pay strict attention. I just purchase what I need. If an item is extremely expensive I won’t buy it. And farmers type markets are usually cheaper in any country. They don’t have the overhead like a large supermarket would have. And I don’t think these large supermarkets purposely charge more to get more money from foreigners. Most of the customers are Thais.
  7. The wet road did it again. So many drivers use this reason for accidents here. Many people like to blame everyone and everything. Just shows the lack of accountability and type of mentality. If a person drives on a wet road, they are supposed to adjust their speed accordingly. But if you speed, drive erratically , have bad tires, that’s what happens.
  8. It seems to change on average every other day. Hopefully they will keep this decision.
  9. I visited Hua Hin twice fairly recently. Staying for two nights each time. It was very quiet because of Covid. But it seemed like a nice place. I enjoyed it. But I don’t think I would actually think of it as a “world class” type of city.
  10. Things have a long way to go. But always nice to hear something positive.
  11. The Russian people are paying the price because of their government’s actions. A large number of the citizens in Russia are against the invasion .
  12. The war in Ukraine is a terrible thing. Ukraine is not a perfect country. But at least it’s citizens have pride in their country and are willing to defend it. Both physically and verbally. Not like some people on here regarding their own countries.
  13. The Ukraine is an independent country that bothers no one. Then it gets invaded by Russia. Probably because they are concerned Ukraine will become part of NATO. As for the comments Thailand made regarding the issue. I personally think that was a very nice gesture. It’s not uncommon for governments to express concern about a crisis. Even though they are not directly involved in it.
  14. Enforcement should also include drivers going through red lights and not stopping for pedestrians at crosswalks. And I don’t mean just painting red marking across a road.
  15. You will find dishonest people all over the world. You just have to use common sense. Don’t just give money to someone that just gives you a story. Official looking or not.
  16. If the positive rates are still high at that time. This will increase them even more. From some of the comments in the forums . It seems that hanging out in a bar takes priority over everything. A lot of issues seem to center around booze. I guess drinking is the major activity for some.
  17. First I was amazed at the initial “scientific” testing done. At first glance I thought it was Algae. And as one person posted in the forum with photos. That is what it probably is
  18. An apology and a gift basket. This type of conduct should involve disciplinary action. A government should not influence the way people treat others. People act the way they do because of their own mentality. They choose their own behavior, not the government.
  19. I’m not sure who you call here in Thailand for road damage. In the states I would call the local road department. If it was a dangerous situation the local police. Where I lived there was cold and snow. So not unusual to get very large potholes at times. Ok officer apologized. But the mention “nothing is in it for us”. I think that calls for some type of discipline.
  20. No government should actually force anyone to get a vaccine if they don’t want to. I’m vaccinated by the way with two vaccines and two booster vaccines done over a period of time. My decisions are based on western recommendations. Not Thailand. I have seen western news reports in the past people that refused to get vaccinated. But end up getting Covid. They are either very sick at home or hospitalized. These people all seem to say how sick they were and the mistake they made not to get vaccinated.
  21. You have to be pretty desperate to visit a country with a high Covid rate. Just for the sake of drinking cheap booze and cheap fun.
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