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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Just giving an update. Thank you all for trying to help. I had an air conditioning tech come for a second opinion. He did not charge me for the service call. The juristic told me some people have used him in the building and seemed to be pleased. He is Thai and speaks English. He spent about two hours here. He finally saw the issue with the compressor not coming back on. He said something about the sensor needs to be replaced. Looked like the one in the area the control box. I told him Daikin said the motherboard needs to be replaced. He said he did not think it was the motherboard. So I told him replace the sensor and lets see if that solves the issue. He said he would give me the price that Monday morning. Well I have not heard from him since then. I have called him, and he doesnt return my call. I have sent him a message on his Line account. Which he reads but does not respond. So it looks like I will be dealing with Daikin, to settle this once and for all. They still insist its the motherboard. I have an appointment for Monday at noon for replacement. But I was quoted originally 2800 baht for the job total two weeks ago. When I called to make the appointment two days ago. I was told maybe around 3000 baht, but not sure of the cost. Because the motherboard and possibly another part needs to be replaced. But one of their engineers needs to call me. Because the person at the call center does not know what the other part is or why. So now Im waiting for the engineer to call me. But Daikin needs to tell me what they are replacing and the total cost.
  2. Seems like the bar issue is the major focus all the time. Major activity in Thailand. Guess that’s why it attracts so many quality people .
  3. I’m not a big fast food eater. There is a Carls down the street from my condo in Bangkok. I tried it for lunch. The food was horrible. It was burger and fries. I actually tried Mos Burger. Once in Tokyo. And here in Bangkok. I thought the burgers and fries were pretty good for fast food.
  4. I recall a while ago reading about using a half dose. It was for certain circumstances. I also have not heard anything lately about using half doses. Hopefully soon it can be just a once a year ritual like a flu vaccine.
  5. University fraternities for the most part have some sort of hazing ritual for newbies. When I attended university I lived on campus. Never joined one but now and then witnessed their antics. Fortunately the majority of the rituals are not life threatening. The freshman want to be accepted by their peers. And some of the upperclassmen will put pressure on them. And to some of the students it’s an honor for them to be accepted into a fraternity. So they will agree to just do about anything regardless of the risk involved.
  6. I renewed my USA passport November of last year. I sent ti to the US Embassy in Bangkok. Very easy process. It took three weeks at that time. It was returned with all necessary documents needed for stamp transfers.
  7. I saw this very sad story on Thai news last night. They showed the deceased child’s face close up before the body bag was closed. It was blurred but you can still make it out. I know countries do things differently. But showing a deceased child I feel is in bad taste. Let him him RIP. No need to broadcast his photo on television for sensationalism even though blurred.
  8. Grant his wish and put him in prison. When I was still living in America a number of years ago I parked my car and went for a walk. Then these two loose dogs appeared. One was a Rottweiler, the other a German Shepard. Both full grown. No collars . And believe me I was scared. They both came up to me. And started walking with me one on each side. The Rottweiler let me pet him. The German Shepherd was skittish. They just kept walking with me one on each side. When I finally reached my car. I opened the door to get in. The dogs started jumping around like they were going for a ride. I got in quickly and closed the door. The dogs looked at me, then walked away. That was an unusual occurrence. And I was lucky the dogs weren’t aggressive. I did call animal control. Especially since there was an elementary school a few blocks away. The officer called me later . He said he saw dogs . Called to them and they came running over. He said he opened the cap of the pickup truck he had, they jumped right in. But owners need to control their dogs. And yes certain breeds are more riskier than others.
  9. Everyone has their own way of handling things. Its good you had the common sense and decency to self isolate yourself. And I’m glad it worked out. Compared to some people that say Covid is just a cold. And they probably would have just continued mingling with people and doing their usual routine.
  10. I guess instant reading breathalyzer test technology has not arrived here yet. Maybe they can find one on Lazada.
  11. And it will continue and unfortunately probably never end. Because of no enforcement and small fines. And the mentality and lack of concern of most of the drivers
  12. From the post it would appear the wife had a relationship with this guy while married. Then she decided to end it. Unless there is a news article giving additional information. And yes in the west things do happen like this. But from watching the Thai news in the evenings. Things such as this seem to be more common and frequent here. Even incidents not involving relationships. Serious assaults and killings involving minor things. And I notice quite a few people post numerous times. That if you have an issue with a Thai person. Such as noise , behavior, etc. You should never attempt to speak to them about it ( if. they can understand of course) because harm might come to you. Live in fear or just keep moving.? What does that tell you about people if you have to be concerned about them harming you?
  13. Again how can they predict how Covid will be in July. But if it’s high or not. Come to Thailand and have fun. So what if you get Covid. At least you got to drink cheap booze and have cheap fun. It’s all that is what matters in life? Getting a little off topic. I was riding from Ekamai back to Asoke this past Tuesday. I noticed on Sukhumvit that just about every westerner was not wearing a mask. It’s amazing that people think you can come to another country. But you don’t have to adhere to the rules.
  14. Can you please tell me where I can purchase this thermometer? I do know what type you mean. I live in Bangkok. I had to go to central chidlom yesterday. I checked in central department store and even powerbuy. Thinking at least they sell digital ones. I shown staff photos of a few kinds as examples. The description on the photos are in Thai. The staff reacts like they never seen anything like that before and say no have. This is not an uncommon item lol. I also checked the Homepro website. I dont see that type either. I do have one of those hand held digital thermometers someone gave me. It measures body temp and also has a setting for surface. I set in on surface and held in up in the middle of the room. It read 33.4 C. And the air conditioner was set at 22 C. for a few hours.
  15. Thank you for the information regarding the sensors. In regard to the renter having to pay for any repair work done. Did you mean the owner? Because in any place I have rented in the past my contracts have stated the owner is responsible for specific repairs. This was in either in the states or here in Bangkok. I dont know why a renter would make repairs for a property they dont own.
  16. I don’t understand what all the fuss is. The way a lot of people drive here. Pedestrians and other vehicles are invisible to them.
  17. Then when the cases increase even more. It will make things even worse to improve. Then the blame will be put the people not following precautions.
  18. Daikin rep just called me. He said the specific engineer handling my case is in quarantine for Covid. So the engineer can’t answer my specific questions at this time . Such as if he thinks the mother board is the exact cause. This is because he doesn’t have complete access to my file. But they can make an appointment to change the mother board but not for almost two weeks. I guess no one else can access my file. It must be top secret lol. You can’t make this stuff up. And OneMoreFarang is correct. The owner should be coordinating and paying for this. I’m just desperate to get it done.
  19. I have words for that sick, selfish individual. But I don’t want to get banned from the forums.
  20. Thank you for the responses. Just an update. Daikin customer service called me a little while ago. The person told me one of their engineers suggested to replace the mother board. I asked the rep if that was the actual cause of the problem. He said he didnt know and would ask the engineer and get back to me. I asked if it was unusual for a mother board to be replaced after two years. The rep said it could have been damaged from the cleaning that was done. Which is when these issues started. So it makes sense. But the impression is they dont really know if that is the problem. So I want more information. The cost would be 2800 baht. I contacted the owner since I rent. She already was aware of the problem. The impression I got was she doesnt want to pay. I never had an issue in the past if there was an problem. I will pay if I have to, Im not happy.. I spoke to the Juristic about it. A nice lady. She contacted a guy that services air conditioning. She said a lot of people use him in the building and are happy with him. He will come Saturday to look at it. No charge. And the Juristic will be here too. So at least other people have used him with good results.
  21. After a few minutes the tech called me into the room. He showed me on his temperature gauge that it was the correct temperature. I translated to him that was not the issue. The issue was the unit itself does not maintain the temperature. It does not do any good if the unit blows cold air initially, but does not maintain the set temperature . I then asked him if he checked the sensor or any diagnostics. He then opened the air conditioner to check it. I thought he should of did this on his own.
  22. In January of this year the owner of my condo had the air conditioners cleaned. This is done every six months. The air conditioner in the bedroom is a Daikin Inverter. The type of unit on the wall. It was installed March 2020 prior to me moving in. Before I go to sleep I would turn it on with a setting of 25 C. This kept the room comfortable cool all night. After the air conditioner was cleaned in January. I noticed many times waking up, the room would be warm. The compressor would not be running. And the air coming out of the air conditioner slightly cool from the fan inside the unit. I observed it for a couple of weeks. I noticed most of the time the compressor would run at the start, maybe for a few minutes or hours. Then stop but not come on again. Even if the room got warm. I tried other lower temperatures and it would do the same thing. I contacted the owner. Daikin sent two technicians. It was explained to me they couldnt find anything wrong. A couple of weeks later, the owner had some independent technician look at it. She said he told her that the sensor was bad. But couldnt replace it. He said that the air conditioner had to be taken apart by Daikin. Because the sensor was inside the air conditioner. I was under the impression that any air con technician could replace a sensor. So yesterday Daikin sent a senior technician here. And of course he said nothing is wrong. And its very early morning now. I woke up a couple of hours ago. The room was again very warm. I kept reducing the temperature on the air conditioner. The compressor comes on for maybe five minutes. Then it stops but the room is still warm. I have the temperature set on 22 C. Then it comes on about a half hour later for only about five minutes. When it does come on, it is blowing cold air. I also happen to notice there seems to be a lot of condensation inside the air conditioner. Does anyone have any idea what might the problem might be? The issue started after the last cleaning. Everything was fine before that.
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