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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Hi guys.....

    I bought a 42" LCD TV recently and I'm not sure if I should regret buying it. I have both Wetv and Truevisions services. Well, to the problems now. The signal reception is really poor.I thought if I buy a LCD tv, the quality supposed to be crystal clear, but instead I'm getting a blur viewing from both wetv and UBC. Is there anything wrong with my tv or is it just the poor reception of the signal? Is it also because UBC hasn't got into HD quality just yet? Should I get myself a signal booster to improve the viewing quality? I really need some advices here. thanks alot.

    i do not know what is your expectation, but do not sound right

    i got my plasma and i did need to change my UBC box from a analogue to a digital, not sure if that is a help.

  2. wow this sounds a bit too complicated for a quick fix, might have to do soem more thinking? Thai gold by the sounds of it wouldnt go down too well back here, does anywhere else in Asia have decent gold mines?? or is it all imported??

    James, if you buy Thai gold in Thailand, I think it will be hard for you to sell it outside.

    Already some shops in Thailand do not want to take gold from other shops, it is why some of the shops in Yarowat are more prise as some other one, because they stamps it & they are welknow.

    If you already have a buyer, that will be different.

    Thai gold ( jeweller ) are low tax / low labour, in one way cheap compare to the high tax / high labour in other countries, the gold value stay the same.

    As some other mention:

    Perhaps you could sell you gold (no stamps) as scrap but you bought it as scrap price already plus tax / labour / profit ( said 500 bahts extra / baht ), you will lose them some money.

    If in your mind, you did not get a scrupulous seller and find your have with a forfeit item? I never eared of anyone I know, buying gold and finding it was not, I know they are some gold who look like gold but is not, it is sold not as gold.

    And what is the legality to bring gold into a other country?

    many people oversea do not like the look of thai gold.

    they have few gold mine in thailand, but they import tone of it.

  3. I got a Leonics years ago, did not have problem.

    Next time i will look at the APC

    I was surprise to see if you buy a power supply of quality for the computer, everything run smoothly

    Price can got high for it, i think the replacement i got was about 3000 baht, compare to some at 250 baht

    How much you guys spending in the power supply, normal home computer ?

  4. I and one other guy bought some equipment from City Sport Thailand

    I got a Horizon Paragon for 49500Bht markdown from 87500Bht.

    Here the model:


    I was no impress with the staff knowledge / price in central or similar department store

    One machine they have, I could get from an other sport shop with a 35% reduction.

    Sport shops in department sport are where I find the best bargain.

    Sure if you ask around, some will be for second hand.

    I put my dog on it one time , he vomit !


  5. I just call for a new cleaning contract for the Mitsubishi electric cond I have, papers, brochure out & can answer some of your questions:

    My room must be 4 * 4 but high ceiling, I have a closing partition I use when aircond is ON, if not the room will be 8 * 4.

    In the models I did want (Wild & Long) they have, size start at 18 BTU / 24 BTU / 30 BTU

    I paid for the 18 BTU.

    I do not find it to be excessive at all for my usage.

    Looking at the chart, it said 18 BTU room Sqm 22-30

    When I went there, Mitsubishi did have a 13 BTU (room size 14-22) but not the Wild & Long, I choose the 18 and did not regret it.

  6. Beginning last year I predicted gold to be around 13.000 Baht end of 2007 and I was spot on. You could have made a nice 40% profit in just one year.

    End of this year it will be 20.000. Now it is around 15.000

    Come on all you gold bugs...were r u now :o As of early Thursday morning trading in US, gold (and oil) are already down 10% from recent highs! All the speculative money that have been in these trades (at God only know what amount of leverage) will have to unwind these trades pronto...wouldn't want to be the one trying to catch a falling knife :D

    I think most people including " Gold Bugs " know that nothing can keep on going straight up - many are calling this a healthy correction and a good time to buy before it resumes its path . I don't think the fed has or can save the day !

    oil and gold did have a good pull back ok, but the dollar got stronger too, $AU went from .95 to .89 in few days!

    it make only a 4% down on the gold for me then.

  7. I think your money cost you 4 dollars ATM charge and 2.5% processing fees plus 1.2% charges

    I was a bit in your situation, relied with ANZ visa and National visa for years,

    Few years ago I start to see costs for withdraw and purchase ( as currency processing fees or other ), the exchange rate the card give me was good!

    First I ring my two banks and after telling them I am cancelling my card , they offer not to charge me for the annual fees ( gold cards )

    After one year I stop with ANZ because I received the charge of the annual fees and then I need to phone to them to get a refund (what they did) but nonsense for me.

    National keep no annual fees without this inconvenient.

    What I am doing now, is to ask a friend to TT transfer from my Bank National Australian to my Thai account, he need to be very firm to said he want Australian dollars to be send, the cost is minim ($45) and you get the telex transfer rate

  8. How do you make dough without being able to obtain regular dairy milk?

    Trying to give you a simple idea, the basic dough is made from flour / water / salt / sugar (little) / yeast!

    Fresh yeast (better if you can)

    Add sugar / flour / water / Yeast dissolve / salt & mixed you dough, do not put sugar and salt together (one at the bottom / one at the top)

    When you dough is well knead, let it sit somewhere (fresh / cool) waiting for the time of the first raising.

    You then knead very lightly the dough and form your rolls / baguette / loaf and prepare it to be cook on a tray.

    Wait now for the start of the second raising, when you see the bread (double size) time to cook it in the oven.

    That is just the basic, add now what you want ( nuts / dry fruits ), quality of flour is important , high gluten is best.

    few receipt are done with milk powder

  9. can somebody tell me, what is the nearest bts/mrt station from grand palace? and whats the best and fastest way

    If you catch the BTS go to Saphan Taksin, then go to the wharf and catch a ferry up river. As for the MRT, then go to Hua Lamphong and get a taxi. Depending upon where you are staying you are probably better off just getting a taxi.

    you could get the chaophraya boat service

    here is the link:


  10. With thanks and appreciation to all the posters here for the advice.

    Very helpful indeed for me a novice of lazer printers and now at least thanks to you, I have some idea what to look for when I buy my printer.

    WOW, do not like the look of your dog! see below..

    3-4 year ago i bought a HP laser, i am using perhaps once a week, but when i need it is urgent as i need to fax or copy to overseas.

    I do not said HP is the best, but the last one keep faithful and working for over 20 years by now, but in overseas.

    i bought the laser because my two Epson before keep drying and the time to clean , plus the cost / time / procedure to get new colour tank got me on !

    i have not change the toner yet for the laser, as i see, it is 4-5 years life for me, i will take the Printer to the shop, for them to do it in front of me the day i need it.


  11. The main advantage with the really cheap DVD players is that they seem to play any crappy DVD you buy on the street. Many high quality machines have a fit if the DVD is not perfect.

    Ok, what do you suggest then as a non name brand DVD ? The one with the elephant sitting on it ? (old advertising)

    i think the sony cost me about 4000 baht, find that very cheap

  12. If you have the chance to be around Pinklaow, here is a nice place.

    lunch have dimsum / yumcha + menu

    peking duck

    hongkong piglet



    Pla Boo

    and reasonable price

    Enclose the card.

    I use to go to a place call Grand Palace / Warner building in silom, but they hick the price last year and feel the place went down.


  13. My Sony dvd player will need to be change soon.

    I did not have problem with it the last 4 years.

    I have choice between Samsung ( friend working for them ) or Sony

    Any comment welcome?

    Want it to be region free and play DVD from shady source.

    I have a Bose stereo, and this one can only play original..

  14. Why tip a bell boy that carries your bag? Is it not their job to do that?

    Restaurants people are paid extremely little as the owner factor tip in the income.

    Car park attendances are not on salary

    Bellboy not sure, minimum wage or no wage at all

  15. Yes I tip, and it is nice to see people appreciated!

    If I go to the restaurant I am use to, 20 to 40 baht to each staff serving (about 2) manager 50 baht, for the restaurant bill 60 baht, sometime to the kitchen. Car parking attendance 20 baht (that about 10 % of the bill)

    My hairdresser, she is a nice person, use scissor not electric razor, cost 70 baht, I give her 100 baht

    Taxi, depends, I live minimum 10 baht, can be more, like if it is 4 pm in Siam, and one take me with a smile.

    The person who wash my dog and staff of the vet clinic, get sometime some free cocky.

    At the post office Chinese New Year, I did bring them some stuff.

    My postman get tip once a year!

    Well, perhaps no other Thai do same, but make me happy, for small consideration and appreciation.

    My Chinese friend go to temple for old people and they are all site down ( about 70 ) and he pass to each of them 20 baht.

    i saw some people demanding the best service and living 5 baht, i am glad not to be them !

  16. I am about to move to Bangkok and wonder if nicotine gum (Nicorette) is available in pharmacies there ? I imagine it is but confirmation would be a great help. If anyone knows the price that would be great also . Thanks :o

    three weeks ago, i throw the papers regarding the gum (nicorette)

    doing a search on thaivisa got back the link :




    i got some for about 900 bahts for box of 105 , suriwong chemist want 1400 for it .

    i saw one show in diamond tower silom selling it , not sure about price there .

    i stop smoking over 7 months ago, with the help of Quomen ( do search on thaivisa if interested )

  17. Thanks for the suggestions.

    My drive is really up the shute.

    This will require removal of the platters I believe.

    I'm not sure that that a shop in Panthip will have the clean enviro etc. to be able to do this.

    Any body know of a companythat can deal with it?

    Sorry for not adding the bit about platter removal previously.


    Platter, please post what is happening, i am interested!

    i need to get my brother's HD send to me in Australia.

    the company he talk to in Europe told him need to change part and do the work in a ( white room ) chambre blanche...

    but the price was going to be around 400 Euro...( and that for a 40g HD )

    Please post the outcome

  18. I have a 300g Maxtor ide HD.

    The motor/spindle has seized.

    Any body any recommendations for a Data Recovery service / preferably in house, reliable and cheap as chips?

    Is your recommendation based on first or second hand experience?

    How much will this hurt financially?

    I hang my head in shame for not having a back up.


    I was ready to post last week here for same problem, but the HD is in france and i am doing that for my brother !

    i done a search on thaivisa and got this link & telephone to them, price was under 1000baht for a 40 g !


    I just had a Data recovery issue, with a Seagate external drive... Not sure what caused it.. a bad box coincidental with a power failure, and NO UPS.. something.. Anyway.. Got Blue-screened and then Windows started to wipe my data... I lost a lot.. including about 7,000 MP3, and my Resume. The failure didn't wipe the whole drive.. but still.. I have Data going back 20 years on this drive.

    I found this shop on 4th Floor of Pantip that was able to recover about 71 % of my data, But not my resume.. Bummer ... I just picked it up today (Tuesday). I Brought it to them on Saturday.

    The Shop name is P-Care Computer & Service... Pantip, 4th Floor on Right Side at end of Corridor... as you walk down it's dead in fromt of you.. Yellow sign. Can't miss it. Phone: 02-255-6773

    They got a guy there.. name is BAS... speaks pretty good English... Tell him the Farang in the hat sent you... < The one with the beautiful Thai Wife :-) >

    It was (is) a 250 GB drive.. cost 1,500 Bht to recover. Plus the cost of a New BIG UPS to prevent future accidents in my soon to be purchased Dream computer.

    Hope this helps,


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