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Posts posted by simcity

  1. It took four pages, but here's a big problem; YOU CANNOT GET A RETIREMENT VISA AT THAT AGE.  Are you going to do 12 30-day visa runs every year?

    I held out to age 56, then retired early.  Been getting SSA since birthday 62.  I think you're not ready.  If you think you're bored now, you'll be crazy-bored with nothing to do in Thailand.

    If you don't intend to have more children but intend to be heterosexually active, get a vasectomy.

    have to do a visa run every three month , I am on a 1 year visa without problem ! done it from 40 year old , no dependence !

  2. As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

    If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

    Just as chicken flu caused a drastic increase in the price of Pork - Why? Costs of rearing pigs did not increase!. The cost of chickens and eggs dropped slightly for a short period, but now chicken is back to the same price level. Eggs have now doubled in price in the last year. The price of pork had to be capped by government to stop the continuing increases. It did touch 130 Baht per Kg in our local market, but now ias 100 Baht.

    Basically, if sellers can get away with increases and cite an unrelated reason, they will.

    If you think a product is too expensive, don't buy it. Market forces will win in the end.

    If you think a product is too expensive, you grumble, but continue to buy, you are condoning the increase.

    If the product is genuine more expensive because of hiding cost ( vet / feed / transport / power ) i will gladly paid ( perhaps not so often ) , or quality will go down !

    Market force did limit some pretty good products in some place …

    Now it is back in force with organic and better products as people are more award of it .

  3. I have been force retired at 39 , first a car accident who did open my eyes of my no existence and a to good offer I could not dismiss for my business , then I came to Thailand , I do not miss the problem of running a business and staffs ! Absolutely not, I put myself on active trading the last 8 years and call that a hobby and a covertures to make me believe I am still active!

    You can retired when you think it is right for you.. do not follow the norm, if you do not want too .

    Now how much? Depends of what is your spending pattern? I still received a monthly rent from a commercial place and a gesture from a friend who rent my house! That is ok for me, have everything I need.

    I got a call from my solicitor telling me the business tenant want to buy my freehold, my reply was still bit to young to let it go! Perhaps in 5 years, and in this time I will call myself early retired! Buy a second places along the beach, a car and mutated between then.

    Gary if I was you , I will concentrated to see how I can fructified my money the next 5 years , and your amount is a nice sum , but not enough for a retirement !

    Can you do your planning on two or three faze ?

  4. I just come back from sapanlek .

    First, very few shops are selling the large playstation2 , now most of them are selling the slim one .

    The price I saw for the slim one was :

    5500 baht ( no modified )

    7000 baht ( modified play all games )

    8500 bath ( stand , memory, remote control, 5 games , modified )

    8200 baht ( top of the range can play 24 hours , modified, free 5 games )

    For the large one

    6500 baht ( modified )

    did not try to bargain !

  5. i got my machine from Australia , I went to sapanlek’s shop for the chip and ask the guy why so much difference in price between some machine , he told me many parts can be remove and change for lesser quality .

    i think the best for you is to go with someone and see by yourself

    Great place for copy stuff too and some electronic, telecommande extera

    i will go there the next few days , will come back to you with the price for PS2 , from ? to ?





  6. A friend just ring me today , he said they have new condo near pantip plaza , on thirty years contract , price 1.5 million for one bedroom , and 2.4 million for 2 bedrooms .

    Not sure of outgoing !

    I think it is cool for some peoples, no messy will or succession problem, if something in this order are in huahin I will look at it .

    As it is said , if it is cheap , why not !

  7. Names: Josh

    Age: 21

    Nationality: Australian

    Just got back from Thailand 3 months ago, Was over there for 5 months, Had an awsome time...Planning to goto Thailand in November for a year, My 'O' Visa has expired June 8th, I've got all required documents to apply for another one.

    Just wondering, Applying at Sydney Thai Consulate...Is there any required amount of money i need in my bank account that they will check on?

    This isn't stated in there check list, but i was just wondering.

    I remember when i was in Thailand applying for Immagrant O visa, they required me to transfer $10,000AUS to Thai bank account, which would roughly come to 400,000 Baht.

    Let me know if i have confused myself with 2 different things.

    Kind regards


    P.S sorry dr_Pat_Pong, Can you delete my other post in other section, this is the right place. Oh and yes i'm Married to a Thai.

    ATLEE for my experience Sydney was not helpul to me , Brisbane was .

    Consul-General ah Head of Post

    Royal Thai Consulate-General

    87 Annerley Road

    South Brisbane 4102

    Tel 07 3846 7771 Fax 07 3846 7772

  8. Hi all,

    Does anyone know if its ok to have a passport sent to you, to a Thai address, with a Thai Visa in it?  Reason being that I am applying in Europe for a visa and have to wait like a week and am unable to wait, have to be in BKK on Friday...  Ihave another passport (dual natuanality) and can use that one to enter thailand on Friday.

    So do you think customs will have a problems with it?



    If you live after one month ( said to Singapore ) with your old visa ( it is like you living the country ) and reenter Thailand with your new visa passport , i do not see a problem .

    i have dual citizen too , and juggle between two passports , i got 1 year O visa in Australia put in my French passport , I send my French passport to then will I was traveling with my Australian .

    but perhaps i am wrong ?

    once i left thailand with my australian passport , went to vietnam , apply for 2*2 months tourist visa and reenter thailand with the french passport .

  9. simply get the true high speed package for home users....

    adsl wifi router ~ 4,000 baht

    true 2500/512 ~ 1200 or 1300...

    im not sure it maynot be legally allowed to use this connection for more than 1 PC....but when we installed out first package at out office, the true technitian who did the install set it up in our LAN to allow all computers to share the connection without us telling him anything....so that makes it legal for us ;-)

    are you getting the same speed if you use two computers on the same connection ? or more computers slower it got ?

  10. yes me too , the grand palace is one of the best ! but i think my experience with yumcha or dimsum was better in Melbourne Australia with plum restaurant or shark fin house .

    anyway when i go to the grand palace i do not have only dimsum , but few other courses !

    one excellent fish they have there call PLA BOO , around 400 bahts for the fish .

    Do not go there at night , it is to formal and expensive menu !

  11. i am thinking to get a Acer Or perhaps a Asus Or perhaps a IBM .

    the unit is not for me , but as present !

    Just under 40000 baht

    I am incline to go for the Acer but would like any suggestion before the purchase ....

    one more question is a 512 mb absolutly necessary ? or 216 is ok ?

    will be use for work and presentation with power point .


  12. i ask this question to a friend , he told me, peoples know by experience and put familiar landmark for direction, and are adverse to map.

    I did spend time to make a computer map for my place, use for tradesman or delivery, I do not try to draw one on the spot , if I forgot it , I fax it after ! Most of the time it work ( the fax and the map ).

    It is all in Thai

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