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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Simcity; drivers license you can get on any visa besides tourist visa.

    Bank account I opened (Bank Bank) without a visa at all (just 30 day stam in)

    My uilities are all in my name with True/Electric company(TOT) Etc.

    In short; all wrong (but I am sure that some front staff somewhere in an office will think up some of their own requirements - that is normally the magic "work permit?" though. :o . Cheers!

    if i am not wrong ? you like to add :

    with retirement you can apply for a driving license / bank account and have utilities ( mobile phone / internet / electricity ecetera ) on your own name !

    firfan , i am in Thailand for over 8-9 years just on a 1 year visa O or sometime 3*3 month O ( no work , not the age to retired )

    True did not want me to open a account with me on my visa basic ! Never try for driving license , i have my bank account for the last ten year , no possible to do online banking with them as i do not have the retirement visa ...

    4 years ago i try to have utilities & UBC in my name, not possible!

    Close friend did put me on his name and open a bank account with automatic draw from these companies!

    in short ! all not possible for me !

  2. Hi everyone,

    One of my friends is back in Canada re-applying for his Non-B, but has been told that the Thai Embassy there is no longer issuing 1 year permits, and that they've restricted Non-B's to 3 months total, single entry.

    Has anyone heard anything like this?  Is this just a silly Canadian thing, or does it apply all over?


    Sir Greg :o

    that was the same similar story for me , but different location .. try to find a more customer orientated place , some very glad to oblige if you have the adequate papers ! i am back here with a 1 year visa , still have to go out every three month

  3. yes sure no guaranty for anything ! but some fund are really good for many horror stories ! One of them are commissions for buying and selling, well not a good things for me ! they drained your account very fast.

    One of my mother fund in France was like this one , a lot of buying and selling and no regards for dividends and customers capital !

    i still think if you do not have time to trade , the best is a up front fund ! Or some blue ship shares.

    yes sure no guaranties for anything ! but some fund are really good for many horror stories ! One of them are commissions for buying and selling , well not a good things for me ! they drained your account very fast, if they are dishonest , many law cases of disappointed customers suing the management .

    sorry myself but one of my mother fund in France was like this one , a lot of buying and selling and no regards for dividends and customers capital !

    i still think if you do not have time to trade , the best is a up front fund with a establish reputable firm ! or some blue ship .

  4. A management who charge at start under 5 % is very fare to me; they are running your account for you.

    In the pass to go to see a broker and buy share from him, will cost you 2 % and when your sell 2 % again, not anymore with online trading.

    when i was working full time i did not have time to trade and anyway my mortgage was taking most of my income, i did supplement with some blue chip shares and some funds ( all very conservative ) , after 10 years i find myself with a plus plus profit !

    When I stop working I change my strategies and trade on line!

  5. I will not touch the NZ dollars now, it as done very very well , i think it is on a shaky ground now !

    h90 gold is going up slowly , and the picture of china yuan is not clear !

    i believe the bank of china got the first authorization to sell gold , and I will hate ( well love ) to see billion doing the queue to buy some !

    I am into it with shares / bar / certificate.

    But I am not sure how you will store it if you live in Thailand or travel so much!

    I do not know the USA market , I am French but all my holding are in Australia !

  6. it was very simple for me, cheap around 900 dollars for Melbourne / Bangkok , put the container on the name of a Thai student returning home, they allow furniture’s back & I did not paid tax or tea money , perhaps some clearance tax.

    I did not approached anything, let my Chinese friend organize the lot !

    will i do it again if i was alone , no !

    I herded they are heavy on tax ..

  7. H90 i do not know what country you calling from ..

    i am sure you can do a search on ' funds ' and somewhere you will be able to see how they rates, by category , total return , growth and the diversities of them ..

    Take a fund who has been around for 10 years to have a good idea ! give them a ring !

    if you are in Australia, I could help you further ! I got my fund directly from my bank ! for the last 7 years they have been around 15 of 165 .

    Barclays has fund everywhere , your bank must have some !

    Some funds are more into commercial / property / mining / oversea etcetera , if you still lost ask your accountant , ask him more details !

    Financial advisers are sometime not of the best choice! Often they have commission from the fund they suggest , it is good to know exactly what you want before going to see them .

    Perhaps if you said where you from someone else will have better ideas !


    just saw this link , not sure how good it is !

  8. Here's a way to disable the "Authentication Tool":

    In Internet Explorer, go to "Tools\Manage Add-ons". The select "Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer". Scroll down to the "Windows Genuine Advantage" control and disable it. Exit Internet Explorer and launch Windows Update.

    Of course, you may only do this if you have legally bought this crap softw...i mean, Windows XP :o

    Can you explain what that is doing to the window ? and will it be possible to download after ?

  9. H90

    Regarding the 100% guaranty, the company who take your money will place 75 % ( approx ) to a government bond at said 4 % and the last 25 % on the stock or elsewhere ( 5 year plan ) .

    If everything turn ok, a little profit will show if not you will get back your investment!

    You perhaps can split your sum between a good fund and some gold ?

    If you have a mortgage better to top it up .

    For the fund, look at what they charge! I like the one who charge max 5 % at the start, I do not like the one who charge at trading.

    some funds are direct to properies / commodities , see the one you like !

  10. talking about cafe i am one of the addict ! approximate 4-6 espresso a day !

    once i have problem in my knee ( kind of block when walk or steps ) i stop to drink carbonated drink ( soda and diet coke ) it went away !

    doctor did not find that too..

  11. wanderer i have a shoulder pain for over two year in my 30 , it was a frozen shoulder .

    look at the link for it, the bad news is nothing really can be done , only cortisone injection at the end , it is very hard to detect , regarding doctor in Thailand my friend have the gastric bacteria and doctors in thailand told him it can not be , but it was !

    the good new is when it is finish everything back to normal .

    Not to alarm you but someone I know in Australia have a pain in his shoulder , it was a cancer of the lymph !

    frozen shoulder is my prediction ..

  12. Any Idea ?

    I am having my mum ( 80 year old ) and my cousine for 2 week holiday in phuket ! perhaps 1 more couple, date not fix yet !

    I am paying the bill ( travel / accommodation )

    Any idea with weekly rental on a house ( perhaps with one staff ) ? not the superbs villa for 500-1000 US $ a day ..

    I live in Bangkok , do not really know phuket .

    If any one have a link ? perhaps a nice hotel ( need 3 room )

    Oppp forgot, I have a little pug ( 10 kilo ) will really take him with me.

    Any suggestion …


  13. telephone at bon cafe , perhaps they have some second ! not sure how many groups you looking for !

    Anyway if you want to do cappuccinos better to have a dual boiler! if for home will suggest only one for espresso get you hot milk separated !

    I like to have separated grinder too.. but some like the cute machine with many gadgets !

    thaipauly for commercial use i see some gaggia on the market ! for home i just got a seameco because my rancilio was starting to show it old age !

    clean to use , but still like the Gaggia / Rancillio / Faema manual one .

  14. just went to see my friend before i fly on

    thank you Crossy and Hikage it is working now .

    the line in was already on.

    my sound blaster was set in thai language, and my thai friend said everywhere was not set on this device ! I click on

    AND working !

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