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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 37 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

    1. I can 'just about' live with the ban on alcohol between 2-5pm.


    2. Yep! Reduce the tax on alochol!  But wasn't the choiceincre ased 2 years ago to deter the Thais from drinking so much -- especially wine which we all know they drink great quantities of!!!


    3. Local authorities should educate and prosecute those that dump rubbish  -- especially in tourist areas!


    4. But why improve spoken 'English' -- ''There has been little recovery in Thailand with the previous top three markets - the Chinese, Russians and Malaysians - all absent along with the money they used to bring.''  The English-speaking -- and many Europeans -- don't really count, obviously!

    1.Its not about being able to live without its about people on holiday being able to have a choice. 

    2.Not talking about alcohol for Thais. Im talking about other options for tourists-imported. I think the wine tax is to keep the lower middle class away so the elite can post their photos online.

    3. Of course but unlikely to happen.

    4. Agreed but English is the International business language. Whats the point learning several languages instead of one especially as English will help you outside the Tourist sector if you change profession.


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  2. On 11/12/2020 at 10:23 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Fantastic. I liked trip advisor already. Their courage and conviction to post this warning endears me to them even more now! The resort amply deserves that, and I truly hope they succumb to the war of attrition currently devastating the nation. They richly deserve that. It is likely their attitude, and their vindictiveness is not a one off occurrence. 

    They would be good if you had to prove you stayed to write a review. Any competing business can go there and trash your business or any customer who has a small issue like not being allowed to take your own alcohol into a restaurant or any other unreasonable request by self indulged individuals!

  3. He too was in a deep sleep from the cold medication but he did hear someone running out.


    The suspect was a neighbor who had eaten with the family earlier. He did odd jobs at their house.

    Was he drunk on his own or?

    He turned on the light, realised his great grand daughter was missing and raised the alarm with neighbors who said they had seen the little girl being taken away.

    Cold medication or the alcohol he was consuming with the offender earlier in the night? Neighbors saw and did nothing.. so many cowards here!

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  4. 25 minutes ago, rabas said:

    New coronavirus variant spreading across Europe, scientists warn

    The Irish Times


    A coronavirus variant that originated in Spanish farm workers has spread rapidly through much of Europe since the summer, and now accounts for the majority of new Covid-19 cases in several countries.


    "From the spread of 20A.EU1, it seems clear that the [virus prevention] measures in place were often not sufficient to stop onward transmission of introduced variants this summer,” said Emma Hodcroft, an evolutionary geneticist.  [the properties of this new mutation are not yet fully understood]  "But she emphasised that 20A.EU1 was unlike any version of Sars-Cov-2 – the virus that causes Covid-19–- she had previously come across."



    So why was it different?

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