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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. Yes actually vitamin D is one of the main factors in "different races".

    Our skin changes colour to adapt to our geographic location.

    Hence why as people migrated north from the equator thier skin became lighter as did their eyes to absorb vitamin d.

    It is a major factor in the regulation of our endocrine system.

    Ancient cultures even worshipped the sun.

    The darker your skin the more vitamin d you need (the sun). You can see the results from African/ Carribbean/ Indian peoples cancer rates living in colder climates 


  2. 9 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    Totally agree but for a solid two months my market was jammed & everyone wore a mask, same on BTS according to Sigg. Say what you will, Italy, the US and Brazil are paying a price because they did not get serious about masks. 

    Apparently it can be passed through the eyes and even if it can't you believe these masks (most cloth) are protecting people?

    Research says that you need to be exposed for a amount of time but most people are giving it to themselves by touching their faces after touching a contaminated surfaces.

  3. 34 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:


    Asmptmatic. when was that Gearbox launched.?  Its Psycho,Asymto and ,Overeaction, also two Ls in Normally. Grange Hills Finest at its best.????

    Somebody posted a story about a prison population being 96% asymptomatic.

    1. (of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms.
      As for your other issues with my post. I am getting my daughter showered and dressed and not really bothered about a typo.
      Thanks for your valuable contribution to the thread though. It was most enlightening.
      while we are at it:
      Grange Hill's
      No need for the capital letter in finest.
      Also it's overreaction and there is no need for a commer before it and your continual need for capital letters needs addressing!
    • Haha 1
  4. Somebody posted a story about a prison population being 96% asymptomatic. How does this happen? You wouldn't of thought a prison population would of been the most healthy of individuals.

    Lots of reports of not knowing actual numbers of people infected because of lack of testing and because of people being asymptomatic which would make mortality rates lower.

    Also the reports of the US giving something like 40,000 dollars to each hospital per covid death so even though somebody had covid upon death that may not of been the reason of death.

    Now the reports in newsasia essentially a business grab by the rich elite in Thailand.

    Although this virus has a capability to kill I feel it's been a mass overaction.

    Keep the old and vulnerable inside and get on with out lives. The financial impact and pychological impact of this will hurt more people in the long run(800,000 suicides per year normaly). 

    It makes you wonder what are the long time goals of this really are!

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