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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. Somebody posted a story about a prison population being 96% asymptomatic. How does this happen? You wouldn't of thought a prison population would of been the most healthy of individuals.

    Lots of reports of not knowing actual numbers of people infected because of lack of testing and because of people being asymptomatic which would make mortality rates lower.

    Also the reports of the US giving something like 40,000 dollars to each hospital per covid death so even though somebody had covid upon death that may not of been the reason of death.

    Now the reports in newsasia essentially a business grab by the rich elite in Thailand.

    Although this virus has a capability to kill I feel it's been a mass overaction.

    Keep the old and vulnerable inside and get on with out lives. The financial impact and pychological impact of this will hurt more people in the long run(800,000 suicides per year normaly). 

    It makes you wonder what are the long time goals of this really are!

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  2. New evidence says that heat, humidity and sunlight can kill the virus so these numbers seem plausible although I'm sure many other people have it with no symptoms.

    Open up businesses but keep each province close(no travel between provinces for a couple of weeks).

    Then reassess the situation. If there is a outbreak then lockdown the relevant province again. Repeat the process until everything is under control.

  3. Somebody posted a video here with a German doctor saying that if the old and vulnerable were locked away and let the young out  the virus would disappear just as quickly as isolation.


    There was also a FB video of a doctor at a NY hospital saying he wasn't scared of the virus anymore as he understood it.

    Saying that you need 15 to 30 mins exposure to get it and that most people gave it to themselves by touching a surface band then touching their eyes or mouth.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, saakura said:

    I have been driving here almost every day since 1990 and have yet to see even one one dead body on the road, though i have seen many accidents. Not saying that 60 people here are not dying in accidents every day. But you are just being over dramatic claiming that each and every single day, a driver in Thailand has to drive past 60 dead bodies. 

    I live in Rayong have seen at least 1 a year for the last 7. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

    I've said it once and i will say it again. Face masks DO help! 
    Anyone willing to deny this should take a look at Europe and America where very few people wear masks. And then compare that with Asia where a high majority of people do wear them. 

    There is a doctor from one of the best hospitals in NY talking about the virus and saying how we understand it now and how to avoid it.

    He say that you can not catch it by walking past someone(unless they sneeze or cough directly in your face)

    He said you needed 15 to 30 mins exposure to a infected person.

    Said that most infections were caused by people touching their own faces.

  6. 9 minutes ago, stuandjulie said:

    I reckon they have locked down Phuket to try and rid the Island of the virus and then they will keep the Island isolated but open the airport again, result? The return of the Chinese hoards. 

    If it's anything like the island I live on then yes the island is on lockdown to non residents but residents can come and go ????

  7. Influenza is a common cause of pneumonia, especially among younger children, the elderly, pregnant women, or those with certain chronic health conditions or who live in a nursing home. Most cases of flu never lead to pneumonia, but those that do tend to be more severe and deadly. In fact, flu and pneumonia were the eighth leading cause of death in the United States in 2016.


    Interesting this one is not targeting the young!!! Apart from that it seems by percentage that is two or three times more serious than normal flu. Probably by the fact that it is so contagious so hospitals cant cope with the numbers.


    All the taxes we pay and all the money that seems to get lost or wasted and when its really needed the people suffer. We really have allowed the powers to be to manipulate us so badly that we are nothing more than sheeple.

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