So, is the basis for this article yet another go-for-it by a "human rights" / "women's rights" / "protect women" etc. do-gooder organisation? I suspect so. Relationships worldwide exist for massively differing reasons, from pure love to pure monetary interests, the whole spectrum. And it's always and exclusively a matter between the (usually) two people involved, and absolutely everyone else (that includes governments and religions) should get out of the picture. Note well: we're not talking about marrying off children here – that's an entirely different can of worms.
When a Thai lady decides to rent out her companion charms & skills to whoever (mostly, but not exclusively, farangs), that's entirely up to her, and no-one else's business. She might be happy or unhappy with the arrangement, or she might have mixed feelings – but the exact same applies for a lowly factory job!! She may be in dire straits and under financial pressure, but it's still up to her to choose her own "solution" to her problems, be it as a paid companion, a lady of the night, a factory worker or whatever. And to all you "human rights" advocates out there: telling a woman what to do and what not to do, and in a sense erecting guidelines and social barriers for her, clashes (in my humble opinion) with all that "human rights" stands for! Okay, you can now start throwing stones from the glass house.