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Everything posted by Bohemianfish

  1. All of the Thai people I know in the USA are happy to be out of Thailand - at least for now in their moneymaking days. Over time, they lose more interest in returning every year. Just an observation. Some tell of lack of opportunity (or put the other way around, lots of opportunity and less discrimination in the USA). When a street vendor found out I was American, and this was several years ago, she asked, "how do I get to America?" Obviously, she knew there was far more opportunity and money outside of Thailand. At least for the majority of people. People want opportunity and make a living.
  2. Reading a news article, Daily Mail, I know, she may not be at fault. He was kicked out of an Uber, so probalby drunk. His dad said the road where he was dropped off was dangerous. Not well lit, to boot. Either way, she panicked, people do that. She may have thought she'd be in trouble when she may not have. Cultural thing? Worried about the police and the legal system as many do and rightly so in a lot of instances.
  3. Many skip "break fast". Intermittent fasting and low-carb.
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