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Everything posted by Bohemianfish

  1. Filing a police report is required by companies in the USA before filing a dispute for something like a package you didn't receive. The normal business process.
  2. What an inspipid show. Loud, crass, over the top to make sure you get it.
  3. Yes, but...I have two children and when they were really young, 2-5 years old, in particular, they could disappear in a flash. Go to the store, turn your head, they are gone. Unless they are put on a leash or in a cage, its pretty hard to watch a kid 24/7, unless they are inside with you. I watched my kids like a hawk. The grandfather could have just turned to grab something and poof, the kid as run off.
  4. The Constitution was designed that way. There is no direct election president. There is no direct choice of candidate. Delegates can vote for anyone they want. The Founders were fearlful of tyranny of the masses. Same for Trump. No one was going to challenge him because they already decided who was going to be the candidate. It does suck that someone like Bernie was shut down when he had the delegates.
  5. I totally agree that was the plan. It's no surprise that Kamala was right out the gate swinging. I don't think Obama knew, though. Heard he was not happy with what happened and feel she can't win. With Trump team beating on old Joe for years and especially this year, they had only one plan and it was focused on Joe. With full peak, full momentum, they did pull the rug out from under him. Whether that's what happened or not, I'm sure it was Biden's Plan B, of course. He's been going downhill. And Trump is floudering and likely listening to no one on his team. Trump and Shady Vance have been really terrible at crowds, on camera. Truly awful. Interesting if either pull out or quit in order to beat Kamala.
  6. If she's a beauty queen, I'd hate to see who they consider ugly.
  7. Things, to me, feel a lot different than they did before Biden went to his bunker. We have someone likely getting the nomination and things feel strong now. The Republicans are freaking out. Its fun to watch them flounder around now. They put all their energy on Biden losing and now they have to pivot, do a u-turn and know Harris is a credible threat. Harris will be fine. Not a huge fan, but she has the momentum. Her campaign got 120 million today, last count.
  8. He looks just like Chet Hanks, Tom Hanks' wild child.
  9. Body doesn't like carbs and processed foods, anymore. Bread, beer, noodles, wine...just don't feel good after having any of it.
  10. And Vegas is a family destination. It's not a lot of gambling...or other nighttime activities. Ok that campaign failed.
  11. Both have Pattaya as a setting. Five Go to Pattaya is a real rollercoaster of a book. It's fun and he has lots of complex dialogue and story lines. Not complicated, just complex. Nothing too hard. Twists and turns. I'm still working on the second book.
  12. I have watched him on and off over the years, recently finished a book he wrote, and reading another of his. He's a good writer.
  13. My comment here is in the wrong place, but saw that you'd requested the Steady Eddy thread be closed last month, that his operation was a "success." Steady Eddy has a new video and he's not doing well. His operation in Thailand barely stabilized him and he was barely fit to fly. Lost movement in his right side and the growth in his brain has increased. Sorry that the thread had to be closed before all was said and done. His doctors back home are convening on what to do. Hopefully, no one jumps down my throat for commenting here.
  14. Great information. Appreciated. Does this whole process work interchangeably for us citizens as well?
  15. That's pretty neat. I still remember one evening in Missouri in army basic training and seeing fireflies. Would love to see some glowworms.
  16. downwid locations please sir., jk.
  17. We are in Seattle area,but went camping to Eastern WA a lot of wildlife like this. Will try to upload some phone shots of a large crane.
  18. Any country, people die in the USA or are seriously injured on amusement rides. No thanks.
  19. Maybe they are still available? They like it rough? Not that I'm particularly interested.
  20. Regardless, I prefer to feel sexy towards myself, won't be as loaded as my (somewhat chubby) Thai wife, though. Seriously, drinking can attribute to it.
  21. The channel is 200% about making money. It's beyond ego-driven. It lacks warmth in all forms and factors. Pretty sad actually. The clickbait titles are pathetic. Really, we have no idea how this fellow really lives. It's all a facade.
  22. I've used the services like Thaipod101 and Pimsleur. YT resource. I may be too old to absorb the ability to effectively read in any major capacity. Having learned Chinese, Korean (fluently) and German, its just practice and memorizing and tuning into how people speak. Eventually, you'll pick it up.
  23. Bohemianfish

    Isaan Woman

    My wife is fine. She's gotten shouty just a couple of times in the last 11 years. As much as myself. Our assets are both of ours. She's been in the states 9 years, but don't find that pertinent to her behavior.
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