Surely every schoolboy learns in history class it was the Vikings who sailed across the dangerous seas to share their delicious kebabs with the rest of the world.
"Kraisorn revealed that he was a freelance photographer offering photoshoot services for the cosplay community," The cosplay and furry communities attract pedos like honey attracts bees.
He's asking in exactly the right place given how many expats there are with massage/bar girl significant others. Not to mention the only Thais many expats interact with at all other than 7-11 clerks are massage/bar girls.
If you operate a car or scooter you should see them stat before you hurt yourself or somebody else. Very well regarded.
Nothing suspicious about it. The old goat was probably half asleep and didn't notice. Just like many of the farangs on Aseannow - based on the coherence of some of their replies you'd think they're half asleep when posting.
I've sent groups of them flying like bowling pins in the airport and exiting the MTR in Hong Kong when they crowd the doors trying to get on before people can exit.
Milley testified that he advised the president to accept Gen. Austin Miller's recommendation to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan and described Biden's withdrawal plan as a "strategic failure."