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Posts posted by Swimfan

  1. 37 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    This is completely inaccurate.


    The vaccines do prevent you from getting the virus, though not by 100%. In addition, the minority of people (very tiny minority in the case of some of the vaccines) whio still get it, have very mild infections, usually asympotomatic and of short duration which in turn equates to low infectivity.


    Initially there was a lack of hard data on whether or not vaccinated people could carry and spread the virus (though it was always likely they would not).  For some reason, throughout this pandemic, people have had difficulty understanding what "lack of data/unproven" means and misinterpreted it.


    Data is now starting to become  available and preliminary results show exactly what one would expect -- that transmission of the virus by immunized people would be extremely rare. Further studies are underway to quantify it more exactly.


    There are not "many" reports of vaccinated people testing positive. Just a handful and in all that i have seen, quite likely the person was infected prior to vaccination.

    Sources ?

  2. 3 hours ago, Spock said:

    Australia and New Zealand are nanny states that mollycoddle their citizens and impose layers of rules and regulations on everything. The world needs to start living again as soon as possible. As someone stuck in Australia, I can hardly wait for the opportunity to get out. Problem is that caution and bureaucracy have set back the vaccine rollout by many months in Australia. 

    Or maybe you could rephrase it as Australia and New Zealand citizens have mobilized as a collective to successfully manage the Covid outbreak. Therefore avoiding multiple country wide lockdowns buy applying a systematic approach to managing the pandemic based on evidence based practices and science. The majority of countries are now attempting to do what these countries did a year ago after waiting for their health systems to almost collapse and causing unnecessary deaths and suffering. Destroying their economies at the same time. Is it perfect here in OZ ? No. But I can’t think of many other places I would want to be in the middle of a pandemic. Yes we can not leave the country but at least we are not going from lockdown to lockdown with no end in sight. My relatives in the UK would die to be living here at the moment. 

  3. Had a similar issue for 7 years terrible bloating. Went from one gastro to another they are useless by most part at diagnosing theses issues and just lob it into the IBS basket. Which is essentially the gastroenterologists too hard basket. 
    until I saw the head of the microbiome research institute. Diagnosed by symptoms as possible unbalanced microbiome or bacterial overgrowth. He prescribed a two week course of Rifaximin a non absorbable antibiotic. Worked a charm. 

    Do some research on Sibo. 

  4. Have a Lenovo. Worse laptop I have ever owned. The hard drive is unlikely to speed the machine up. You would likely need to increase the Ram if you want to increase performance and possibly a faster video card as most video and media now is higher definition requiring a larger cache and processing speed. .  

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  5. 1 minute ago, KhaoYai said:

    When posting such stories, perhaps you should not be so selective regarding the section of the text that you copy and paste.  How about adding this section:


    Among the nearly one million Israelis vaccinated against coronavirus so far, some 240 Israelis have been diagnosed with the virus days after getting the shot, Channel 13 News reported Thursday.


    The point is that your original post suggests that vaccine doesn't work so well, when the truth is that it takes time for immunity to kick in as recognised in the next paragraph of the article:


    The figure underscores the need for individuals to continue to protect themselves for weeks after being inoculated, as the body takes time to develop effective antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.

    That article is a month old. It now 12000 confirmed cases in people who have received the first dose and 70 cases in people who have received both doses. I am assuming all of these cases are likely to be symptomatic as it is unlikely they went for a test if they were asymptomatic 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    This is getting funny, many working class people save all the year round for their two week holiday abroad, at the end of their holiday they are skint and so the pattern begins again. They are not going to afford a hotel room for 14 days, other bills will come first.

    Another thing, do people not have to pay upfront for a hotel room?

    I would just love to know what any authority is going to do with people from abroad after  they go through customs regarding quarantine.

    Well if they are stupid enough to travel abroad during a pandemic.......

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  7. 9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    and just how do they get someone to pay a hotel bill if he/she decides not to pay it. What about all these asylum seekers who left their dinghies straight to a hotel room?

    The majority of the British working class would never be able to pay a 14 day hotel room bill, after they pay their rent, council tax, tv licence, this tax and that tax. :cheesy:

    Well if they can afford to go to Magaluf ?????

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