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Posts posted by Swimfan

  1. 4 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    Go ahead and post the number of daily deaths while you are at it.  

    There is usually a lag of about 4 weeks after infection rates spike for the death rate to start to increase. in case you haven't noticed after all this time.its not like people just drop like flies after infection, but usually after a sustained attempt to keep people alive in hospital.

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    Ivermectin triple therapy, everyone take the drugs as prophylactics.


    “Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.”


    “There is mounting worldwide clinical literature pointing to a 100% cure rate using Ivermectin Triple Therapy,” said Professor Borody.


    I think professor Barody should just stick to treating bowel issues as is his specialty. You might want to take some time to read reviews of his clinic.

  3. We are living in a different state now with Covid with most countries and citizens under immense pressure both socially and economically, mostly never experienced before in their lifetime. There will be little tolerance now by the people if the Junta attempt to flex their muscles over the protests. Just turn to Belarus and Lebanon. The people have had enough and with no end in close sight with covid and potentially a second wave and possibly worse to come for some areas. The landscape is changing.

  4. 2 hours ago, madmen said:

    Comparing Bangkok to Chiang Mai

    What next new York to Kansas? 


    In what way is CM " Developing",? Lots of new factories and assembly plants? Thais from all over the country flocking there for the work? 


    The place is dead as a do do

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    CM is ok for a couple of days. But to live ? 

    Its one of the few places in Thailand i have never returned to.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Donga said:

    A few facts:

    1. There is some broad immunity each flu season plus many have the annual vaccine. Covid has to be managed very carefully because that level of immunity is just not there. Many hospital systems struggle to cope now, let alone if they allowed the virus to spread rampantly.
    2. On top of the lack of broad immunity, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is calculated to be 0.65% by CDC for Covid vs 0.1% for flu. That six times involves a further strain on medical resources. Comparison with flu has to be kept in context.
    3. Levitt has some interesting views, though been proven wrong about the potency of Covid. Both he and Prof Issac Ben-Israel were talking about three month lifespan for the virus, which has clearly been inaccurate. The video is out of date - for example Israel, which he discusses, is now undergoing a second wave worse than the first.. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

    There is no denying the severity of Covid or need to manage. Pity so many countries are using blunt tools.


    I don't subscribe to the full court press of most countries, as believe face masks from the onset would have saved so many lives and economies. WHO and western authorities should hang their heads in shame on the slow adoption of face masks outside of Asia and for the destruction of so many livelihoods.

    Wow he must be late to the start. how does the 20% compute when the official estimate is that 80k died in the USA in the 2017 flu season. Yet 160k have already died from covid and they have not even gotten to the peak of infections yet. ???? 

  6. 55 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Unfortunately they are correct, in order to qualify for age pension you need to go back and reside a full 2 years before you will get the pension and even then once you go back to Thailand after the fists six weeks you will be only be paid a portion of the monthly pension, yes, not fair, but it is what it is and there's a very long thread on theses pages that deal with these issues...

    Not true. you only lose some supplements. As long as you have worked in Australia for 35 years you can take the full pension. If you only worked 30 years then you would only be entitled to 30/35ths for portability.

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