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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 36 minutes ago, yankee99 said:

    Was there a reason you went with PR over citizenship since you are married? I guess some countries dont allow it

    Good question, if I recall correctly I read somewhere you have to get a letter from your Embassy that you are giving up your original Nationality. Maybe wrong info, but anyhow I WOULDN'T give up my original Nationality that enables and allows me to travel to almost anywhere without too many problems.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    How about the interview and Thai language knowledge?

    I heard, but I can't confirm it, that questions might be very different for people who have a lawyer and paid the right people or others who try to do it alone.

    I.e. my Thai is good enough for daily life and for a basic conversation with my gf's family. But all my business conversations are in English. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to discuss business decisions or i.e. laws and politics in Thai. I just don't have the vocabulary because I never use it.

    Does anybody have experience with easy or difficult interview questions? And what happens if the applicant understands little and is not able to give meaningful answers (to complicated questions)?

    First of all I didn't want to offend the OP. I just didn't understand the reason of employing a Lawyer and didn't take in account someone's job can indeed be a problem in this process.

    All the above mentioned remarks are ' probably ' correct about it being time-consuming, etc, It is also correct the process can be long and seemingly complicated. I did it myself ( without a Lawyer ). As I mentioned in previous posts the whole process ( from submitting request to finalizing the PR took around 4&1/2 years. This was 7 years ago. During that period your Visa will be extended ( free of cost ) every 6 months. ( Under Investigation ). Apart from what is officially announced and requested, 3 consecutive years of presence in Th and Taxes, they asked for a FULL Medical check up and report from a Government Hospital, Copy of University Diploma, Copy of updated marriage certificate ( issued by Umpher ), Company Registration and Tax papers, birth certificate, a certificate issued by the Ministry of Defense from my country certifying my "National Service" had been fulfilled, a certificate of ' No- criminal record' , issued by Min. of Justice in my country, criminal record issued by SID in Bangkok,

    ( all foreign Docs to be translated and legalized at MoFA ( Laksi ). Concerning language, you appear ,without being notified prior to it, in front of a dozen Officers asking you questions ranging from: why do you like Th? Do you prefer Th over your Country? some more general questions, questions about your professional activities, etc. As I said this was 7 years ago and possibly changed????? To all wanting to do it, good luck and don't worry TOO much.   

    • Like 2
  3. 11 hours ago, Dave Dave said:

    I think I’d definitely be wasting my time going to the police. I’ve just had a sneaky idea…I know that the insurance I paid for on her car will run out soon and she won’t renew it…Does anyone know a good place to get a cheap car in Bangkok or an independent car rental service where I can pay a cash deposit 

    I hope you're just kidding......

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/26/2021 at 6:14 AM, jacko45k said:

    My Mrs used the Wahl clippers and I got that convict look..... it will do until better times. 

    Better times being really convicted. 55555

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/25/2021 at 2:06 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    That is a must read for everybody in Thailand.

    And you should get the pdf version which was for a long time officially available for free from Stephen Leather. The not-printed version includes a couple of sections which nobody would publish in print!


    Apart from that I like all his books.

    If you just want to read one other book then read Tunnel Rats.

    Many other books are series of books and best read in chronological order. Not necessary but best.



    Would you be as kind as to forward the pdf version? Thank you very BIG.....

  6. On 8/25/2021 at 8:16 AM, hotchilli said:

    If it's a bag and jewelry then I'm guessing you bought it for her as a gift and thus she sees it as her personal property.

    In Thailand these are seen as a form of savings to be pawned in when times are tough.. 

    This is her income until she gets sorted out with the next sponsor.

    Learn you lesson and move on.


    If it was a gift, it is officially HERS..... 

  7. On 8/25/2021 at 5:58 PM, DrPhibes said:

    Not me man, I'm due for my second Pfizer shot in about a week with a 3 day round trip drive to get it.  Trying to get the wife to stay home this time as I know how everything works but might need a 4th day in case I feel "faint" after being poked the wrong way by the nurse ????

    Are you sure it is the cute nurse who's going to do the ' poking ' ????

  8. On 8/25/2021 at 12:00 AM, bangkokgalaxy said:

    Did US donate vaccine with short shelve life? I am inclined to think so. Saying that, it worked out well for me, I am happy and I am under 60.


    Good news. As a US citizen, it would be great some of my own vaccine (short shelf life or not). How did you book with Bangkok Hospital being under 60? I assumed ExpatVac only scheduled vaccines to those over 60 or with special health conditions. 

    It has been changed since about 1 week from 60 to 40.

  9. 1 minute ago, Wiggy said:

    My lawyer has told me I must show a WP when my PR is approved. But she also said it doesn’t have to be the one I applied with as I’m applying based on work in general, and not a particular company. I think the OP will need to ask immigration (or someone equally as qualified) directly. 
    I did also get one stamp in my passport saying that PR was under consideration but that stopped as I use my normal visa extension to remain. 
    I too may lose my job in December so it’s a bit of a worry. 

    How much is your lawyer charging you for telling a lot of untruth????? Why do you need a lawyer to obtain PR???? Why do you use '' normal " extension as the " under investigation " one is automatically renewed and free of charge every 6 months ?????

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/25/2021 at 4:05 PM, Liverpool Lou said:

    I didn't say that I knew how it works forensically, I do know, though, that there is a system to cover those situations.  I believe that in the UK unlicenced drivers accumulating points have those points on their record so that they can be added to any new licence they apply for.


    I think the Thai system starts with 12 points and each offence does deduct a specific number, as you said, until there are none left then the licence is suspended.   Presumably, when the licence is reinstated, i.e. the suspension has finished, the licence has the full points ready to be deducted from for any further offences.


    I could be wrong, though, I was once before.

    There is a magnetic strip on the rear side of the DL. I have never experienced it being used.....

  11. 19 hours ago, DrJoy said:

    I think WP is required at the time of PR approval letter pickup.

    Dont you get `PR Under consideration`  stamps every 6 months?

    WP is not required when PR is being approved.  If not changed, since the past 6 years, yes you get this stamp , free of cost, every 6 months. In my case there was 4 1/2 years between original accepted application and final approval.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, club said:

    very good combination (SV then AZ)  . Are you kidding ? One jab of Sinovac gives you very low protection 13 %. Its the second jab of Sinovac that gives you much more protection . So what is the point in just the one jab of Sinovac ? Where are the trials and data on it ? How do we know its save ? 

    Maybe all correct, but how do YOU know it's not safe???

  13. 9 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    One or two very popular tertiary level government hospitals have this (e.g. Siriraj)  - but it is nowhere near 80%. More like 25%.

    May very well be correct, with the exception of PR and / or Th ID card.... Personally I benefit of exactly the same price / service as Th Nationals do. I think most of the ' Foreigners ' do have a medical insurance and someone has to ' sponsor ' a bit local health services. ( joking ( or maybe not ) )  

  14. 16 hours ago, amsterdammer said:

    Continuing the positive feeling..... I also receive 1st Pfizer shot tomorrow. 42 Years old, no health conditions. Sukhothai. 


    Interesting....No e-mail or SMS notification....just a friendly phone call. (Registered expatvac.co.th 1st August)


    Keep them jabs coming guys!

    Still " Amazing " Thailand. I got 3 different SMSs the same day , Bumrungrad, Huay Kwang and the one I went for BHP. I did cancel the other ones. Very professionally organized by BHP staff in Central. ( I ' DO ' mention I'm not a BHP patient in any way )

  15. 4 hours ago, mrjohn said:

    Thanks for the link Joe.

    I'm 69 but with no pre-existing conditions that I know of..
    That's why I'm concerned I'm just wondering how long this facility at Central will be open.
     I'll probably post something on the other thread too.

    The facility at Central is probably staffed by Bangkok Hospital staff and will only last as long as the Malls are closed, that's what's happening here...

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