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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. On 4/24/2021 at 1:44 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    That she's wearing a bra under her bikini top. Makes me wonder if she's hiding something.

    Answer: in between are the money and lottery tickets.. 5555 Saves them the cost of silicone. LOL

    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/25/2021 at 9:03 AM, Crossy said:



    He just needs a girlfriend and sees your gate as a rival suitor.


    We have sparrows attacking the car mirrors, seems to be when there is a shortage of "willing" ladies as it's not all the time nor every year.


    You could try covering up the shiny bits.

    It's a normal reaction from the poor birds. All the entertaining spots and bars are closed.... Where to find a girl nowadays??? 5555????

    • Haha 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, Excel said:

    According to that old book of fiction it was stated, although not exactly in those words in Genesis 9.1. ( not the rock band ). Now that part of the novel was in the earlier release of the publication called the "Old Testament" and was reputed to have been written sometime before that goodwill visit of the football player's ancestor Jesus.  That predates the invention of  the Catholic religion by many centuries. So hence it can not possibly be a Catholic saying, even if it was ever true.

    Am I confused with Islam ???  

  4. On 4/15/2021 at 6:41 PM, xylophone said:

    In your post you said, "seems like the love has died" and, "our relationship has grown tenuous", so there you have two very good reasons to move on.


    If you accept that, then moving on will be easy, however if you still have feelings for her, then you have perhaps a tough decision to make.


    IMO hanging on to an almost dead relationship is a complete waste of time.

    The OP could listen to one of the many versions of " You keep me hanging on " ;;; If not much help at least entertaining. 5555

    • Haha 1
  5. 22 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I have a better way to find the perfect lottery numbers.

    It requires some research which can take all night. And sometime I am not sure which number is the winner. In doubt I take two.


    Huge investment... 

  6. On 3/13/2021 at 12:02 AM, fakser said:

    To cakm yourself, 

    1. knock with a small hammer on the walls in different points. Light walls will give you loud eco.Concrete walls will give you light eco and you will feel the hardness of the concrete

    2. Take a light cordless drill with concrete drill and make few test drills. If it is concrete you will feel the resistance in depth of 3 mm. If it is light wall you will penetrate it easily. You can fix the hols with any putty.

    That's not a way to check supporting walls. Merely checking cheese. ????

  7. 47 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

    cancelled It would be the best decision if they cancelled songkran completely im sick of buying new trainers after songkran and getting drunken thais and farlangs throwing ice cold water over you upto midnight instead of stopping it at 6pm , ps is there any deserted property somewhere i can go for 1 or 2 weeks near pattaya fully stocked up with food and drink ?

    Hot Chocolate?? 55555

  8. On 3/11/2021 at 7:58 AM, bluesofa said:

    Yeah, I bet she was dead pleased TVF had gone down. One less group of foreigners taking the p!ss out of the government. Then again they are an easy target - they keep giving so much opportunity with what they say.
    I'm sure we qualify for some of our illustrious leader's alcohol spray - as long as it's free - same as for the Thai press.

    Maybe she introduced a new TVF Virus. 55555555

  9. On 3/11/2021 at 8:28 AM, problemfarang said:


    im not sure if your work time is effecting your status to become a thai.

    But i believe you should be marry at least 5 years with your wife to apply. Thats what i have been told few months ago and i was married for 8 years. Also your age can help too if your up 50. 

    I think that 3 years of work is not for being a thai citizen. You can only apply for permanent residency with that which is really expensive (around 950K)

    There are sections you need to do to become a thai citizen in the test and you will get scores from those things. If you can do 50 or up you can be a thai.

    good luck

    if i was wrong about any info you guys please correct me.

    Where did you get this amount?? (950K ) Absolutely ridiculous what you are saying....

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/11/2021 at 5:24 AM, wn78 said:

    What kind of a small gift can I bring to a Thai guy and his girlfriend, who are not my close friends, but casual friends with whom I want to keep a connection.  He speaks decent English and somewhat westernized, his gf is more traditional, they are small business owners in BKK and from common Thai background.  It’s gotta be something hard to get a hold of in Thailand so they would appreciate it. Maybe a certain brand of alcohol, cigarettes, or premium coffee??  What would Thais bring back from the US for their casual friends?  Something inexpensive, under $50-75 for either a single combined gift or two separate gifts for him and her.

    Your Credit Card??? 55555????

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