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Everything posted by vangrop

  1. If you read correctly, Monsieur, I didn't post their fincial statement is wrong. There are underlying so called one time items which they exclude from their 2023 normal financial reporting. Other facts that characterize this company is their poor customer service. For example they didn't refund the majority of fares from canceled flights during covid times. They give you the facts, this will become a thriving company in the near future. For somebody as factual as you, I wouldn't hesitate and suscribe immediately to their shares when available. Good luck with that.
  2. The operating profit, excluding one-time items, also saw an upturn, reaching 24.6 billion baht. Says it all. Its creative accounting as usual, I bet they again had loss. Too many parked airplanes, too high rates, too much people sucking the same lollipop as before. I never never never ever will buy one share of this company based on cronyistic management.
  3. beware people greeting you to start a useless boring ennoying conversation, just to get spotlights on them
  4. Analysing most posters on this forum are politely said uninteresting. Not being a masochist I definitly wont travel half Thailand to attend such lind of meeting
  5. just saying, all the American soldiers victims of the attack on their base in Jordania were coloured people!?
  6. As non English speaking person, I understand much better other non English speaking people when they talk English than the native ones with their hundreds dialects. This despite our funny accents.
  7. and staring afro americans
  8. i don't believe you because you are obviously not good in maths. 40k a month is 480 a year
  9. Very good initiative. But I think he is an ultimate exception, because they do not know the word saving. It is simply not in their dictionnary, Neither as logic by the way. I know I asked the GF
  10. Are you joking. Are you a cc? Thailand has one of the cheapest taxi services in the world. You're going to endure the hassle of a bus ride and at the end of the journey you'll still have to take a taxi to get to your final destination. If you're that desperate for money, I only have one advice for you: stay home.
  11. is that news? Come on Snoop Tell us what you wife cooked today
  12. I would say a moo baan,I intended to buy an house in a moo baan at the dark side kao noi. One afternoon we went to visit several houses. But.. at the entrance of the site we heard a farang shouting a few houses away, And then another farang, and than thai wives. We escaped asap
  13. really, and what other interesting activities do you devote the rest of Saturday to Mr Connda?
  14. First it is a stupid game (not sport) such as so many others. Secondly it is an activity mainly practiced by pretentious snobinards who think they came from the thigh of Jupiter with their ridicoulous childish rulings. Thirdly, this sport is excessively expensive, excluding people with modest or even average incomes. Fourthly it is very harmful to the environment, the fauna and flora clearing out trees to expose carpets of grass
  15. they will never ever never be able to implement such a complex issue.
  16. Well mister most farangs are tourists and not full time residents. If you do not like our tourist stories well concentrate you on sewer problem in your soi or the frequency of collection of your household waste
  17. So irrelevant explain. The agent did also the extension 8 days before the expiry date. And by the way I had to go together with the agent to Jomtien immagration. There inside the office the IMO took photos from me and from the requirement form from the agent, also 8 days in advance!?
  18. I don't understand your thread I did my extension on 7 November, or 8 days before the expiring date on 15 November. I had no issues, I must add that it went through an agent
  19. .The usual hierarchy in those bands is composed of an intelligent evil person at the lead and a bunch of brainless moron loser followers
  20. I knew a Thai Tomboy, short hair dressed like a guy etc. She actually acted like a guy. She was madly in love with a Thai beauty and all her money was spent on it. The Tomboy gave her gifts, she paid for her cigarettes, when they went out she paid for everything, she paid for her car, maybe even she paid for sex too. Because of his whim, she was always short of money and tried to borrow left and right without ever paying back obviously. Exactly the same attitude of idiots in love as we farangs know how to have.
  21. I would not help her. Everything smells scam. The best part is she is in an hotel and the bank could send her a new card the next day. To which adress???????
  22. He wqas out of brown enveloppes and handed whites over. But the brownies only want brown enveloppes
  23. I have three issues. First what kind of drugs, because with the hundreds of pot shops selling theses things what is actually authorized ad what not. Strange this purple urine story. Second they are talking about tourists involved. I only see asian types on these photos. Third a tomboy is a female feeling and dressing and behaving as a guy. They are addicted to the female gender, so I don't see what real guys would do in this establishment. Strange
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