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Everything posted by vangrop

  1. i don't understand. a box with pills should have a certain weight. Soorry man your story is very strange and incomprehensible
  2. well man come back to me when you are in bangkok hospital after a moron trying to drive such a monster bike gets you
  3. young man wanted to lay tarzan and there webgo
  4. Check AI mister je sais tout. They write Sonteo and by the way these are phonetic interpretations so up to you. Best Regards
  5. sorry forgot the s sonteos baht busses
  6. They could establish a time system. Determining during which periods this type of vehicle could circulate. I'm obviously also thinking of trucks. In addition they should reduce the excessive number of osteos.
  7. Read carefully, I absolutly don't want to ban the small bikes like scooters. I think those are the best transport solution to avoid jams in big cities. Indeed you have a point re cars and busses. City hall should ban them out of the centre, such as policies ar now in most big Europan cities.
  8. Sympathy for the devil
  9. Last Thursday around 8 pm I was trying to cross second road from Mike Shopping to the Edge at Soi Diana. There is as usual an enormous traffic jam and the pedestrians try to squeeze through between the motorbikes sonteos, busses etc. I almost reached the opposite side at the Edge. Than a superbike kind of Harley Davidson powered by an up 1000 cc engine with enormous wheels, a steer as large as the wings of a condor conducted by a young farang wearing a theapot on his tiny head raced from soi Diana into Second road. He missed me by an hair, deducting from his agressif driving unfortunately for him I suppose. I said what are you doing here with such an engine in the middle of a busy city known for her huge traffic jams. Of course I got the classic f… you from the moron. Paradoxically it made me laugh because the tough (?) screaming biker had such a kind of baby voice. These kind of bikes should be banned from a city with small sois and continuous traffic jams. An intelligent individu would avoid driving this kind of things in this city. Of course this Pattaya has his part of brainless farangs haunting the streets.
  10. Man you also believe anything, maybe you are on the other additifs too, reading your excessif pseudo knowledge about this matter
  11. Your doctor is entirely right. These stuff are simply overprised and don't add anything, it is purely marketing. Listen to the scientists and not The fake charlatans. Just eat more meat, chicken, eggs all rich in proteins.
  12. I sugest you sooner then later to a psychiatric institution
  13. grow up, big b.llsh!t
  14. whores
  15. Well it is the best way to get profitable exchange rates especially in touristic resorts sa Pattaya. And if you are only counting on your card, the worst that could happen on your journey in a strange country is that the ATM swallows it
  16. About TQ, I went there a few days ago. I saw overaged waitresses. The furniture is also overaged. The service is overaged. The customers are overaged. The lighting is overaged. The music is overaged, but that is perfect. The only thing that is not overaged are their prices. They have a short time room inside.I asked one ove the overaged hostesses how much. Bar fine (why) and renting around 1000 baht and yes for the oldtimer herself 3000 baht, toal 4000 baht. Maybe they deliberatly are pricing out of reach, alhough analysing the available stuff it even shouldn't be necessary
  17. Try not to exchange any money with your beloved one. I am very curious about your I hope honest reply. In my case I would pattin my chin
  18. who is the guy in the middle, The noodle soup vendor?
  19. Use an agent. I just did a 30 day extension on 7 December with an agent. We only went to Jomtien for photos no queuing (to prove that I had been there). I left home at 15.00 pm and was back home at 16.30 all with transportation provided by the agent. I saw still hundreds of people queuing at that thour.
  20. I had admittance till 15 November 2023. 30 day extension was made in Jomtien on 7 November (8 days before end of allowance) by agent Maneerat without any problem. New deadline 15 December 2023. So is it really up to the local IMO, no rules?
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