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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 1 hour ago, stanleycoin said:

    Well done Thailand.

    The best, of the best, of the best.

    Truly a shameful state of affairs.


    Lets have a big hand,  for the charcoal and saffron robe sellers. looks like,  they are all set for a bumper year again. 

    Nice one. :jap:


    Ps Good to see they use there police resources so well.




    You happy about it?

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    DSD, your comment about 'spatial awareness' is just spot on, it really is.


    I'm sure most of us must have cringed many times when we spot a potentially dangerous situation appearing, only for locals to look surprised at our concern.

    Or do we as ferangs just 'worry too mutt'?

    You worry too much. Thai people say “ch” at the end of a word as t sound. Because of the rules with ช. We can start the word with “ch” sound but not at the end.


    yinns road safety tips

    1) drive a car. Motorbike is dangerous. Pick up go over too easy. Van not safe

    2) Wear a seatbelt

    3) don’t go fast

    4) if have rain, turn on light, go slow

    5) not drunk



    only about ten people per day die in car crash in Thailand. I don’t think happen to many foreigner. 30 million per year come to Thailand.


    How many tourist really die in a car crash? Anyone?


    And 80% of that 10 per day is drunk or speed. No seatbelt.

    So if you follow Yinns safety, only two per day. You only going to die if very, very unlucky.

    Which is less than most countries.


    I don’t know anyone who ever die in a car crash.


    pakistan, India, China, Nigeria, Congo, Russia, Brazil and USA have more road deaths than Thailand. A lot.


    Enjoy your stay in Thailand. Should be ok



    • Sad 2
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  3. 9 hours ago, ocddave said:

    Must be nice living in the sticks, try Bangkok on for size, you'll learn what the rest of us are worrying about. I almost got slammed into twice today, once by a Taxi driver who jumped out of line and onto the opposite side of the road to cut around 6-7 cars (including me) turning right at a turn light, he decided he wanted to beat us to the turn at full-speed, came to a skidding stop at my drivers door. Should have saw the faces on the motorcycle riders waiting to go straight after we turned, they probably thought they were going to die. 

    Hahaha. Sound like the fast and furious movie!

    1) drive a car. Motorbike is dangerous. Pick up go over too easy. Van not safe

    2) Wear a seatbelt

    3) don’t go fast

    4) if have rain, turn on light, go slow

    5) not drunk


    Should be ok. 

  4. Maybe have ph problem, so maybe need soda.


    maybe chlorine problem.

    Do the test and it will say the problem. Maybe it both problem.


    Is the condo/hotel pool? Or private? 


    If you have the Chang clean the pool I think he maybe lazy to check. Ask him, I sure he never use the test in the photo I send. Easy to use it. One minute to check. 

    Too green, not clear.

    He will try to say because “rain”. But not true. If chlorine and ph perfect not have this problem sure.


    look at YouTube if you not understand.


    i think the rat live in the parm tree. The rat like it.



    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    What a great idea.lets make a film about road racing in the country with the most road deaths.



    pakistan, Nigeria, India, China, Congo, Indonesia, Russia, USA have more road deaths than Thailand.


    3 hours ago, happy chappie said:



    ......anyway crap movie from what I've seen of it.

    Very popular happy chappie. I watch them all.


    Many Farang worry too much in Thailand. Less than ten people average die in car crash in Thailand everyday. (the average) A lot because they drunk.

     It is not good they die, but I think very unlucky if it you. I don’t know anybody who die in car crash.


    RIP Paul Walker

  6. 6 hours ago, BestB said:


    but why do you need 8 medics to handle the situation? 

    When you have the problem we will just send only one ok?


    6 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:



    In watching the video, I was impressed that the volunteer medics did an excellent job in treating her and getting her properly on the backboard. Always wondered how well trained these guys were.




    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yeah, it's about much more than sexual attractiveness. It's about perceptions of class being linked to skin lightness. Sadly we see this in many parts of the world. 

    Farang spend hours sunbath to get skin cancer. Use fake tan creams, look orange like Donald Trump. Pay a lot of money to use sun beds with the cancer lights to get more skin cancer.


    just so they can look highso. Not look like the poor people who work everyday in the factory and office and can not have money for holiday to tropical paradise is Thailand.

    so sad.


    And get a lot of wrinkle and sun damage spots.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Crippling household  debt, 99% of the people owning 33% of the wealth, a dysfunctional education system and discrimination in employment, especially ageism and sexism. Yes lots of opportunity to earn very little on a minimum wage, keep the peasants happy with dumb entertainment and hand outs, getting better for a very few, not for the many.


    11 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    Simply not true.  Average wage below.


    Everything orton say is simply not true. I lazy to help him anymore.


    i think I know why he think like that. Funny.

    But I am too polite to say.


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  9. 2 hours ago, Bullie said:

    I see that you cleverly manage to avoid mentioning Vietnam. Invaded, plundered and destroyed by respectively the French and the U.S.

    And yet rapidly overtaking Thailand economically and intellectually. Therefore, your argument does not fly.

    I Think western nations took what Thai land they wanted, and just left the rest of Thailand alone because there was not really anything of interest left to them at the time.

    No. We about double vietnam every way you want to compare. 

    Have a look, then make a comment. They are very poor.



    Happy to teach you about that Bullie.

  10. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    What about Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong? 


    Or, what about USA or Australia? 



    Singapore do the great job. Very impressive. Good government. Not much corruption, so they have very success. But I think the lifestyle not so good, mostly live in small condo etc To many rule.


    Malaysia ok. But not so much fun as Thailand. I go there before.


    Hong Kong, I don’t really know about that.


    Australia and USA is different, The farang not colonies, they take it over complete. The farang kill a most of Native American and the Aborigine. Rape and steal. And still they have a lot of problems. First world country but the native American and Aborigines not have the benefit so much. So I really don’t want to be like that.

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  11. 7 hours ago, neeray said:

    Clarity: When I said "There's lots of "stupid" where I come from !", that was not referring to Thailand. Surprise, surprise, that was referring to Canada.

    I am appalled on a daily basis at some of the born and raised Canadian people that I meet (and same for USA).

    From an earlier posted comment (?), I must agree, Thais are very resourceful. And from another poster (?), there are "stupid" people in every country, probably in an equal percentage to each other.

    I have respect for Thais, particularly for the hard work of many. And having done business with many dozen, their level of service was above that of my home country. No complaints !

    Yes I understood that. I put the stupid comments first and then put your one for agree with you ka.


  12. 16 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    Do you think the other team would not have celebrated their goals...if they were capable of making one?


    Much to do about nothing...losing team lost both face and arse at the same time...game over...get over it...move on to your next loss...


    15 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    There is absolutely nothing to appologize for here. They have their full right to celebrate their goals as they wish and see fit. This is probably a complaint originating from the poor confidence of the Thai team.


    8 hours ago, Sonhia said:

    Typical Thai fashion to find excuses. You were no good on the day! You lost Thailand its that Simple. Be professional. The other team were a much better side. Accept your defeat plus lose of face. If you can't accept defeat, then don't take part in competitions!





    Thai people did not complain about that America happy too much.

    Other farangs news said that. Thai don’t worry about that. Did not complain about that.


    If I wrong can you tell me the Thai person complain about that? Who did?


    congratulations USA! Play it very well. Very strong.

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