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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 12 hours ago, MartinL said:


    I'm sure you kept a copy of your 'disappeared' thread and all the data and sources you used in your research to arrive at the 157,000 deaths figure. 


    Why not rewrite it and repost?

    If they take it off I think they angry about it right? I just want to help, not make them angry.


    12 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Deny , make excuses , do nothing .Yinn has perfectly encapsulated the problem and why it will never improve.

    157,000 dead. I think you are correct joecoolfrog.


    12 hours ago, marcusarelus said:


    Canada                    2118
    New Zealand            364
    USA                         39888
    UK                              2019
    Australia.                   1,351
    Europe.                     84,589
    Russia                        27,025
                           Total.   157,354

    Thailand 22,000

  2. 17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I'm not taking this any further. You try to deflect from the subject (do I speak Thai, what is my level of education etc),

    Barry you talk about education.

    17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    which is that Thailand has some of the deadliest roads in the world, and all you come up with is a figure of how many died on motorcycles. Why does it matter to you how they died?

    Because Barry. If you have a accident in a car at 30-50 km you will not die. But on the motorbike you do. So because Thailand have so many motorbike, this people die. Not just go to repair shop. Understand?

    17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Are you suggesting that as the majority were on bikes they don't matter? They shouldn't count?

    No. But if drive the car most of them would not die. So it make the higher dead number. Understand yet?


    17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Many hundreds die each month. End of. Where I come from, it takes a year to reach the same number of road deaths that Thailand reaches in less than a month. Same population number in both countries. 

    The car death is nearly the same. Less than ten everyday.


    take care Barry.


    ps. You still not tell me the safe distance


  3. Bangkok Barry like this?

    - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Farang, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

    2 - The Farang have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

    3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Farangs do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

    4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Farangs  do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.

    5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

    6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

    7 - Farangs  do not seem able to join the dots, and realise that if, for example, they drive at 120 kms an hour five metres behind the vehicle in front, or drive at night with no rear light (or front light if they are driving on the wrong side of the road because they have no concept of the danger), then they would have no time to react if the vehicle in front breaks suddenly. Ask any Farang what their safe breaking distance is and they would have no idea.



    None of this will change as 1 - it would mean taking everyone off the road until they were able to take a real driving test and 2 - the people that would be responsible for initiate the change are not interested as they are given police escorts wherever they go. It needs a VIP or member of the royal family to be killed for anything to happen, and even then the task would be too hard (and Farangs don't do hard).

    • Sad 1
  4. Outsider

    Maybe it's a combination of lack of spatial awareness AND plain ignorance i.e. 'if you're in such a hurry why don't you use another aisle, or drive around me' mentality? And that's when they are sober!


    And yes I guess they do think foreigners are so easily scared of this and that. I also think it is the 'mai phen rai' mindset. That things will be ok, and will take care of themselves. They just 'go for the moment', sparing no thoughts of what might lay ahead. For example, they'd drive out onto the main road from a side-lane, thinking whoever is coming will see them and brake. They don't think about closure speed etc. and that the car coming towards them won't be able to stop even if it had reverse thrusters. Ditto people riding without helmets and all other nuances we see on Farang roads. They only realise things can go wrong, when they actually do go wrong. Fatally so, on some occasions.

  5. Blue sofa

    Something I've been saying years, that until they are encouraged to think nothing will change.


    We all know the powers at the top want to prevent any critical thinking for as long a possible, because as soon as that happens and the population realise what a shit deal they've been getting for centuries, it will be the start of an uprising.

  6. Cantrbrigbankoer


    Precisely, I often wonder if Farangs are impaired in some way in this regard. It's baffling and so ubiquitous that it genuinely makes me wonder - you see examples of it everywhere:

    - walking around the cities here 

    - shopping

    - driving


    It all adds up to the same likely mental deficit. 


    spatial awareness in humans is a function largely confined to the right superior temporal cortex '


    Maybe they don't have one or it's severely underdeveloped??? ???? It seems to be an issue across Asia actually, but most certainly in Farangland.


    Again, harsh but true - the more dimnos that kill themselves because of dangerous and incompetent driving, I would hope, the fewer of them around to hurt more responsible others. Of course, there's always the next generation. I just hope something changes for the better, for their sake... shan't hold my breath.

    • Confused 1
  7. Hello everyone.

    Have a lot of thred about the road death in Thailand. 

    I know is big problem. 22,000 per year. 80% motorbike. And die in the pickup. Like that.


    Many poster have their reason why Thailand have a lot of people die. And care so much. Thankyou everyone care so much about that.


    The way some poster say about that, make you think caucasion country don’t have the problem.


    But I check it on Wikipedia and the caucasion country more than 157,000 die last year. Terrible isn’t it?


    Many Thai like to get the visa to go to there. But it not look safe like some people say. It dangerous also. Less than Thailand, but still the terrible problem. So many die in caucasion country? What can we do?


    ps. I know my English is so so. I come here to train my English. My teacher recommend. It is more fun to talk to the foreigner about Thailand than reading a textbook which is boring. Please don’t “mock” that.


    My suggestion wear seatbelt, drive the car, not drunk, not fast, not use phone, use the lights if have rain, slowly slowly.



    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Okay, okay. Thais know everything about everything and are never wrong.

    Not say that Barry. I just correct you mistake.

    1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:



    No problem. You didn’t know.

    1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    You haven't yet responded to another poster asking, if things are fine here, why Thailand has one of the deadliest road death tolls in the world.


    I did Barry. Read my first one. Motorbikes is 80%. Seatbelt and drunk is also the problem.

    1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Perhaps you can enlighten us. Recently someone. a Thai of course, said that all the accidents were caused by us nasty aliens. What do you think?

    You call yourself “nasty alien”????


    Of course it not true. Stupid thing to say. 

    You sure about that? I don’t believe. But if you tell me who said that I will believe you.


    You not answer my question Barry.



  9. 7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:



    Such ignorance explains why no Thai has ever, in the history of the world, invented or produced anything of use to the world. Nothing. 


    Oh Barry. Still going. Calm down na.

    I too busy to answer all you questions. But will answer a few.

    No invention? 5555555

    Here is one little simple one you can maybe understand.

    You ever invent anything Barry? Or everything you use daily life someone else invent?





    7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Road blocks do not prevent accidents.


    Stopping drunk and drug people doesn’t prevent accidents? 555555 Oh Barry.


    7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    You prove my point for me about braking distance, as what you write is nonsense.

    Ok Barry. What you think? What distance? Please teach me.


    look like other agree with me about that. 555555555



    You can read Thai after 25 years. Or too difficult for you Barry?


    You finish high school Barry?


    • Sad 1
  10. 6 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    I wonder if Thais would know what's healthy even if it was slapped on their face.


    6 hours ago, Benroon said:

    A third organic farm has just opened up near me, so I'm guessing yes.




    5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Just like foreigners you go Thais that are into exercise and health but they just like with foreigners are not a majority. I see a lot of Thais exercising in the park in front of my home.


    So sure Thais know what is healthy but not all.. just like most foreigners here care more about beer then exercise and eating healthy. (Yes there are plenty of members who do exercise and eat healthy but I am sure there are more that don't)

    Is Dr Tuner blind?



  11. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    It won't happen, for the following reasons:

    1 - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Thai, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

    Really. You marry thai woman right? And stay here for 25 years? You still alive Barry?



    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    2 - The Thais have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

    Donold Trump America First


    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Thais do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

    So how school get the teacher Barry? 



    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Thais do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.


    Maybe. Sometimes.


    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

    No. We know about that Barry.



    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

    Have the license test. 


    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    7 - Ask any Thai what their safe breaking distance is and they would have no idea.

    Wrong answer Barry.

    There is not the distance. The “time” is important.

    Should be 4 second behind the next car. Because distance different for different speed. When you ask them about it do you speak thai or English? I think they not understand what you say.


    3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    8 - There are zero police patrols to help prevent accidents by pulling aside selfish and stupid drivers. Their only presence is setting up road blocks which seems in my experience to have only one purpose - to check your tax disc is in the window and up to date.

    Wrong Barry. Thailand have road block and motorway police. Not zero. Have “radar”ร also. Hide in the tree. They drive Honda Accord. Maybe not where you live. But have sure.


    Photo show speed trap and highway patrol car.


    maybe should calm it down a little bit Barry. Not everybody the safe driver, but most people are. 





  12. 2 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    Ok, say no more, i'm done.

    Good day.




    1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I don't think my wife would be keen on leaving all her family and friends. Would you?


    1 hour ago, DavisH said:

    But remember most of the road deaths here are those on motorbikes. Let's say about 80%. That amounts to 6000 deaths out of 30,000 from those driving other kinds of vehicles. Thailand has 3X Australia's population, so I would say road deaths involving cars may actually not be that different from that of Australia, if we only consider those driving sedans. Driving a car here for nearly 20 years, I don't feel all that less safe than driving in Australia. You would never get me on a bike here though. A colleague was killed a few years back as a passenger on a motorbike taxi that jumped a red light. No bikes for me. 



    Hello Davis. 

    You understand the real situation. Thankyou.


    i think the other guys miss a lot in there hurry to talk about how “stupid” thai people are. They say it together so much they really believe themself. Scared.


    the motorbikes are very dangerous. Sorry about that your friend.


    • Like 2
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  13. 4 hours ago, rott said:

    So you are saying that the official figures grossly exaggerate the number of road deaths and that only you know the true figure.

    Wow thanks for coming on here, we would not have known otherwise.

    Er, why are the official figures just lies?

    I not say that. Official figures lie.

    But if you read my post I said “cars.”


    7078/150 days = 47 people per day right?

    80% of that is motorbikes.

    So that 20% is 9.4 per day not motorbike right?


    So half of that is van, walker, and pickup.

    so half= 4.7 per day in the car.


    The police say 70% of that is because drunk, speed or not use seatbelt.

    So if you follow Yinn safety rules only about 2 per day in all of Thailand everyday.


    so how I wrong? 

    Many people talking here about Thai is stupid. Same everyday. But you believe headline exaggerated. So who is stupid.

     But nobody mention that 80% is motorbike. No real awareness of the real world? Motorbike is the real problem.



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