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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 9 hours ago, swissie said:

    Regardless of the number of Smartphones in use and how many cars are on the road.

    -The way Thai's "think" has not changed 1 Iota compared to 30 years ago. Except (some) new age university students. But that is a negligeable minority.

    Thailand is by far not the only country in SE/Asia that welcomes all technological "advances" but at the same time making every effort to adhere to "traditional-values".


    So, inspite of "changes on the surface", inside the haeds of Thai's, nothing has changed. Not in the last 30 years. As far as this is concerned, it's strictly "same same". For better or for worse.

    No, Thailand has changed so much. From third world farm country to developing factory/ manufacture country.



  2. 5 hours ago, SammyT said:

    This is incredible. You managed to read an article about a guy who has seen the worst of thai society but bears no real grudges to the rest of them, and turn it into a soapbox to spout your own crap about how much you hate Thais. That's a special skill.  


    There are good and bad people in every country. Bar none. 

    Sonhia hate Thailand, but he stay. (I think)

    Think he lose the money to Surin girl. Maybe the hybrid. (Near Buriram, same Colin bad wife)


    But Colin get smart and find the wonderful wife. She clean him everyday. I not sure I can do that. Colin also get the free house and free hospital from thai people.

    Colin say he like Thai people. 

    Some good, some bad. Not tarred with the same brush.


    Good luck Colin. Have two wonderful wife, is lucky, only one the bad one. Not to bad.

    Good luck Sonhia. Maybe you can be happy like Colin sometime.



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  3. 2 hours ago, madmen said:

    70% boiled rice, some slivers of meat and served with 2 tablespoons of sugar and MSG


    No thanks

    You only try that? Thailand have a lot different food, some healthy, some terrible.


    we grow organic a lot for us to eat. House chicken, fruit and vegtable. Not really trust this shop organic. Maybe, maybe not. Who know?


    Salmon is not healthy. They make the orange color with chemical, fake, also it import so not fresh one. And dirty water. 

    Plain water fish I think also not so good/clean. We like fish from Andaman sea, think fish from eastern is not so good because the rubbish and chemicals.


    Also brown rice, or rice berry is better.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, essox essox said:

    google the name.....its NOT rocket science......

    I did google that.


    That is why I said WHO is Pete Townsend.


    in Thailand we pronounce the number 5 as HA. 


    So 5555= hahahaha = joke. Justgrazing and ianezy0 understand joke.


    Dont like music, don’t understand joke. You funny guy.

  5. 54 minutes ago, seajae said:

    farangs who are the usual victim are always suicide but a thai female is not, go figure, the thai females involved with the farangs that "fall" from condo's are rarely even looked at. While this is suspicious many farang deaths are as well 

    Sure about that? Or not really? Foreigner go free. 

    About one a week in pattaya. Always the foreign “boyfriend”




  6. On 6/21/2019 at 6:27 PM, MartinL said:

    Genuine accidents can happen anywhere at any time. Every country has a proportion of drivers who don't care about laws, other people, themselves or 'common' courtesy. 

     I agree with that. 

    If you read what I say I said “wear the seat belt, not fast, not drunk, not motorbike, drive four second behind front car, if hav rain turn on the lights and more slow” like that. That is what I say. Try to help.


    So am I this type you think that? Idiot driver.


    Thaivisa people say EVERY thai not have “common sence” EVERY Thai stupid, not have spacial. Say that good Thai die because then can not “breed” more idiots. 

    They say that about ME.

    ALL my family and good friend don’t drive wrong way. None of us die. We see bad driver and don’t like that also. We have the brain.


    so they wrong. 


    Many farang on thaivisa have issan bar wife. They talk about that. And they can not speak thai. All there information come from bargirl and the family of the bargirl. So think that all thai is like that. Loso people. 


    Tarred with the same brush.



  7. Hello everyone.

    Today my gang go to Lamru Waterfall and Naampu hot spring.

    Nice mountain drive, have hot spring with natural mineral water and free entry for foreigner.

    Good day trip in province Phangnga. 


    On the way we stop in the old style town Kapong (in photo)

    They sell the local durian only 30baht for kilogram. So good, so cheap we bought it all. Amazing price! Delicious one.

    At car park you can buy the egg to cook in the hot spring. And food for picnic.

    It to hot to swim in it. You will die. It have steam come out.

    But next to the spring have the river. And the hot water come out of spring into the river make it warm and can swim there. The mineral good for the skin, make you look younger and releave joint pain.

    Nice place.











    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, MartinL said:

    Thank you. Now we're getting somewhere ???? !

    I am am studying English. I am not good at it yet. I can’t understand a lot of what you are saying. 

    But I will try.



    6 hours ago, MartinL said:


    1) There are a lot more Chinese 1 billion plus than farang 750,000,000

    2) And more Asians than that


    You're using the same argument to exonerate Asians as you used to bash 'farangs'. Saying there are more Chinese (and Asians in general) than 'farangs' so there are bound to be more Asian deaths on the roads is exactly the same as saying there are more 'farangs' than Thais so there are bound to be more 'farang' deaths on the roads.


    Yet you've been pushing the question of "... but why so many 'farang' (die)?" for quite a while now in a Thai v. 'farang' urinating contest.

    You've just answered your own question - there are MANY, MANY more 'farangs' than Thais!!! Why couldn't you have realised that earlier and saved all these recent argumentative posts?

    I not not want to argue. Read my first post. It was safety tips for everyone.



    6 hours ago, MartinL said:


    However, from my earlier post, for every 3 Britons that die on the roads, 32 Thais die yet the populations of the two countries are almost identical.


    3) European cars are safer, have more airbags and safety than Asian cars. Even the cars we make in Thailand like the Ford Ranger, have more safety for the export.


    If the Thai-made Ford Ranger (as your example) has better safety standards for export, that's purely a Thai government problem. They should be saying "If Country X wants this high safety standard, Thailand should have it too". But they don't say that, do they? Or if regulations are in place, they're not enforced by the crap police - crash helmets, driving licences, seat belts, speeding, idiotic antics when passing another vehicle, driving against traffic flow, number of people on a motorcycle and many, many more. Blame the "we don't care enough to enforce laws" Thai government for all that.


    Hard for change government in Thailand 


    6 hours ago, MartinL said:


    If Thailand is striving to join the ranks of 'developed' countries, including in terms of road safety, it can't do that with a government that doesn't give a toss.


    I'll accept that European cars vehicles are safer, as you suggest, but that's not only new vehicles - there's also the matter of maintenance of older vehicles, or almost total lack of it in Thailand. There's a stringent and very comprehensive annual annual inspection for all cars and motorcycles over 3 years of age in UK (more frequent for some types of vehicle) - fail and your vehicle IS off the road until it's brought up to standard. Compare that to the Thai inspection for vehicles - cursory at best, a pass can be bought, a defective vehicle just drives out of the inspection shop. How many of the beat-up old wrecks that are seen every day on Thai roads aren't fit for use and should be on the scrap heap?


    A lot but a lot are just for the farm. Eg, we have the old pickup for the palm tree. Palm oil price is low now. We are not going to waste money buying a new pick up just for that. Spend 700,000 to make 500,000. No

    Also how the poor people can go to work, school like that.

    6 hours ago, MartinL said:



    How many times do we hear of "brake failure" following a truck crash? Brake failure isn't something that 'just happens' - it's the result of lack of care by the vehicle's owner or lack of skill by the driver, both of which can be improved by the enforcement of laws and regulations with HARSH penalties for wrongdoers.


    Do you see that bike in my avatar? At the time that picture was taken, the bike was 43 years old and in regular use but was maintained in tip-top condition by yours truly. Only 250cc but I did week-long trips averaging more than 450 km a day on it with no problems whatsoever. I've seen motorcycles in Thailand that were in far worse condition than that bike when they were only 2 or 3 years old. My wife's 10 year-old bike is in


     If you read my safety tips in the first post I say don’t recommend ride the motorbike. If you want your wife be safe, buy her the car if you have enough money.

    My father doesn’t allow me on a motorbike. To dangerous. But some people have no money for the car, so use the motorbike for life.

    6 hours ago, MartinL said:



    better condition than her brother's 4 year old bike because I maintain it for her - I'd hate for her to be injured or worse when riding that bike, just for the sake of  bit of maintenance. Light bulb failed? Never mind, don't needs lights? My headlight doesn't work but I can see that car in front when it's dark - never mind that he can't see me. Brake doesn't work? Who needs brakes? 

    You should fix your brakes and lights.


    6 hours ago, MartinL said:


    People in UK (and other 'farang' countries) frequently have some pride in their vehicle and their driving skills such that they try to improve their level of driving over the years. It's called 'learning by experience'. I passed advanced motorcycling tests, and then trained others to pass those same tests, not because I had to but because I wanted to - good driving is something to be proud of. 


    I really disagree with you about the motorbike. Up to you, but I think it to dangerous.


    Take care.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, MartinL said:



    Now, can you answer my question? Why do so many more Asians - with  their excellent education systems in many cases - than 'farangs' die on the roads?




    i think many reasons for that.

    some are

    1 There are a lot more Chinese 1 billion plus than farang 750,000,000

    2) And more Asians than that

    3) European cars are safer, have more airbags and safety than Asian cars. Even the cars we make in Thailand like the Ford Ranger, have more safety for the export

    4) the Hospital’s in some poor Asian countries don’t have the good equipment, ambulance, to safe the live


    i think you have tarred with the same brush.




  10. 3 hours ago, MartinL said:

    You've never been to UK so I'll forgive your ignorance on the matter of Britons going out. From my experience as part of a Thai family for 10 years, my impression is that Britons go for evenings out far more than Thais. Despite a night out being much more expensive, there are far more places to go, far more variety of places to go. Lousy weather and cold doesn't come into the equation much. But that's not really relevant to this discussion.


    "Deaths/km". What's that? Deaths per vehicle km? Deaths per km. of roadway? What? Anyway, not easy figures to obtain - perhaps that's why you prefer that format since it can't reinforce the impression of 'deadly Thai roads'. 


    How about this:-

    Deaths/100,000 vehicles - UK 5.7, Thailand 295.8.

    Deaths/1 billion vehicle.km - UK 3.4, Thailand no stats. but bound to be horrendous.


    By almost any road safety metric, thailand comes out badly.


    Since you compare Thai deaths to 'farang' deaths, I'll add yet more to it and compare Asians to 'farangs'. Let''s look at 6 Asian countries (as you've done for 'Farang' countries) and see how many road deaths occur there:-




















    All in Top 5 for global school rankings





    S. Korea



















    297,189 Asians v. 128,310 'farangs'.


    I'll throw your question back at you. Despite having some of the best educational achievements in the world, why do nearly 300,000 of 'you guys' (Asians) die on the roads each year?


    References as previously.




    We already agree Thai die because stupid, no spacial, low education.


    But why so many farang?


  11. ต่ออายุ= renew


    2 hours ago, jackdd said:

    He isn't talking about a visa, but about an extension of stay.

    Official lingo for this is "อนุญาตเพื่ออยู่ในราชอาณาจักร" = permission to stay in the kingdom, as you can see in the headline of the TM7 form.

    Especially the "kingdom" is probably a bit over the top, so i would at least replace this with Thailand.


    Yes, you are correct. I am wrong.

    i read it/understand it wrong. I saw “marriage” and “extension” so thought like that.

    I think he just want to “extension the marriage visa” 


    sorry Neeranman. Hope you got the correct visa.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    Music sound better if it is better.

    Hearing damage fairly common among loud performers. Take Pete Townsend as good example.

    Loudest show I ever went to was punk band Bow Wow Wow. I was stuffing cig filters in my ears to no avail.

    Music shouldn't cause physical pain and permanent damage.

    Maybe you are too young to understand that.

    Who is Pete Townsend?




    • Haha 2
  13. 35 minutes ago, MartinL said:

    Let's pick that to pieces, shall we?


    First, both UK and Russia are in Europe so you've included their 29,044 road deaths twice in the European figure. So Europe's deaths are really 55,545 which reduces total deaths for the 'farang' countries you identify to 128,310.


    Looks VERY bad against Thailand's 22,000 doesn't it?


    How about including population in there and calculate deaths per 100,000 population - an accepted way of quoting these stats. This is what we get:-



















    New Zealand






























    Note that Europe's population excludes UK and Russia. 


    Thailand has a 'deaths/100,000' figure that is 70% more than the worst of those, Russia, and nearly 10.5 times the best of them, UK.


    But I get the impression you're averse to using the 'deaths/100,000' parameter because it doesn't suit your agenda.


    Before you go on about the difference being due to motorcycles, let me tell you that in 1950, UK had a population of about 48 million and road deaths of 5012 (less than Thailand's casualties in the first half of 2019) = 10.4/100,000. Still only 33% of Thailand's figures today yet there was a far higher proportion of motorcycles on the roads in UK than today.


    As it happens, I agree with you that motorcycles are the prime cause of Thailand's high road deaths. Whether it 60%, 80% I don't know but I've often seen 80% quoted. Having been a biker in UK for 38 years, including as an advanced riding trainer, and in Thailand for 10, I can honestly say that I've never seen so many absolutely stupid antics performed so frequently by so many motorcyclists as I've seen in Thailand and continue to see every time I go out on the roads. If motorcyclists didn't act so stupidly - and notice I'm saying it's MOTORCYCLISTS that are stupid, not Thais in general - then they wouldn't lose their lives in such staggering numbers.



    Road deaths; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate


    Population; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_(United_Nations)


    Historical UK road deaths; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reported_Road_Casualties_Great_Britain


    Historical UK population; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_the_United_Kingdom

    Everyone say here thai people die because ALL thai are stupid, no spacial, the school is bad, no IQ, no common sense. Like that.



    So why all the very clever farang with the good school and spacial die? Still a lot. Still a “staggering number” right? What reason for that? Different reason? Do you know? How that happen?


    UK is very small island. People stay home, don’t go out much, empty sois.

    My friend told me. Because very cold there.

    I don’t like death per 100,000 like you say. 


    I think better to use death per kilometer. But I think that “doesn’t suit your agenda.”


    Thankyou everyone care so much about us. But more than 100,000 you guys dead! Only 22,000 thai. Maybe worry about you first.

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