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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 3 minutes ago, Denim said:



    However, to be fair I would be interested to hear why you yourself think Thailand has the worst record for traffic accidents.

    I already talk about this one before. A lot.

    But, it is not good, but not as bad as some people say.


    i drive a car, use the seatbelt, never fast, slow more when have rain and turn on the light, never drive motorcycle , never drunk.


    70 die everyday. 

    80% is motorcycle 

    =so 14 not on the motorcycle 


    6 more is the walker or the pickup, bus 

    =8 everyday


    70% of that is drunk and fast

    so about 2 or 3 people like me everyday. All of Thailand. 


    I care, but I don’t worry. If I die, is very unlucky.


    Also more people die in Russia, Nigeria, USA, India, China, Brazil than Thailand. Yes I know they have more people. 

    More than 120,000 farang die every year.


    i not want to argue about this subject anymore. I must cook dinner now.


    That is my answer. I can not change what the other people do, only control myself.

  2. 5 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Yinn please do not get upset, I know it is probably very hard for you when you read exaggerations, mistruths, and some of the things said about others, but that is how some people feel.

    We do not have to agree with them,  but try correct mistakes, , it does not mean they will change their opinions, but you have tried to correct them.  You have done your best.

    Hope this site does help your English 

    I not upset. I have the very “superiority complex” 55555

    they pitiful. I know most farang are not like this crazy one. 


    Good for English, more fun than textbook. Funny

  3. 3 minutes ago, jimrod said:


    I think I understand.

    i agree with you, so put you on the top. And then show the other guys after.

    if like that, sorry I not clear.


    if not like that, I not understand. Sorry about that.


    only today I understand “thai bashing”. Before I read like that I think the farang bash the Thais. I wonder about why I not see it in the thai news.


    Thai bashing= Complaining about Thai people. Or not?

  4. 37 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



    Your blind defense of Thais is equally, or even more, lamentable.

    Not blind. Some people are stupid. 


    37 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

    Face the facts, especially where motoring is concerned, Thais are largely uneducated, untrained and incompetent.


    Not all, nobody will say ‘all’... b

    Read Sonhia posts. And some other people.


    37 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


    ut a significant number as evidenced by the appalling road death statistics in Thailand - unless, of course, you think that they are caused by Farangs. 


    Rather than defend the indefensible, your energy would be better directed towards campaigning for better education, training, testing and regulation of driving in Thailand.

    I just join here to improve me. For my better education. My English teacher recommend it. 

    I can not change other people. 

    If so important for you, what you do about it? Anything? Only complain? Change anything?



    A lot of what is on thaivisa is wrong. The translation just pick at the bad thing or exaggerate. Over.

    i try to be friendly and help, but if is wrong I want to say it.

    Less than .01% of thai people die with the car crash.



    Look at the new Phangnga Airport Thred. Southern news. Yesterday

    many mistake about that. Bill Barrett. 

    I think he is lazy to check. Maybe stupid. Do I say ALL farangs are stupid and lazy? No

    Even I tell him he not change it. Why not? Face loss? 

    Is all farang like that? No.

    He is one person only.


    only one person drove the pickup crash the train. Every country have the stupid people.


  5. 1 hour ago, Sonhia said:

    Sums Thais to a tee...


    Impatient .ME ME ME. 


    Som nom na to idiot driver of the pickup. But Thai cannot do wrong...

    Hi Sonhia.

    i think maybe you hate Thailand the most. So angry everyday.

    Even your nickname is not polite.


    You lost money to Surin woman right?

    what happened? She finish you? Cheat? 

    I interested to know about why you so angry. Every post like that. 

    I think you don’t meet with her in Surin right? In a bar?


    Colin share his bad story. Is your story like that?

    Hope you find good to be happy. Colin did it.


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:



    ....'it happened elsewhere' does not make it any less stupid...



    But it doesn’t make because “Thai.”

    just stupid.

    1 hour ago, potless said:

    What do YOu think as an individual, the solution is? 

    Solution for me= drive safe. I never crash the train.

    Solution for other people= I can not control.


    i don’t like Prayut. But understand why he get angry. 555555

    He try to control all the stupid people. Impossible. If you try, you will be angry.


    i think that is why farang so many get angry. Get drunk, marry the bargirl, then try to change. Go to live with the primitive people. Think if make them the big house, the people will change. Can not change them. Even if complain all the time. Impossible. They not listen.


    Then tarred with the same brush. Not every thai stupid. Understand or not?


  7. 31 minutes ago, jimrod said:

    Great opportunity for Thai residents to do some Thai bashing.

    I believe the guy was crazy because he was crazy not because he was Thai, just like the many foreigners in Thailand.


    2 hours ago, Denim said:

    The missing Thai gene , spacial awareness. Don't look , won't look ,

    can't look.



    2 hours ago, Snuller21 said:

    Oh yes. What to say but everyday happening in Thai traffic. Sad, but true.


    2 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Train spotting Thai style and reminds me of a video where the barriers were down the train was passing at least 5 cartridges past the crossing and a pickup drove through the barrier into the side of the train ????


    1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    That high eh? Must be a genius in Thai driver terms 


    1 hour ago, essox essox said:

    just shows the mentality of these braindead Thai drivers....just how do they get/are allowed on thai roads???


    You guys, one thai does something, and you blame the other 68,999,999 other thai for the same. 

    You want to live in Thailand and complain everyday? You have the missing gene? The genius?


    Here 100 example of farang do same thing. What the reason?



    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Illegal hotels are illegal because they don't want or can not comply with standard safety measures and building violation codes, 

    Not the reason.

    Owner don’t want there hotel to burn and the customer die.


    1)The rules are crazy. Impossible.

    2) And owner don’t want to give money to the government for doing nothing. 



    21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

     I wonder how many lives this decision will end up costing? Money and convenience always seem to be more important than injury and death here.

    20,000 + hotel don’t have the license. How many people die? None?

    A license can’t extinguished the fire. Is paper.


    1. They do it so “official” can get more black money.

    2. And to help rich friend with the big hotel.


    I think should have safety sure. But the rule not only about that. 


    I think small hotel, the owner there, better service care more about safety. Love the customer. Love her hotel.


    Big hotel, is owner not here, only the worker, not care so much. Love the money.

  9. I think the photo is maybe wrong (the red one show the airport).


    Also the English way to write is Khok Kloi, not Kok Kloy. Hospital, road sign, everywhere, like that.


    My friend work at the อบต in Khok Kloi and she show me where they going to have it. The link say they cancel the private airport for the AOT one, so maybe she show me the cancel one??????


    But the Thaiger say it will be where my friend show me. Near Natai, Khok Kloi Ko Pilai. 

    But the Thaiger map (red) is near the national park/ army area about 20 km north past Thai Muang.

    what Thaiger say, and what they show is a different place.


    i will check it with her. When I sure I will post.




  10. 18 hours ago, Vacuum said:

    That's for not overflowing the water tank, nothing to do with the pump. :smile:


    16 hours ago, Surasak said:

    Actually it could be everything to do with the pump. Our water bill shot from 3500B/Month to almost 6000B/Month. The reason  took a lot of finding. It turned out there was a very fine leak in the feed pipe to the toilet tank water cutoff valve, leading to water running into the tank overflow. 


    10 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

    You shouldn't give advice on this subject.


    I am not the technician.

    But, at our house the pump every minute. Annoying.

    the technician come.

    He change that one.

    now no problem.


  11. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Not agree.


    Problem is not about "workers". 


    "Worker" never need university education.

    I think better my doctor have uni education.


    4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:


    Problem is Thailand economic is too undevelop.


    Thailand need the "Knowledge Worker" and "Knowledge Economic" but not have.


    I sorry for Thailand.

    Don’t feel sorry Fex. We ok. Life is good. Get better always.



     The Thai economy began taking off in 1970s and kept growing and growing. The GNP quadrupled between 1970 and 1990 and growth averaged 7 percent and per capita incomes tripled between 1965 and 1995 

     In the late 1980s, Thailand was on it way to joining the tigers like Taiwan and South Korea. Thailand had the world's fastest-growing economy for about a decade in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The growth rate was 8 percent between 1985 and 1995, peaking at 13.6 percent in 1988. There was a recession in the early 1990s. Severe flooding in November 1995 slowed the economy. 

     Thailand became a leading exporter of rice and Southeast Asia's largest producer of cars 

     A sizable middle class and generation of yuppies was created during the boom years in the 1980s and early 1990s. The sales of new Mercedes rose from 5,000 vehicles in 1992 to 14,082 in 1995, when Thailand became the eighth largest market for German cars and largest consumer of 12-year-old Scotch. During the mid 1990s one million Thai tourists abroad spent more than 6 million foreign visitors in Thailand. 

     Growth between 1991 and 1995 was 8.5 percent. At the end of 1996, foreign reserves exceeded $32 billion, unemployment was at 2 percent and inflation was 4.9 percent. Thailand was being hailed as the next Asian tiger. A Thai analyst told Time, "The economy was booming since 1961. By this time it really took off. It was mind-bending. Everyone was so rich." 

     From 1986 to 1989, the amount of foreign money flowing into Thailand increased 400 percent. After 1988, when Thailand posted a 13.6 growth rate. Afterwards, the pace of investment picked up as major foreign investors discovered Southeast Asia




    • Haha 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:


    I once thought that I got short changed in a 7-11 but after a discussion with the cashier we realised that the item was labeled with the wrong price, so I paid the extra 2 Baht that it cost and went on my way.


    Should my incident have its own thread or is this news too hot to handle.


    19 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

    stop the press


    18 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Riveting news man pays bill at 2nd attempt ????


    18 hours ago, poohy said:

    NOT newsworthy he was drunk then he paid it......... big deal


    18 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Slow news day? I guess now that there is no prostitution in Pattaya you have to grasp any story!????



    It was not news.

    Only Facebook.

  13. 16 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    I don't know exactly how this works in countries without a proper social safety net like the US, but in countries as for example Germany, and probably other European countries as well:

    The police don't have to pay anything, it's paid for by the compulsary vehicle insurance. In case the vehicle is not insured there is some fund from which the money is taken, who will then try to recoup the money from the person who caused the accident.

    They will get money for the pain of losing a close person (in Germany not much, i assume in the US this would be way more), as well as any damages caused. So let's say the mother took care of the child and household, but was killed. Then this is considered a damage, and the person who caused the accident has to pay for this, which means paying to employ somebody who does these chores.

    So if the deceased person had young children, we are talking about many million THB.

    Similar in Thailand.

    Pay insurance at ตรอ (dtor ror or) when check the car/give the sticker.

    That one pay it for somebody hurt or kill if you crash them. The Arab bike insurance must pay it for her. 


    Also the police make the killer pay the family also. If he refuse, he go in jail.

    (if redbull he will escape it to England)


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