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Posts posted by Yinn

  1. 7 hours ago, robblok said:

    Completely true the people here love to bash the Thais but if their own beloved nationality gets a bit of bad press they start to cry.


    I wonder when people will understand you got idiots everywhere Thai, English, Dutch, German, American. I guess its easier to bash people to feel superior for some people.

    You are correct.


    But these people who hate thai people want to live/come holiday in Thailand.


    thai people don’t make them live here!

    They hate us so much, but live here. Crazy. To argument and complain about us? Have the problem.

    And no manners.

    • Like 2

    First, you want to argue with OP.

    On 6/14/2019 at 2:32 PM, Pilotman said:

    If you trust your health to such a machine, not only in the tropics, but in Thailand of all places, where they don't take health and safety, or regular cleaning and maintenance of an anything at all seriously, then you are a much braver man than me. 



    Then me and PDAVIES99 tell you we know because we ACTUALLY SEE IT. We have seen the factory. Inside. 


    9 hours ago, Pdavies99 said:

    One of my Thai family near Pattaya owns a water bottling factory, the water is pumped up from underground, topped up when needed with municipality tap water, this goes into giant tanks and "settled" this then is bottled (not really filtered at all, they do though have a slow operating filtration system, which is turned on for an "arranged" inspection) and sold at Big C etc!!  So the only true safe water is getting your own home filter system!!


    Then from saying “but in Thailand of all places, where they don't take health and safety, or regular cleaning and maintenance of an anything at all seriously,” to the OP, you now say..


    12 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    I'm sorry but that is not true.  The machines used in the factories  are many times larger, much more filtration and with a much larger capacity to deliver the clean water.  In addition, one can assume a level of continuous repair and maintenance, plus quality control, that may well not be present in road side machines. 


    Are you argument against yourself? Sound that way. Like to argue?


    me and pdavies99 have seen how the factory is. How they do it. You just imagine.

    Answer just two question Mr Knoweverything.

    1. Have you ever been inside the water factory?

    2. Do you know anyone who own the water factory?


    Me and pdavies99 do.





    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    It's not condescending at all, just stating a common sense view. If you do know about Thailand, as you say you do, then the question is answered from your own presumed knowledge of the country, making your post unnecessary. You say that you don't know a lot about the subject, which rather files in the face of that presumed knowledge, hence my 'advice'. Just trying to stop you making a mistake for the sake of a very few Bhat.   


    16 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    every 500 yards there is a 7 eleven or family mart, (on the road gas stations) not worth the risk

      Have you ever been to the water factory? My friend do it. With husband.


    They use the machine same as that one. How you think they get the clean water to put in the bottle? From the pure mountain or the tap? From the tap.

    Use the osmosis machine. Big one. 


    So it the same really. Do the big one in photo, and make the small plastic bottle style in the twelve pack. Sell it to the shop and resort. Can deliver send it or pick up at the factory.


  4. 14 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Not really.

    You are missing some important points.

    If you go to UK on holiday and unfortunately have injuries in an accident you will be treated at a hospital just the same as a UK person. You will not be ignored until you can prove you have insurance.

    It's very unlikely you will be presented with a bill

    If you can't pay it will not be logged to Immigration to prevent you leaving.

    Keep replying, your english is getting better.

    Have you worked that out yet?

    No insults intended in my replies. ????????

    My wife didn't get visas because she's married to me. She's got long term visas for USA, Australia and New Zealand because of family business.

    How can I go to free UK hospital if I can not get the visa to go??????

    Have you worked that out yet?

  5. 25 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    She has had many visas to UK, each one for 6 months and we drive around UK stay in B&B or hotels or self catering rentals and we don't have to report to anyone.

    I would love to hear your views on that, ie, if we stay one night in different places for a month we report to no-one, not police or immigration.

    She get the UK visa because she marry you.

    i am not visa to Thailand expert. You should ask at Immigration.


    but I know you can come to Thailand for holiday with no visa.

    when I finished the uni I want to go visit my friend in Sydney.

    For 3 weeks. 

    I can not just buy the ticket and go. I must go to the Aussie embassy first in Bangkok.

    Then pay a lot of money. Must pay for three months, but only want to go there stay 3 weeks. Then must wait for answer. Then they say I can not go there! They take my money for what?


    Because I have no job. They say I am going to work. But they wrong. If have a job, I not have free time to go.


    i think UK same as that. 




  6. 2 hours ago, overherebc said:

    When in uk I meet someone from Asia I don't even use the word asian. I would say that 'person' over there. Maybe they are 3rd generation british or american and have never been to asia.

    Maybe just call them tourists.

    I can’t change the language for you. Farang use the word farang. Up to them. I am not everyone boss.


    if I work at the hotel, boss say take the drink to the tourist, one is farang and one is Asian. Easy to just say farang or Asian. If say the tourist, then maybe mix up.  


    Only you have the problem. Nobody care.

  7. 1 hour ago, morrobay said:

    Two way street. Maybe this subject should have a thread of its own so posts don't get removed: Yinn initially said, in a removed post,  approx. "another farang- calling Thais stupid and now calling Thai culture stupid " Well Yinn-you sure are suggesting that Thais dislike farangs because of what they say/think about them. Unlike your present denials. 

    Read last sentence of #53 for explain it


    most farang at the hotel I meet love Thailand and polite. I like them. If you rude to us, I don’t. I think normal situation.

    i don’t care if you farang or thai, I care if you polite and good manners.

  8. 3 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Thank you for the reply. 


    But, I think I do not agree. 


    Percentage of lower people who think about higher people is very different from percentage of higher people who think about lower people. 


    Poor Thais think about rich Thais MUCH MORE than rich Thais think about poor Thais. 


    I think that MOST Thais dislike Farang. 

    No, most don’t care. More interested about neighbor, friend, people they see.


    Most Thai don’t think or care about farang. Not important for most Thai people.


    If you believe that one, why you live in Thailand if you think everyone dislike you.


    Really up to the person, I like nice farang more than bad Thai. I like nice Thai more than rude farang.

    like that.

    • Like 2
  9. 19 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Most nice people don't refer to us as Farang. They use the word expat.

    Farang is not even Thai in origin, it's Persian and means person of white skin, also strange that the expression farang dam means coloured or black.

    Just sayin'

    What if tourist? Most farang who come to Thailand are not the “expat”, just the tourist. We going to call them all “expat”?

    Expat can be black, yellow, Arab etc. Farang just mean Caucasian.


    Dont worry about it, not bad word. If we don’t like you we use the different words. Many “expat” people use farang word also.


    I thought it from ฝรั่งเศส= Farangset= French. Because they take over Cambodia, Laos etc. Maybe the fruit, white and sweet!

    i not can know if the white “expat” is English, French, American etc only looking at them.

    Similar word to “Asian”

    Who tell you It is a not polite word? We don’t think that. Not the bad intention.


    We don’t use the word expat. What you want me to call farang tourist? Expat?

  10. 2 hours ago, vinniekintana said:

    There goes the dreaded 'G' again

    It's kluay sir...or my ears are deceiving me.

    It more the “g” sound than ค ข that have “k” sound.


    But sound more like a g and k sound mix, than the English way to say it.


    ไก่ chicken and ไข่ egg is good way to listen to hear different. Ask your thai friend to speak it.


    More like a “g” than “k”

  11. 5 hours ago, morrobay said:

    Hello Yinn, can you please tell me if the above statement is widely held among a majority of the Thai population? Are Thais aware/upset by condescending comments by foreigners on English discussion forums? Or if anyone else can answer this question.     

    No. Most Thai don’t think about farang because they don’t see or talk to farang. 

    Same your country, people talk about the Thai people much? I don’t think so. Maybe thai food, thai massage and May thai is popular a little.


    One thing, we smart to know some/most farang is good people. Some is bad. Everywhere the same, have good, have bad.


    i work before in Patong hotel high season and songkran. Part time.

    80% farang is very nice people, polite. 10% ok. 10% terrible and rude one. Angry small thing too much. Over.


    maybe thai visa less than 80% I think. Many people hate us here.


    If you nice person, we like you. Want you to have a good time in our country.



    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    Ok Somchai.

    You win. :coffee1:

    Ok, please just be polite. I think nobody like foreigner go to your country if they complain about the people everyday like that. We try to be welcome to foreigner, be polite. Thailand is a little bit crazy country, we know that, not perfect everything, but we like polite.


    6 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    Be careful of the wonder wall, it's fantasy,  they are only actors, you know. :jap:

    Yes I know. Just want to maybe meet them. I not going to by them house, farm, car, give money to their family. I like it, fun movie. 



    6 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    Ps, i do salute you for coming on a Falang forum, you got some Kahuna's.  :thumbsup:




    My English teacher suggest it for the reading and writing. One hour everyday. I surprise that many farang hate us so much, but still want to live here.

    Good luck na.

    ps I know that my English not yet perfect

  13. 4 hours ago, londonthai said:

    so they have selected themselves into senate: senate president Pornpetch Vichitcholchai, gen Thanasak Patimakorn, admiral Narong Pipatnarasai, pol gen Adul Saengsinkao, air marshal Prajin Jantong, gen Charchai Sarigalaya.




    the five ones with the yellow arrows (below) chose themself to be the senator

    It cost 1,300 million baht for the choosing. Budget.

    more than 5 million each one.

    The other four get the other job.



  14. 27 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    It's just that if he did have ( and most farang do )  a thai gf ...... 

    750 million farangs.

    half is the man. 325 million. 

    Most have a thai girlfriend? only 30 million thai females.


    if you look in resorts, most farang man have a farang wife.

    but if your life in the bar maybe you think that.

    But if they from the bar, not really the girlfriend. Is just a “customer”. But many farang customers don’t understand that one.

    • Confused 2
  15. 14 hours ago, Just Weird said:


    Yinn's talking specifics, not generalities, it seems from what was reported in the OP Yinn could be right, not "stupid"!


    Edit: It also seems that since I made that comment an update has been posted that could implicate the pickup driver but at the time Yinn made the comment it was not stupid.

    Richard Smith say same as me. But Smedley not say about Richard is stupid.


    i think Smedley hate the thai people. So he say to me, not to Richard. 


    A lot of people hate the thai people on this thaivisa. Complain everyday about thai people. Sad life to have. 


    I meet many farang before,they like thai people. Only one who hate thai people like that. He marry the bar girl and lose his money. Not clever. But he say Thai people are the stupid.


    i still think that the German make the accident. The third photo can see it. 

    But when somebody have die in the road, the law say that the police must charge it. Then decide it later how it happen.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    So according to you Farang = trash , Thais = clean  

    I suggest you take a trip to Bangkok where most of the Thais live and have a look at all the  sois full of trash. It smells too.  

    Not like that. 


    Pattaya is famous for three thing.

    Have farang, the most rubbish, and issan prostitution.


    The Andaman side Thailand, Patong have the most rubbish, the most farang, and the most Issan prostitution.


    What you think? Coincidence about that or not?


    i go to Bangkok already. I don’t like. Too much traffic stick. Don’t want to return. Thankyou for your suggestion.

    You live Bangkok. For the job or not?

    some place Bangkok have clean. Some place have rubbish. Depends. Have the place a lot of farang go there. Around Nana sukhumvit.


    i suggest you take a trip at Ranong. Different than pattaya, Patong, Bangkok.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  17. 1 hour ago, stanleycoin said:

    What, !!!!!!!!!!!

    The Thai's didn't do that.  The Falangs did it,  Get em. 

    Pattaya have the most farang in Thailand. Farang place. And the most rubbish. So dirty. The ocean is same the toilet.


    Ranong doesn’t have farang much, and not have rubbish much. So clean. The ocean is very clean.

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