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Everything posted by treetops

  1. It is often reported on here that insurance must last until the date you are stamped in for, which for annual insurance and annual extensions of stay is going to be a pain for many. A friend recently travelled and was told that 30 days insurance would suffice even though he would be stamped in for several months. Did you have any isssues like this or does your extension expire before your insurance?
  2. You've discovered "hidden city ticketing" or "skiplagging" as mentioned above. You won't get past check in with a CNX ticket and if you try to reprice it at check in it could be even more than you were asked for before. Tell us the airline and someone might come up with something constructive, or it'll at least help others avoid falling into the same trap.
  3. https://help.line.me/line/ios/?contentId=20000098
  4. Where have you been using them? Like Atlantis and others, I have never had Grab price out cheaper than Bolt.
  5. So the OP who hasn't been out of Thailand for 5 years won't have one then, unless he's been doing some advance planning which doesn't sound likely if he doesn't know what Thailand Pass is.
  6. If you've been here 5 uninterrupted years then you won't ever have applied for a Thailand Pass so you won't have a Thailand Pass ID. Thailand Pass is the current entry check web tool. https://tp.consular.go.th/
  7. I don't know if they're still running, but Chan Tours used to do this route. Location is shown in the link, but they're in between Nakhonchai and 407 if you go there to make enquiries. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@12.9326281,100.9005642,3a,75y,350.6h,100.22t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfUjjLuHsoVyi-FwZcwJu0g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DfUjjLuHsoVyi-FwZcwJu0g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D94.272644%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
  8. The system used from your UK Bank to Wise' UK Bank known as "Faster Payments" is usually instant but "can sometimes take up to 2 hours". I suspect this was one of those times. https://www.fasterpayments.org.uk/faqs
  9. The only thing I take from this story is that Manuel Simon is too stupid to be allowed out on his own. No wonder he doesn't want his real name used.
  10. A couple of the Thai lounges and the Turkish one according to the Star Alliance Lounge Finder tool. https://www.staralliance.com/en/lounge-finder
  11. Read their reviews on line then buy direct from Emirates. A potential world of pain if something goes wrong is not worth it to save a few quid.
  12. I don't think it's the first as AirAsia X offered flights a few years back, but hope it works out for them.
  13. It is, but the owner of both (and I think the hotel too now) is the Witherspoon's guy. It wouldn't surprise me if he "moved" Retox Game On into the first bit he took over as the German and Mexican parts of this latest one seem to be other existing businesses transplanted in. I can't remember the names but the signage now gives that impression.
  14. He manages the one round the corner fom the pic. Everything in this one so far looks brand new.
  15. From Richard Barrow's newsletter describing his meeeting with the DG of the Department of Consular Affairs it seems the length of time for the insurance has been misinterpreted all along and 30 days is sufficient. However I have my doubts about some of the other stuff the guy has said so take it with pinch of salt. a
  16. Not how it appears from a couple of mates. Travel dates 27th of this month and 1st of next month but both approved already.
  17. It's been in the news that keeping bars closed until New Year will be discussed by the CCSA this week. Not quite no sales, and Pattaya could well be a blue zone by then anyway, but might be at the root of these rumours.
  18. They have taken over the original R-Con Corner Bar, which is linked at the back to the R-Con bar they recently took over. Signs up for a German and Mexican restaurant there and I also saw a dartboard installed and the bar re-positioned.
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