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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Sure!

    In Oz the public are so frightened of the police, when on the road, that if a police car is doing 20 Km on the freeway no one will pass them and the mobile roadblock will continue until they leave the freeway.

    In a country town the local Sgt and 3 officers walked into a gun shop, handcuffed the 15 year old son of the owner who was watching the shop for his dad (who had gone for a dump), threw him into the back of their paddy wagon, took him back to the station and grilled him for 6 hours about a trivial complaint. Apart from the fact that the arrest was illegal, they didn't bother to have a witness present when questioning a minor and wouldn't allow him to make a phone call or contact his parents who, in the meantime had organised a search for him...the upshot was that nothing was done against the police as the minister said that the police "probably had a good reason for acting as they did"

    In Oz no-one likes or respects the wallopers!

    Your first and last paragraphs are absolute twaddle.

    Please don't make the mistake of pretending you represent all Australians - particularly as the country operates under 8 different police forces, plus the Federal plod.

  2. If Abhisit would just return to his country of birth and stay there, Thailand could go forward with its long, long reconciliation phase. With the waters polluted with the hi-so hate-speech of Abhisit, Kasit and others, nothing good can happen.

    Does your comment about returning to country of birth apply equally to other Thais born of high position?

  3. he was NOT a Trained Sniper. For a stArt he would not have the brains to be a professionally trained sniper. The <deleted> is a Military Wannabe. Australia is full of them. Go and drink in any bar in the Kingdom where Aussies gather, you'll meet one. Thailand seems to be a magnet for them.

    (BTW I am ex Oz Military)

    Check 'em out.


    Hmmm!............ w w w.anzmi.net :)

    This site is published in the United States of America.

    Copyright 2000 by ANZMI, formerly known as Coalition of Patriots for Military Honour Australia. All Rights Reserved

  4. That last sentence is what will absolutely ensure that no government wil deport him to Thailand. But if the governement has money to burn trying to get sophisticated countries to behave like this third world dictatorship, will let them enjoy spending it.

    Welcome to Thai Visa bc.

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about - but hey, that hasn't stopped many other recent joiners. So blurt away. :)

  5. Another one bites the dust.

    Australian arrested over Red Shirt protests

    Police in Thailand have arrested a 30-year-old Australian man under the emergency decree used to end almost two months of Red Shirt protests in Bangkok.

    He has been identified as as Conor David Purcell, an ex-soldier working in Bangkok as a language teacher.

    Purcell was arrested at his apartment complex in the city on Sunday.

    Thai authorities say he incited unrest while speaking from the stage of the Red Shirt protest camp on two occasions.

    Bangkok's Kom Chad Luek newspaper is quoting police sources as saying he served for seven years in the Australian Army and had received sniper training.


  6. The massive weapons cache's suddenly being found by government sources defies belief. I followed the SWAT team through the temple with two dogs. There was a third dog working in a separate part of the temple. I watched the SWAT team check every monks quarters and clear them. I watched them clear each part of the temple. By the time the temple had been declared "cleared" they had found a bucket of slingshots, and a handful of ping-pong "bombs" and fire crackers.

    By the time I left the temple they had had not searched the well though and it is claimed some munitions were found there. As to that point I cannot comment as I did not look in the well.

    However, having also searched very thoroughly prior to the SWAT team arriving I am amazed at the hundreds of rounds of linked ammunition claimed to have been found.

    Personally I saw handguns on two occasions - once at San Liame Din Daeng in the hands of local hoons and once at Lumphini Park in the hands of a black suited red-shirts guard.

    The vast majority of the "arts and crafts" munitions displayed by CRES is designed for machine guns. The red-shirts had no machine guns. It should noted that the ammunition displayed shows every fifth round as being a tracer round.

    I also very thoroughly searched the backstage area on Wednesday night prior to the army arriving (did not arrive until Thursday afternoon) and found no weapons or munitions of any kind. My search included the leaders rest room, the VIP area and under the stage.

    During the army advance into the red-shirt protest area I spent considerable time at Sarasin Rd. There were no sounds of machine gun fire or M79 or M67 grenades exploding. During the military advance I only once saw a person with a handgun (as noted above). I also walked through and inspected many of the tents along Rajadmiri Road leading back to the stage and found only a few shell casings in the medical tent at Sarasin Rd. The casing indicated they were from the Thai Army comprising 5.56mm rounds and the distinctive opaque 00-buckshot cartridges being used.

    While I won't say the red-shirts did not have any weapons, the great lie being told by the Thai government now should be recognized for what it is.

    Thank you !!

    A simple, clear factual, substantiated and eye witness account.

    Appreciated and recognise your bravery in being there.

    Take care.


    I suggest you do a bit of research on Mr Journ before you accept everything he says at face value - and that includes going back to earlier demonstrations.

  7. Of course. 1900 injured is nothing too.

    He is a hero. Hope you understand sarcasm. The fool will be judged harshly on the gallows of time. No one bears the direct responsibility for so many deaths and injuries to civilians and escapes condemnation. The Government already has the contempt of the rest of the world. Not one Government in the world has applauded the way he has dealt with this crisis and the foreign media are ripping him to shreds (we all know why the Thai media are not). Next change of Government (next elections) and I know who will be the fugitives, if they are not imprisoned first...

    Start here:

    Smith commends Thai army's restraint

    Posted Thu May 20, 2010 9:30am AEST

    (Australian) Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says he is pleased the Thai military has shown restraint in dealing with their country's political crisis.

    Thailand's authorities have put Bangkok and about a third of the country under curfew after troops ended long-running street protests by supporters of the ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


    Please feel free to provide links to the "ripping to shreds" from the foreign media.

    And while you are at it, what are/is the "gallows of time"?

    I am not going to bother answering the first comment. Read for yourself. Maybe start with American, Canadian, Australian, British, Italian, etc. Maybe I should have also added 'political academics' as well (referring to such as the ANU-sponsored website in Australia).

    For the second, to help your blinkered mind, it is a metaphor I used for the fact the time will judge him. IF you don't know the meaning of the word 'metaphor', look it up.

    Finally, you must be distressed living in a highly populated province like Udon Thani where the most of the population are against the Government. Better save up to contribute to another payout to politicians to change sides again after the next election or they might get what they want.

    "Not going to bother" - I guess that is code for "oops, I can't really provide any links." :)

    You will note I provided a specific link to put to bed your silly statement about "Not one government......"

    Having read the New Mandala on a number of occasions, it was entirely predictable what they would say - of course their opinion is just as valuable (or not) as anyone else's.

    I picked up the metaphor, but what caused my question was that the metaphor made no sense ie it was nonsensical. But thanks for the explanation. :D

    I don't feel distressed by the fact I live in Udon Thani. In fact, I generally support the aspirations of the red shirts (of which there are a few in my Moo Baan). However, I don't support the methods by which they have been trying to make their point since early February (nor Pattaya, or Black Songkran for that matter). But hopefully they will wake up to the fact they have been used as pawns by Thaksin and his band of merry thugs.

    As for payouts, I am sure your fertile (if not particularly intelligent) mind understands that such are an unfortunate fact of life in the way Thai politics are currently done. The sooner that changes, the better.

  8. Of course. 1900 injured is nothing too.

    He is a hero. Hope you understand sarcasm. The fool will be judged harshly on the gallows of time. No one bears the direct responsibility for so many deaths and injuries to civilians and escapes condemnation. The Government already has the contempt of the rest of the world. Not one Government in the world has applauded the way he has dealt with this crisis and the foreign media are ripping him to shreds (we all know why the Thai media are not). Next change of Government (next elections) and I know who will be the fugitives, if they are not imprisoned first...

    Start here:

    Smith commends Thai army's restraint

    Posted Thu May 20, 2010 9:30am AEST

    (Australian) Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says he is pleased the Thai military has shown restraint in dealing with their country's political crisis.

    Thailand's authorities have put Bangkok and about a third of the country under curfew after troops ended long-running street protests by supporters of the ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


    Please feel free to provide links to the "ripping to shreds" from the foreign media.

    And while you are at it, what are/is the "gallows of time"?

  9. such a shame the 9 to cell chaps don't have any money to influence A.I. and its assorted brown nosing N.G.O.s to stand up for them.

    No money to pay for a Jewish Lawyer like Robert Amsterdam either.

    Strange how the concern for the common people seems to have flown out of the Red Shirts de-luxe accommodation windows.

    Of course the T.V news in Montenegro will follow the fate of these less fortunate souls

    ''Sorry Mr. Thaksin another plate of caviare you said'' ?

    Remember not to eat to much caviare as the last time you did it you told us all that it made you look fat.

    Surely you remember that comment ?

    Is Mr Amsterdam Jewish?

    <deleted> has that got to do with anything? If he was Irish, would you have mentioned that?

  10. He is cretin as well.

    Only army is save his bacon and keep in in power same they put him in power. big loss of face again for Army who is hated. Put in man Abhisit and lose again to poor farmers.

    Time not bother to look outside center bangkok, same as many falangs.

    Full Curfew in 23 province extend till after weekend. no way is that control, even PAD propagandist not saying that on ASTV, so you and your comic well wide of the mark.... as ever

    Stick with those ESL classes my boy!!

    From your semi-coherent engrish posts, I can see they're definitely starting to pay off.

    Maybe someday you could work on including something called FACTS in your pedantic postings.

    One baby step at a time, so we'll save the 'big words' for another day.

    Keep at it, you'll get there.

    t-d I am afraid I don't share your confidence.

  11. I am going to express my opinion as to why all this is happening. I will not reply to any comments on my opinion.

    In order to place my opinion in perspective, please consider the following.

    I have lived in Thailand for 21 years. I originally was invited to come as a technical expert. I am fluent in spoken and written Thai at the post-graduate level. From 1990-2000, I worked in 72 provinces on projects for the Ministries of Interior, Public Health, Education, and Communications, mostly in very rural areas.

    In addition to my technical background, I have an MA in Religion, concentration in Buddhism. I have spent 3 years in monasteries, both in Thailand and my home country.

    I lived in Issan for 11 years, and for the past 10 years have lived in Bangkok. In Issan, I used to attend the monthly meetings of my city's "informal" governing committee - the mayor, the provincial police chief, an army general, and 5 businessmen. In Bangkok, when I worked on government projects, I used to attend functions hosted by by the Royal Family.

    The anti-government movement is largely funded directly or indirectly by Thaksin's clan. The balance is proved by certain other Sino-Thai business clans.

    The goal of the Thaksin group is to attain control of Thailand once an inevitable event occurs.

    Given that there is a kingdom at stake, the group is spending vast amounts of money in order to foment and sustain an insurrection.

    Because so much already has been spent, the group cannot accept defeat; therefore, they now will employ any and all tactics in order to win.

    The situation is complicated by the fact that the group's appointed local leadership are rapidly losing control over the entity that they have created.

    Harold, I have refrained from posting for several reasons, but the sanity and clarity in your post have temporarily stirred me from lurkville. As another long time resident who is now out of the Kingdom I am aware of some other motivational factors at work that are not constructive to post, but considering the venue, that was a brillant post. Thanks for your insights, they are welcomed by all that have had the opportunity to see them.

    Thank you also, harold.

    But I believe it is not only the "red" side who are staking a claim in what is likely to be a very unpleasant outcome after the inevitable happens at the top of the pecking order.

    Thailand needs to get through the current problems, and the next lot with hopefully substantial structural change at the top.

    Those who believe the current "benevolent" structure is good for Thailand are living in la la land.

  12. How else can Thailand produce a government that is held by all Thais to be legitimate without an election? And how to carryout that election without an amnesty? Elections held with opposition leaders in jail do not generally enjoy a history of having their outcomes respected by all participants.

    With a general amnesty for all, Thailand could move on to a successful election the results of which would be widely considered legitimate. Once that is accomplished, then both sides must either accept the outcome, or be exposed as undemocratic with the resultant diminution of legitimacy in the eyes of their supporters and the world.

    To date, the Prime Minister and the Generals have managed this revolt well. Let's hope they continue to find the right solutions.

    Engage reverse gear, and plant the foot. Careful you don't lose too much (metaphoric) rubber in the process ep.

  13. The general populace have NEVER risen up how they had hoped (remember the 1 million person march they promised at the beginning;

    Not just the beginning, Weng was promising 1 million for this last weekend.

    well to be fair to the red shirts, they get told in the rally that there are 1 million people at Ratchaprasong anyhow (when it looks like about 20-40,000) on a big day.

    So I guess Weng is able to say, we will get 1 million, and then when he says 'we have 1 million' why should we let facts get in the way.

    We all know it is the Jew run media that are distorting the facts and (cue Fox news).

    Rupert Murdoch the major shareholder of News Corp which in turns owns Fox News is certainly not Jew...until you became racist your post had respectability

    Do you understand the meaning of irony?

  14. Abhisit tends to believe what being told. I thought he has no doubt if it was true, therefore he made accusation as told. Question is, as PM should he made it to the public against person who has noway to defend himself for the damage done. Another unfair practice against his own 5 principles to reconciliation.

    :):D :D

    Next demand from Nuttawat (on behalf of Asa) - the red shirts will not move from Bangkok until Abhisit apologises for saying awful, hurtful things about Khattiya. :D

  15. .

    "Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News?"

    They're intolerant of anything that doesn't mesh with their deeply cherished beliefs.

    It's simply amazing that anyone could be naive enough think that a propaganda film like "outfoxed" has even a shred of truth in it. Outdated and produced by some disgruntled former Fox employees. Clever editing, evil intent to misrepresent. Anyone who watches Fox programming with an unbiased open mind would know that.


    What a superb oxymoron. :)

  16. In fact, if you bother to read the Convention, it has no application under the current circumstances existing in Thailand.

    Firstly, it applies to parties in an armed conflict ie war.

    Secondly, it applies where two or more parties (ie states, not political movements within a state) are involved.

    The full Article 18 reads:

    Art. 18. Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and maternity cases, may in no circumstances be the object of attack but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict.

    States which are Parties to a conflict shall provide all civilian hospitals with certificates showing that they are civilian hospitals and that the buildings which they occupy are not used for any purpose which would deprive these hospitals of protection in accordance with Article 19.

    Civilian hospitals shall be marked by means of the emblem provided for in Article 38 of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of 12 August 1949, but only if so authorized by the State.

    The Parties to the conflict shall, in so far as military considerations permit, take the necessary steps to make the distinctive emblems indicating civilian hospitals clearly visible to the enemy land, air and naval forces in order to obviate the possibility of any hostile action.

    In view of the dangers to which hospitals may be exposed by being close to military objectives, it is recommended that such hospitals be situated as far as possible from such objectives.

    Let's keep some perspective folks.

    The red shirts have publicly "declared war" .... they wear uniforms, they have an army, civil war is covered by the Geneva convention. Like all laws this is semantics.

    (No I don't think that there is currently a civil war going on but the action of the reds could be called an insurrection AND a pre-cursor to outright civil war if they don't go home.

    No, if there is no civil war going on, it is not semantics - it is simply not covered by the Geneva Convention.

    Further, under the Convention, for a "civil war" (however described) to be occurring, the following conditions must be met:

    The Geneva Conventions do not specifically define the term "civil war". They do, however, describe the criteria for acts qualifying as "armed conflict not of an international character", which includes civil wars. Among the conditions listed are four requirements:

    * The party in revolt must be in possession of a part of the national territory.

    * The insurgent civil authority must exercise de facto authority over the population within the determinate portion of the national territory.

    * The insurgents must have some amount of recognition as a belligerent.

    * The legal Government is "obliged to have recourse to the regular military forces against insurgents organized as military."

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