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Everything posted by HaoleBoy

  1. Will PM Srettha visit the LM "lese-majeste exhibition while in New York to pay tribute to all the Thai citizens that have been incarcerated? Many without bail and some due to political weaponization of this law. It was good to see his Majesty's son go to this exhibition.
  2. Here in Thailand where monopolies rule it will become just like Craft Beer where only 2 families can sell marijuana (for medical or recreational use).
  3. He speaks well but US companies know his junta coalition gov can turn on a dime and another coup happens here. Plus Srettha has been summoned by Xi to China next month. US will wait to see his new marching orders from Xi. The southern "land bridge" is still going thru but funding is not possible yet. This project is China's way to "loan" Thailand the money and eventually take over the entire project. We all have more pollution & garbage to look forward to in and around the Thai islands.
  4. Thais aren't stupid .... they buy better quality and cheaper product on Line & FB. Delivered right to your door.
  5. Maybe Paetongtarn just can't remember or can't pronounce the operation. She isn't the smartest cookie in the jar ...
  6. Same same as the "military reform" that was proposed by PTP ... window dressing.
  7. Like the game Health Minister Dr Cholnan Srikaew played to get his minister seat???
  8. Somchai wants to hold Pitha to a higher standard than the Pheu Thai coalition parties is all.
  9. He will start with his "competitors". Then swoop in and use his own org. to fill the void. Wannabe Italian mafia boss ...
  10. Why the discrepency from the Gov stated min. wage? I heard this down in Hua Hin for an older lady working on a "Royal Project" ... she only got 300 thb / day. Even the Gov states the current min wage is 300 - 353 thb / day. Why? Is the min wage for 6 days a week at 10 hr days?
  11. Why didn't this junta Senator propose this under junta-Prayut's Gov? Why is she pushing this now? We keep hearing how some from the old junta Gov want to offer suggestions and become advisors to this PTP Gov ... why??? The Defense Minister even said he could call on Prayut and Prawit if he has any questions. This is ridiculous.
  12. Show Thai people what this really means. Release the investigation report from NACC for Prawit's watch scandal. Release the report produced regarding The Boss investigation that Prayut said he would release and never did. Get the whistle blowers amnesty to return to Thailand.
  13. His only break with Thaksin will be to cozy up to CCP / XI Ping ....
  14. The junta senators strike again. How long will it take to get rid off the senators, EC members and Constitutional Court members ?
  15. I think for Harleys 60% of parts are from China now. These parts get shipped from China to US then to Thailand as assembly parts (probably why metric and Imperial bolts are used). Sourcing was supposed to happen in SE Asia but hasn't happened yet. Take HD tires ... would be better to get in Thailand since ones coming from US are so hard (old).
  16. Are these really manufacturing or just assembly plants? Harleys are not listed in the article but they've been assembled here since 2020 ....
  17. China wants this "land-bridge" and will "loan" the money for it just as they have done all over eastern Africa (ports and railways). Then if Thailand can't repay China will take it over as they are doing now in Africa. The gulf of Thailand will become a bigger environmental dumping ground. Singapore has 1 of the largest ports in the world (along side Hong Kong). Singapore's port is very complex with custom software running where containers are in port, what containers can sit next to others (certain chemicals can not be right next to each other) and how containers are packed on ships (in case of fires at sea). I wouldn't trust Thailand to replicate this. I can imagine HK must have their own custom software as well ...
  18. Triumph motorcycles are assembled in Chonburi ... Harley Davidsons are assembled in Chonburi too. These are also exported to EU. All models except CVOs which still come from the US to Thailand and EU.
  19. Criminal offence for "defamation" is really absurd in this case. They need to define "defamation" vs greed / corruption.
  20. Depends where you are riding. BKK for sure ticket for not being in L lane. CM it doesn't matter. Phuket it doesn't matter.
  21. Nod your head Srettha and then when Prayut is gone start rooting out all the corruption in the various ministries over the past 9 yrs and expose it all. Then when the junta Senators are gone bring up charges against Prayut and all of them or will this go against Thaksin's order. Start with exposing The Watchman (the report from the NACC).
  22. A POS pro-junta article trying to cast blame onto MFP. MFP isn't voting against Democracy or Sretta by not voting for PTP candidate. MFP is voting against a coalition that has junta parties in it - UTN. If PTP hadn't allowed UTN (and possibly PPRP) to join then there might be a case of MFP voting for PTP candidate (even with BheumThai Jai party). If the junta senators vote against Sretta then they really show their BS bias. If this happens then PTP should dissolve the coalition and move into the oppostion with MFP. Except the "great manipulator" - Taksin - won't allow PTP to back out. His manipulations just so he can come back to Thailand are very SAD and do not bode will for the country.
  23. Pita's case is still up at the Constitutional Court (forwarded to CC by the EC). Would have been great if the EC could have done their investigation before the May 14th election!
  24. I never said anything about "ousting Thaksin". The current political mess is largely due to Thaksin sticking his nose into Thai politics just so he can come back. I knew nothing about Thaksin before but now see how he's a master manipulator from the outside! Just as much as the junta Senators and the Elite!
  25. For regular Thais the turbulence in the baht isn't that great I think. But for the hi-so's of Thailand, who cares! ???? They've created this political mess along with the great manipulator - Thaksin. Blame the Senators, HI-SOs and the military for all the stagnation after the election. Yes, we foreigners do make out when transferring in EU, UK, US currency.
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