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Everything posted by HaoleBoy

  1. You might try it before just putting it down ... I have and enjoy it. I posted over in the Cannabis forum, but you can check out GreenYard420 on Twitter.
  2. The price per gram online has dropped substantially - 260 thb / gr, 300 thb / gr, 340 thb / gr ; this is for imported top-shelf strains of good weed. Once local growers (Thai's) start using good seeds from EU / US and becoming more adept at the overall grow cycle (including drying) then local ganja will be good and cheaper.
  3. Are there any "THC testers" on the market? I know some Uni in BKK came out with one to test THC levels. I just want to test my grows at the end to see what I have and whether I should try different grow methods next time.
  4. I requested a "menu" of new seeds coming in ... I'll be getting some "Gorilla Zkittlez", "Smoothie" and "Stardawg" seeds ... debating over the "California Snow". Last batch I bought were 260 / seed ... not sure if this is true for this new batch.
  5. Biden will be at the G20 meeting in Bali Nov 15-16 where Putin and Xi are supposed to be in attendance too. Why would Biden want to stick around in Asia for a week just to attend Thailand's hosting of APEC? Just to talk with this junta government? I'm not a Biden fan ...
  6. The 2nd pic is from me ... I show the buds and a little after grinding it ... I've never bought any of their Mid-grade product. My previous orders from "Green Yard 420" were "Super Lemon Haze" at 300 gr "Orange Sherbert Auto" at 420 gr "Strawberry Pie" at 420 gr
  7. I got my Fast Buds seeds from local Thai distributor "The Garden 333". I believe they are due another shipment soon ... https://www.facebook.com/333thegarden Fast delivery and all have sprouted. Fast Buds online shop in Spain 2fast4buds.com/seeds/gorilla-zkittlez-auto
  8. Just ordered some top shelf weed online from Green Yard 420. Ordered on Fri and delivered today (Sun). Second time I've ordered from them and both very good times (Strawberry Pie and Green Crack). Gorilla Zkittlez Auto - 360 thb / gr (up to 25% thc) not harsh smoke, good head high then flowing into a full body high, sticky buds
  9. Good to see Canada do this, BUT it might have meant more if one of the ASEAN nations had done this first! The collective ASEAN countries talk so much about how great they can be together (and in theory they can be), but with the various junta gov's in ASEAN they get little done.
  10. One would think that the Thai Gov would publish a single way to spell (with alpha numeric lettering) place / street names. It might save them on making road signs. I've seen places spelled 3 different ways within a block on Sukhumvit. Phra Khanong comes to mind ... Taking it 1 step further for food names would help too for a country so dependent on tourism. kung / gung gai / kai
  11. I was looking for a scientific / intelligent reason ... My noted THC % numbers came from Fast Buds (genetically creates new strains) and Leafly.com not from a seller here in Thailand. These 2 companies must list some THC % that they have tested. Yes, this doesn't mean that all buds are the same after growing. If you don't know something then maybe better to just be quiet.
  12. Slightly off topic ... I see a Sativa dominant strain Orange Sherbert 18% THC and Orange Sherbert Auto up to 24% THC. The Auto strain is a newer strain but why the higher THC content? I presume both have the same lineage - Orange Cream, Purple Urkle, Cherry Pie. How does breeding with Ruderalis increase the THC content? I'm not complaining ..
  13. How accurate in weight are your purchases - online or in dispensary? Does anyone check their purchases? With some drugs sold on the street - cocaine, heroin, ... - the dealer cuts the product (steps on it) to make more money. Do online shops or dispensaries just cut the product in weight to make more of a profit? Just wondering ...
  14. Surprised it being the first time. In the US a lot of fentanyl comes in the US Mail from China. Thailand is much closer to China ... maybe it is too expensive for Thailand.
  15. I've bought from local dispensary - High Queeen cnx - with great quality. Top shelf around 700 thb / gr - "Strawberry Cheesecake", "Pineapple Express", "Sundae Driver" ... I've bought online from "Stoner Weed" on Line and was not impressed with the high. I bought "Blue Dream" from them ... Also online at "Green Yard 420" I've bought top shelf buds and enjoyed them quite a bit. "Strawberry Pie" 340thb, "Orange Sherbert" 320thb, "Super Lemon Haze" 300thb https://www.facebook.com/420greenyard There's a new online shop in CNX called "Weed Itz" that seems to have good high end buds, but too expensive in my opinion (900 thb / gr). They say they will have a physical shop soon.
  16. Why isn't this news reported in Bangkok Post???? I hope it is posted in Thai somewhere for the Thai's to read.
  17. This article just talks about the Chinese Property Market and its demise. Another factor in this are the local governments that were building schools and infrastructure while properties were booming. Now the CCP must bail out the local governments. The Silk Road initiative is also a weight around the CCPs neck. A lot of money loaned out with no chance of repayment since these foreign governments are going bust. Recently read that Chinese debt is up to 289% of GDP this year. Yes, the US debt is around 98% of GDP, but 289% is huge. Thailand hitching its prospects on Chinese for anything will lead to a long road to hell.
  18. Decent point, but not quite the same. Xi / China is a communist country and been that way. Thailand is supposed to be a "democratic" country and a coup goes against this. Another coup in Thailand would cut off all funds the US gives Thailand for various initiatives, just as the Prayuth's last coup did. ASEAN and APEC are battling 1 coup and 1 dictator in Myranmar now ...
  19. "Imminent Domain" is to acquire land (not just any unused land) for public use - think land for freeways. The owner must be compensated at fair market value. "the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use" This is not the same as what Thailand (and Brasil) do.
  20. I've seen this in Brasil, but didn't know Thailand had the same law. How many other countries have this type of law?
  21. If he does another coup, then the APEC Economic Leaders Summit in Nov should be moved to another country to host. Why allow a dictator to host this summit? It has been said enough that Prayuth really wants to be the host of this years summit.
  22. Not sure. Seems to follow alcohol which isn't allowed to be sold online or advertised online. One can't even post beer / wine / whiskey in FB posts ... they count that as advertising. Farmers today are mostly selling to weed dispensaries as far as I can tell.
  23. Nothing about forbidding the sale of Cannabis flowers / buds. So will all the weed dispensaries be able to stay open after this bill becomes law? Seems "recreational" use will be allowed.
  24. Many Thais are starting to drink wine now (imported not local). This can be seen at Wine Bars cropping up in BKK and CM ... of course these Thais have some money. I like a good bottle of red wine, but don't know French wines and California wines are hard to come by (something decent).
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